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QOTD - March 2024

18th March 2024

I HATE trying to decide on meals.
Tonight's easy enough, though. Mum bought a 6-pack of peppered grillsteaks yesterday, and we ate half, so we have to use up the other 3 of them tonight.
Mum got back from Tesco with a big grin on her face. ''I *snip*


Getting Back to iOS Dev

17th March 2024

Well, at least I'm not the only language-creator who gets baffled about minuses..


Scrolling tiles

17th March 2024

Get out the projector!!!


Getting Back to iOS Dev

17th March 2024

Today's doings..
1. Proper ''DrawText(x,y,''str'',centered);'' command is now functional.
2. Rect command is now functional.
3. iOS's Screen Scaling now feeds back to my usual ''jscrw,jscrh'' so I can fin*snip*


Scrolling tiles

17th March 2024

Future proofing :D


QOTD - March 2024

17th March 2024

By trying my best to make my games as fun to play as I possibly can.


Happy Birthday, therevillsgames

17th March 2024

\\O/yeay\\o/ cake!


Fraggle Rock

16th March 2024

Fraggle Rock Season 2 : Friday 29th March 2024.


Pakz' New Site

16th March 2024

I miss making websites. I mean, I've made all the JavaScript/canvas game sites, but a ''classic'' website, from scratch, with plain pages and no giant database.. feels like decades.
That's a nice big catalogue of all your experiments. Go*snip*



15th March 2024

I haven't done a newsletter for a couple of weeks. Sorry, all. To be fair, I did write one last week but upon reading through it, it was incredibly ’’ME, ME, ME’’, so I never posted it.


Who Hype - 2024

15th March 2024

May 11th at Midnight, GMT.
Two episodes will drop, together, on iPlayer, but also simultaneously worldwide on Disney+
One a week thereafter, also at midnight.
Episodes will then play out on the telly the same night, but it'll meant none-telly watc*snip*


ALChoons : Zinc

15th March 2024

JSE Animation


Happy Birthday, TKS

15th March 2024

Happy birthday, TKS!


QOTD - March 2024

15th March 2024

Discovering the life-bonus cheat in Bruce Lee. You run into a certain room, collect the extra life, then run out and back and.. Hey, it's there again!!!


Getting Back to iOS Dev

14th March 2024

Various Sprites from Browsercade!
Spritesheets are now working, but they don't half use a lot of maths to work properly. Bit of a bummer, really, but.. What can you do?!
Oddly, my iPad can handle 1000 sprites at 60fps in Landscape, *snip*


E.U. AI Act

14th March 2024

I do hope they opt to evolve any rules before it gets put into action. Anything written today will be grossly outdated in a week, never mind 2 years!


Getting Back to iOS Dev

14th March 2024

No, StackOverflow will give you answers from 2010.. and complain that things were answered in 2010 if you dare to ask for an update.


Getting Back to iOS Dev

14th March 2024

Claude, Poe and Bard were all lying to me. SpriteKit does indeed to recolouring.
Bing/Copilot told me how.
You need to set the sprite's ''.colorBlendFactor'' to 1.
That's a good hour of my day gone..


Getting Back to iOS Dev

14th March 2024

I'm not getting anywhere with the shader!


Getting Back to iOS Dev

14th March 2024

I'm currently trying to figure out Shaders.... !!!


Getting Back to iOS Dev

14th March 2024

Oh, cool..
... So, SpriteKit doesn't handle recolouring sprites.
That's fantastic...
You have to recolour the texture, then use that on the sprite.


Getting Back to iOS Dev

14th March 2024

iTxt=''Mills() = \\(Mills())\\nRand() = \\(Rand(0,100))'';
var g:Double;
for m in (0...1000) {


Getting Back to iOS Dev

14th March 2024

Let's make an array of 5000x50 elements..
[code]Dim JDo(5000,50)[/code]
''Swift'' is it fuck..
[code]public var JDo = [[Double]](repeating: [Double](repeating: 0.0, count: 50), count: 5000)[/code]


Getting Back to iOS Dev

14th March 2024

It's that ''in''... The in is breaking my brain.
For n is (1...10) I could cope with, but For n in (1...10) ...?


QOTD - March 2024

14th March 2024

I was amazed when Legend of Kain : Soul Reaver came out, with its ability to constantly stream the entire game world as it went along.
Sure, other games had done that, but I think that might've been one of the earliest examples of a 3D game doing it p*snip*

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