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Getting Back to iOS Dev

13th March 2024

OK, 1,000 ''sprites'' onscreen per frame, any colour, any rotation, any size, none of that seems to matter in the slightest.
Now to see if I can get images onto those sprites!!!


Getting Back to iOS Dev

13th March 2024

Oh, fuck off, Swift..


She's a Barbie Girl

13th March 2024


Mark's LibSGD

13th March 2024

I did have it do that kind of thing once under the Win11Arm guff, but it's not done it again since. I did toggle the debugger off, so figured that was probably what solved it, but I guess not.
The usual ''update drivers, etc'' sugge*snip*


QOTD - March 2024

13th March 2024

Nah, I'm with you on that one. What doesn't fit into an array isn't worth thinking about!
I think the chatbots have been my biggest learning tool of late.


Scrolling tiles

12th March 2024

Yeah, I figured that'd probably be the case.


Scrolling tiles

12th March 2024

Is b3d the one with ''lockbuffer'' and ''writepixelfast''? .. and don't forget to unlock buffer..
That ''might'' be quicker, though if you're redrawing too many.. maybe not..!


Scrolling tiles

12th March 2024

Have been working on JXMTracks as XM files exporter.. Hope that's useful for you.


JXMb (Latest JMTrackr)

12th March 2024

OK, spent the past couple of days working on this, and it ''should'' be functional'ish for Spinal!
How to quickly get a practically infinite supply of ALChoons as .xm mods.
1. Open JXMb. You may need to refresh before the new functionality a*snip*


Mark's LibSGD

12th March 2024

Try toggling Debug mode.


Mark's LibSGD

12th March 2024

Yeah, runs just fine on my little GPD device. No issues whatsoever.
(Had to check if it was running Win10! It is.)


AGameAWeek 2024

12th March 2024

Bandam Spinfire
I've now officially missed a week.
*slaps wrist*
This was almost ready about a week ago, and I've been procrastinating with iOS dev, Musical work and even a stupid printer thing.
Gawd, I'm so unfocussed of late.


Flap Happy and Fancy Free!

12th March 2024

!!! Eeek.


QOTD - March 2024

12th March 2024

iOS Development.


Scrolling tiles

12th March 2024

Indeed, that's an odd one! Doesn't look like it should be a float issue, but as Pakz says, there's a vague possibility that it might be.
[code]For x
Use ix


Flap Happy and Fancy Free!

11th March 2024

Oooof! You ok?


QOTD - March 2024

11th March 2024

I'd much rather do the exact opposite!


Scrolling tiles

10th March 2024

It's 100% fine to be using those again :D


QOTD - March 2024

10th March 2024

I miss all these old companies.
I miss hardware revisions that are significant advances in technology, rather than ''ooh, 300,000 extra polygons!''
First company to do proper holograms gets all my moniez!!!


Scrolling tiles

9th March 2024

ALChoons are always useable. Just, for your own sanity, try to avoid the Televised, Sonically, Pulpish and Memories Of albums, due to them being covers/reinterpretations.


Scrolling tiles

9th March 2024

Place random edible objects in some levels. Individual edibles that only show up in a single level. A banana in level 8, a Jammie Dodger in level 13, etc. then if the player eats one or two, give them the hungry achievement. If they eat 10, they get a sn*snip*


QOTD - March 2024

9th March 2024

Phone calls.


QOTD - March 2024

8th March 2024

I dunno. Seeing what happens to my Greenie AI Art model after a few months, and how it evolves and slowly becomes ''not the thing that was originally created''...
The doesn't sound good for a conciousness!!


OpenAI Chat

7th March 2024

Claude 3 was fed this text file, then given the following prompt
I want to make a nice swirling background effect that I can use in my YouTube videos. Do you think you could create a sort of plasma effect or something that bloops and burps all over the sc*snip*


QOTD - March 2024

7th March 2024

The bigger the task, the larger the bowl of noodles! Nom, nom, nom
[spoiler] (Image.jpg)
I have no idea what Loverfur is... Bloody wonky AI!

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