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Getting Back to iOS Dev

6th March 2024

Has this really taken me three days to work out?
In the above screenshot, every frame the label is changed to show Mills and a Rand number.
Mills() and Rand(a,b) are functions inside my JFrame.swift script
In the project, a JCode ''*snip*


Getting Back to iOS Dev

6th March 2024

Still fiddling about with the template, trying to figure out how best I can convert OMG, AppleCode into something more.. um.. not fucking insane..
[me]if let spinnyNode = self.spinnyNode { [/me]
The hell does that even..!?!
I mean, I know..
It's l*snip*


QOTD - March 2024

6th March 2024

I've barely done anything RPG.
I'm not a fan of RPG, but I do appreciate the ''gather, retain, use'' mentality of a lengthy drawn out RPG, grabbing weapons, magic, building XP, that sort of stuff.
Since my move to web-dev'ing, though,*snip*


ALChoons : Zinc

5th March 2024

A trip to see an old friend, and a reused animation to make everything that little bit lazier!!!


Scrolling tiles

5th March 2024

Yeah, I don't think Steam has any particular preference :)
therevillsgames has posted a number of BMax games. Not sure about 3D, but .. Yeah, I don't think there'd be an issue with that, right!?
Your main issue will be, if it's in a main*snip*


Flap Happy and Fancy Free!

5th March 2024



QOTD - March 2024

5th March 2024

Don't think I use ''emoji'' that much.
I tend to stick with emoticons and smilies, myself.


Picard Season Three

5th March 2024

I keep seeing that in my YouTube feed, and every time I do, it makes me think of... Pogo-tastic


Getting Back to iOS Dev

4th March 2024

Yeah, my M2Air is just fine.
Maybe once I've earned a bazillion pounds from this epic game!


Getting Back to iOS Dev

4th March 2024

OK, I've done a number of quick tests, over the course of the day, and I don't think this is going to be a ''..and then I'd made a game!!'' kind of thing.
Screen scaling and such is somewhat haphazard. Even the above simple template w*snip*


OpenAI Chat

4th March 2024

They're all crap at that, though..
(Image.png) (Image.png) (Image.png)


Getting Back to iOS Dev

4th March 2024

I've already stopped to have a bit of a mental rest. OMG!!!
Really no idea what I'm doing with Swift, but figured it probably a good way to go. It very much seems like the ''Apple'' way of doing things.
If nothing else, it's a learn*snip*


Getting Back to iOS Dev

4th March 2024

Good grief, it's been an effort, this morning.
I'm currently up to the ''I wonder if I can code with Swift?'' point.
I've plugged in the iPad (!!!! Haven't done that in a LONG time!) and am currently waiting for Xcode to do whatev*snip*


Getting Back to iOS Dev

4th March 2024

OK.. I need to make an iOS game, now. Anyone know the easiest way for a lazy-dev like me to make up a modern iOS game?! What's the ’’in’’ thing, nowadays?


QOTD - March 2024

3rd March 2024

Indiana Jones and the Curse of the Godawful Pile of Garbage


Scrolling tiles

2nd March 2024



Welcome Triptych

2nd March 2024

Hi Triptych, welcome to SoCoder.
I do hope you enjoy having a nosey around at all the old grumpy people complaining/enjoying AI! That seems to be the general theme around here, lately, though we do frequently code things, too.
SoCoder tries to be about *snip*


AGameAWeek 2024

2nd March 2024

Greenie Goes Fishing
Spent far too long trying to get this game done. The majority of the game was finished on Sunday, and ALL I had to do was add the little scoring system. It took me half a week to get around to that.
Lazy Jay..
You *snip*


QOTD - March 2024

2nd March 2024

I don't think I do. I'm usually thinking about how much work next week's game is going to be...
I should probably appreciate things more.
*Looks out window*
*Pissing down with rain*
*Back to coding*


What Have You Done - February 2024

1st March 2024

What did you get done this Month?
[*]JSE For-Loop Improvement
[*]Megaball Clone
[*]Hula Hoop Song
Did everything turn out as planned?
I think so, all except this past week or two, when things took a bit of a downturn.
Doctor put me on a*snip*


QOTD - March 2024

1st March 2024

The Xbox Duke. Those squeezy triggers were SO satisfying.


ALChoons : Zinc

29th February 2024

.. I'll be honest, the jogging animation is a bit shit!!!


Welcome Back, Grisu!

29th February 2024

Hey, welcome back! ('ish!)
Though there's not many of us left around here, it's good to know there's still a number of oldskool Blitzers roaming around.
Fun Fact : This site is ''SoCoder.net'' and was built in a hurry after Coder*snip*


Mark's LibSGD

29th February 2024

I said as much on the comments of that Matt Wolfe video the other day, but I code because it's what I do to chill. If it's 20 years down the line, and we have Trek style holodecks where you can step in and say ''Make me a glorious movie length*snip*


Quantum Leap - 2022

29th February 2024

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