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XML Lotus Particles loader.

13th December 2007

Okay I am wondering if its because I have everything in strings I think I need to convert the string to a integer and see if that works?!?! =/ not sure.
Edit: Nope didnt work.. :(


XML Lotus Particles loader.

13th December 2007

Ah I see thats fine its my fault I didnt explain what type. :P
I am documenting the functions in lotus all of them! :P
Here's a PDF of what I have so far please tell me what you think should be changed different.
Particle Technology.PDF


XML Lotus Particles loader.

13th December 2007

Okay I got a email from the person who made lotus particles.
He said this:
[code]I'll suggest this: write a recursive
function to read the file. From what I can see, you're attempting to
treat it as if it has a specific structure that will always be t*snip*


XML Lotus Particles loader.

13th December 2007

Yeah this is it works fine if I dont load it from the XML file but as soon as start loading it from the XML file everything goes crazy. If you look you can see there are like 100+ particles being emitted but nothing is showing up on the screen. If you chan*snip*


XML Lotus Particles loader.

13th December 2007

Well I decided to document the lotus R2 particle system. Since the XML loader in it was never completed I decided to also complete that and release it as an upgraded version. I've come across a error that is making me sooo mad!! I get all the data correctl*snip*


Age old Collision problems!

13th December 2007

Hmm your most likely setting up your collisions wrong giving them the wrong types and setting stuff up wrong I know I forgot to add one number somewhere and I couldnt find the problem anywhere! So make sure you go over your collision code carefully to see *snip*


XML file saving loading...

12th December 2007

Okay so I ended up figuring out how the other one works. :) I hope your not too disappointed jay yours just ran alittle too slow. :P Here's what the XML looks like and it loads it perfectly! :D


XML file saving loading...

12th December 2007

Okay I looked at yours and it was rather slow but I think I understand how XML works in blitz.
Thanks for the code! :)


XML file saving loading...

12th December 2007

Okay I have this XML file format saving code. I have no clue how it works even after looking at the code and was wondering if some people could shed some light on this...
[code]; ID: 361
; Author: Blitztastic
; Date: 2002-07-05 08:57:18
; Title: XML co*snip*


I wonder if this will fly !.

10th December 2007

yeah yeah I see him flying and with ears that big he should be able to pick up and talk to traffic control too. :)



6th December 2007

Hey that looks pretty cool I could probably sit there for like an hour watching them..


Xmas Avatars!

6th December 2007

hmm the avatars are a bit small but whatever I got mine up if you want to know what it is you can look here for the full image:
The avabars are just too small I dont know what to put.. :)


forgotten your password google can find it for you unfortunately

5th December 2007

You have to find the md5 passwords list this is usualy hidden and either in a txt format or something else..
Tutorial on hash cracking at least MD5


forgotten your password google can find it for you unfortunately

5th December 2007

lol anyone who gets your MD5 keys can easily crack the MD5 passwords. In fact back in highschool I use to crack the server and grab all the passwords for everyones accounts. :) Then I just started login in as different one time I got really evil and logged*snip*



4th December 2007

Does playing video games count? Or how bout spending time with my friends? Or even programming? Other then those I dont have any other hobbies. :P


#127 - The 1 Hour Challenge

3rd December 2007

Hey looks good I got a 22 then I lost interest cause there was no lifes. It gave me a nice idea for a 2D game though..


WM003 - Christmas (Already!)

3rd December 2007

The 14th of November to The 26th of December 2007


CSS Design

3rd December 2007

Yeah if you want I can post the site i got them from if I can find it again.. :P not sure how much bandwidth that would of taken up cause a high res picture would of taken up the same amount but whatever..


CSS Design

3rd December 2007

[edit]By Phoenix: Let's not kill Jay's bandwidth with ASCII porn, okay?[/edit]
Perfect breasts
Fake silicone breasts
( + )( + )
Perky breasts
Big nipple breasts
A cups
o o
D cups
{ O }{ O }
Wonder bra breasts
Cold *snip*


My websites

3rd December 2007

hmm I could do that but it wouldnt be animated.. I am no flash artist...


My websites

3rd December 2007

Yeah I like the clean look on the game site more then my team site..


Bump Mapping and Specular Mapping

3rd December 2007

The source huh well I used the same method that andreyman did when he did this example:
It uses cubemaps and stuff. I use the basic same idea. Except I point the light at the mesh and I also render the cubem*snip*


Materials and texturing..

1st December 2007

Got a problem with the bellow code:
[code]; GetSurfaceBrush Example
; -----------------------
Graphics3D 640,480,32,1
SetBuffer BackBuffer()
Global camera=CreateCamera()
RotateEntity light,90,0,0
; Load mesh


Bump Mapping and Specular Mapping

30th November 2007

I finally completed my quest for bump mapping and specular mapping in my editor and I wanted to know what you guys thought about it.
This is really easy to do in blitz3D and it doesnt loose framerate..
If anyone wants the code in how to *snip*


How is everyone?

30th November 2007

wow the tiba wow thats just nasty sounding a crack huh...

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