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Socoder -> Monkey -> Learning With Monkey

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Fri, 25 Jan 2013, 18:43
Opted for glfw, since the stdcpp target threw up a "The mojo module is not available on the stdcpp target" error..

STDCPP is a text console target - no graphics, therefore no Mojo.

For Windows the official support is GLFW and XNA... and unofficially MonkeyMax
Sat, 26 Jan 2013, 02:22
You can tell I've been thoroughly reading the instructions as I go, can't you
..I'm running blind. I'm sure it'll bite me in the arse later, but so far so good!!
The version of Monkey running on the Laptop is, I think 66b, although it might be 66.. Can't quite remember. I do remember downloading 66b, but whether I put that on the Mac or the Lappy, I'm not sure!!

Android results are flowing in at a decent rate. I've a fair sample, from "didn't work at all, WTF is this shit?", "I think it's having a seizure" through to "Runs piss poor slowly", and everything inbetween.
Not a lot of "runs great", unfortunately..
At current rate, it appears that my Android versions will indeed be the shittest.
Which is odd, because I was expecting the HTML edition to be shittest, but currently it's beating the native Win edition!!!

|update| Additional.. |update|
Seems I DID Enable Texture Filtering, after all.
Hmm.. this is a bit of an issue...
If you take a look at the following picture up close, and particularly the hills, you'll notice they're horrible and grainy..

I was hoping I could just switch on Texture Filtering to clear that up, but .. I already HAVE.. Which means the Android ain't bloody well doing it.
Damnit to hell!!

''Load, Next List!''
Sat, 26 Jan 2013, 04:11

Does this icon say "Click here to reset the accelerometer levels to the level you're currently holding the device in" to you?
If not, can you do any better?!
I hate trying to draw this icon, it's a pain in the arse, and I'm as artistic as a brick!!

''Load, Next List!''
Sat, 26 Jan 2013, 05:58
I downloaded the "Stroke My Monkey" file and installed it on my phone. It seems to be working, I'm getting loads of random images but I'm not sure what else it's supposed to do.

I don't see that "Click here to reset accelerometer" icon anywhere either.
Sat, 26 Jan 2013, 06:25
I only just drew the "click to reset accelerometer" thing, and haven't added it to the uploaded package yet. I'll let you know once I have.
As for the "OMG! RANDOM! WTF!?".. Yes, it's throwing a buttload of random sprites on the screen!
If it works, it works, and that's as much as I can hope for.

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Sat, 26 Jan 2013, 07:23
I forgot to give you my device info:

Device: Samsung Galaxy Ace (GT-S5830).
Android Version: 2.3.5
Android Build Number: (GINGERBREAD.BUKS2)
Sat, 26 Jan 2013, 15:13
My first game on iOS was Cardagain, a nice little card based puzzle game.
As I pondered what I should attempt for Android game #1, that fact leapt into my mind.
What the hey! Lets do that, then!!

Here's day one.. (day one being approx an hour, if that!!)

View on YouTube

''Load, Next List!''
Sat, 26 Jan 2013, 19:25
Your test was compiled in debug mode. From what I've read, a compile out of debug mode runs better/faster.

All the raw, animal magnetism of a rutabaga.
Sun, 27 Jan 2013, 01:48
This is standard. Everyone knows this. Even BlitzMax behaves this way. Release is faster than debug.

Afr0 Games

Project Dollhouse on Github - Please fork!
Sun, 27 Jan 2013, 02:54
Yeah, debug mode was left on on purpose, since I'm still debugging!
CodersRule even sent me a nice big error message, with enough info to find and squish a wee bug! Handy!!
As for getting much faster, though, I'm not actually worried about the speed, as much as I am the fact that the games look like ass, even though I've gone through the hassle of having three different art resolutions!!
Bloody thing!!

Speed I can manage. Hell I've been making simplistic games for years! If a system needs me to stick to three sprites, then by heck, I'll do a game with three sprites!!!

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Sun, 27 Jan 2013, 06:29
Just have to say... This is one of best quotes I've read online for ages:-

That means that every single Badge is going to require a fucking Art Degree!!

Everytime I read that, it makes me smile!


Intel Core i5 6400 2.7GHz, NVIDIA GeForce GTX 1070 (8GB), 8Gig DDR4 RAM, 256GB SSD, 1TB HDD, Windows 10 64bit
Sun, 27 Jan 2013, 15:15

View on YouTube

Left = Nexus
Right = iPad
Code = Exactly the same! Not a line has been changed between the two!
I am SO happy with Monkey, right now!!

''Load, Next List!''
Mon, 28 Jan 2013, 03:18

Gimme My Art Degree!!!

("10 in a row", in Knitted Cardagain Styleee!)

''Load, Next List!''
Mon, 28 Jan 2013, 05:51
Cardagain Again!
A nice big (BIG) update, bringing back all 8 of the classic Card Decks, as well as a few shitty badges.
It's also grown from 3.5Mb to 10Mb!! Yikes, that's a lot of graphics!!

Aw well, no matter.
Hopefully it doesn't cause any incompatibilities!

''Load, Next List!''
Mon, 28 Jan 2013, 08:02
Framework Download and Waffle

If you've ever wanted to shout and scream at my terrible coding methods, now's the time to do it, as I release v13_01_28 of my framework! (That's the date, btw! Too lazy to come up with actual version numbers..)

It's absolutely insane, and I'm pretty fucking sure nobody in their right mind would ever want to use it, but there it be..!

''Load, Next List!''
Mon, 28 Jan 2013, 09:53
I installed Cardagain on my phone earlier, it works fine.
Mon, 28 Jan 2013, 09:55
I really need to hurry up and get these car repairs sorted so that I can save some more cash and get monkey, bloomin' car's costing me a fortune.
Mon, 28 Jan 2013, 11:06
\O/yeay\o/! More Cardagain players

Well, looks like Cardagain will be my first proper AGameAWeek game using Monkey. AGameAWeek has been slightly erratic, this month, but I have still managed to just about bundle little piddly things, all month. Cardagain's a nice big release, though, and will probably additionally be submitted as my OneGameAMonth game.

Things todo, still..
1. iOS GameCenter stuff.
2. I need to update my Jayenkai Archive script to allow for all the new Monkey targets. Might give the whole site an overhaul, while I'm at it.
3. Music! I really need to make a decision on this one..

There's also plenty of iOS target tweaks that I need to fiddle about with, but those can wait until I've something AppStore worthy!

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Mon, 28 Jan 2013, 13:05
So how does Monkey compare to xcode and cocos2d? more to the point, how does it compare to blitz?

Check out my excellent homepage!
Mon, 28 Jan 2013, 13:40
The biggest stumbling block is the fact that gameplay and graphics are now two completely separate things.
You have two main loops.
OnUpdate() and OnRender()
Update does your logic, render draws everything, but you can't do any drawing in the Update, and you shouldn't do game logic in the Render.
It took a long time for my oldskool head to wrap around that!

My framework includes a sprite engine. During Update, I use DrawImg(), which pops my requested sprites into an array, then during Render it spits them all back out again.
Simplistic, but it does the job.
Once that was up and running, I no longer had to worry about the two-thread thing, and simply coded my game in the Update part..

Syntax wise, other than the odd quirk, it's still very much a Blitz language, and if you're used to BMax, it shouldn't be too big a leap.

As for comparing it to XCode/Cocos.. Dunno.
This time last year, I finally got everything working in my cocos engine, and managed to chuck out Unijuggler pretty quickly. (And then NeonPlat in February!)
I was settled into a groove, and could wrangle my way through cocos pretty darned well.
But obj-C and BlitzMax were annoyingly different enough that I couldn't simply port from one to the other.
Monkey, too, is different again, but this time I don't have to rewrite half of it, to run it on iOS/Windows.
I can write once.

There are issues.. I have no Mod player.. I only have one single string for saves.. I still haven't tackled GameCenter...

But I'm getting to grips with it.
Cardagain was literally written in a day!! You can see it on Youtube. One day it's a test engine... The next it's a playable game!!
.. And then it runs on Android, and HTML, too.

Mark's done a great job.

If you're settled into the cocos groove, I'd probably suggest keeping going with that. You've already managed a lot.
But if you can get the demo working, have a play with it, and see if you can get to grips with it.
My whole framework is ready for fiddling with

''Load, Next List!''
Tue, 29 Jan 2013, 00:52
spinal So how does Monkey compare to xcode and cocos2d? more to the point, how does it compare to blitz?

As a monkey would say, "oo-oo-oo...". I had a play with the demo about a year ago and liked what I saw, it's got OOP with methods in types and stuff.

|edit| All of the above in an easy to learn lingo. |edit|
Tue, 29 Jan 2013, 02:22
OK, time to batten down the hatches.
Complicated stuff ahead.

Here's a list of things that I'm too scared to dare attempt, but am about to attempt because it's all that's left to add!!
1. WordList
A giant list of 170,000 words that somehow has to fit into a HTML file? .. What!?!!

2. Music Engine
I've previously suggested that I might wimp out on this, and use the internal mp3 player, instead of attempting to re-code my Pseudo-Random Music Generator.
.. I think I'll wimp out!

3. iOS Specific Stuff
GameCenter, and figuring out orientation, and things of that nature. This is more down to laziness, if I'm honest!

4. Fixing up my Website
Oh dear god, NO!!!! AAARRRGGGHH!!!
(I wonder if I could code a new website in Monkey?! That would be... different...!)

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Tue, 29 Jan 2013, 05:28
Done task 4 in the laziest way possible. Quick tweaks here and there to allow HTML and Android links.
Lazy, but has taken me sodding hours!!!

''Load, Next List!''
Tue, 29 Jan 2013, 07:11
In Blitz2D/3D I was able to include "Wordbank.jnk" and load the wordlist into a huge array.
In BlitzMax I also had the wordlist as an array, but included it as raw data into memory. Much neater!
In C for DS Homebrew, I had a super-massive Array=[1,2,3,4] array filled with numbers. Compiled nice and quick, instantly loaded the wordlist into memory, worked wonderfully.
In Obj-C for iOS.. Hey, I just included the DS version!

Today, I converted the wordlist to a super-massive Monkey array.
.. Monkey didn't like it. (I gave up after 20 minutes of it trying to compile it!!)

Not sure what to do about it, now.
All New Stringy Things might not be achievable.

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Tue, 29 Jan 2013, 08:24
IIRC the list data structure is more basic to Monkey than the array. Can you make your list a list?

All the raw, animal magnetism of a rutabaga.
Tue, 29 Jan 2013, 08:45
Not sure, maybe.. trying something different, will update in a bit, depending on outcome, and length of time required to get it working/not working.

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