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Socoder -> Festive Threads -> Advent of Creativity 2

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Thu, 12 Dec 2019, 17:44
Platdude loves your pixelated blue sphere!
Fri, 13 Dec 2019, 05:14

Day Thirteen

Unlucky for some...

After finishing off and posting yesterday's "Flea Jumper" game on Petit Switch, I took a few hours out of my day.
We went voting, which was ultimately time wasted, and then I sat trying to decide what to do next.
A couple of really minor tweaks to the Knitter were done, but were so insignificant that I didn't even bother to upload the changes.

Later on, I started work on a few tweaks to AGameAWeek.com, just as the voting result news started to trickle through, and .. Honestly, that completely sapped any and all motivation that I had.

> Reveal 🔎

I'll try harder, today.

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Sat, 14 Dec 2019, 05:00

Day Fourteen

I was much more productive, yesterday. *phew*

First off, I added a bunch of little animated gifs to my Petit Switch page. You can now click on a game and have it pop up a little anim showing off the gameplay.
I'm now tempted to add that functionality to the entire AGameAWeek site, but the prospect of making animated gifs for over 500 games is ever so slightly putting me off!!!

So, for now, I'll forget I even thought such a silly thing.

Instead, I hopped back over to the knitting, and managed to add a couple of thicker stitches to the Knitter.

The stitch type is selectable at the bottom, next to the Knit/Save buttons.
There's also a new "Variation" setting, which will transform the knit from a "Perfect" set of rows, to a much more haphazard set.
It defaults to the central "slightly varied" option, since I happen to think that looks more hand-knitted than the perfect clean "machined" look of the unvaried setting.

You can, as per usual, Knit Your Own here.

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Sat, 14 Dec 2019, 11:32
Having not had time to do anything for Day 13, here's Day 14: combining my previous voxel and terrain raytracing things to make... raytraced voxel terrain!

It's all very inefficient and slow and there's an occasional noticeable seam because the noise texture doesn't tile, but hey, it basically works.


A mushroom a day keeps the doctor away...

Keep It Simple, Shroom!
Sat, 14 Dec 2019, 11:48
Yep, that struggles
Still, it's a steady 15fps, so there's that at least!
If you could maybe narrow down the view a bit, make it more zoomed in like Crossy Roads, then you could probably get that speed up a fair bit.

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Sun, 15 Dec 2019, 05:06

Day Fifteen

Not much impressive yesterday. Dull day. Flat day.. Not much of anything got done.

The biggest "Thing Done" of the day was doing the online Xmas Food Order Shopping Doohickey. We've gone with Sainsbury's again, this year. The usual suspects, but lacking all the fruit/veg/turkey because we always do those at the very last minute.
Even doing it online still took pissing hours to do, though. There's a list as long as your arm, but 100 more items to add that you've forgotten.

So, with half the day wasted, and not really being in a productive mood, I didn't get much of anything done at all.
Instead, then, here's a couple of test images I've recently knitted.

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Sun, 15 Dec 2019, 12:18
I still love that style.

It inspired me to try my own sewing thing for Day 15's shader - but I don't think my cross-stitch has quite the same charm as your knitting! I'm no artist to begin with, and adding detail to the scene takes more careful number fiddling than I have the patience for...


A mushroom a day keeps the doctor away...

Keep It Simple, Shroom!
Sun, 15 Dec 2019, 13:08
That's nice, the way it rescales the stitches to fit the screen resolution!

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Mon, 16 Dec 2019, 04:40

Day Sixteen

More Knitting!!

I attempted Garter Stitch last night, and .. for the most part it "Looks" OK.
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The stitches are fake-added vertically, and it seems to work well enough as long as ALL the stitches are Garter Stitch.

If you try to mix the stitches up, however (not implemented for user-use!! only currently doable via hacky hack methods!) then it's really obvious where the two stitch types differ, particularly towards the right hand side of wooloo, and they end up clashing together.

> Reveal 🔎

I need to figure out exactly how the two stitches are supposed to "connect" to each other, properly.

More sitting reading knitting blogs for me, today!

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Mon, 16 Dec 2019, 06:00
Scanned through the 1800+ Daily Platdude Pixelarts, and managed to pick out 10 .. Ten out of 1800!! .. to make up a knit picture a day until Xmas.

> Reveal 🔎

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Mon, 16 Dec 2019, 09:38
Day 16: Decided to try something different but simple - I realised that Voronoi Diagrams (a diagram showing which areas are closest to particular points) are really easy to do with shaders, and so threw this together:


A mushroom a day keeps the doctor away...

Keep It Simple, Shroom!
Mon, 16 Dec 2019, 10:35
Ooooooooooooh! I like that!!
Mon, 16 Dec 2019, 11:33
I like that too
Tue, 17 Dec 2019, 05:22

Day Seventeen

A nice relaxing day, yesterday, spent working on a Shoebox game.
Wrote about 95% of a game within a few short hours, and then sat playtesting it for a while.
I figured it'd do "for now", and I'll get around to finishing it off tonight.
All was good.
All was relaxed.

I opened up YouTube, watched some trains, watched some cooking, watched some tech.
A lazy evening.

And then at about 11pm, I remembered I'm supposed to write a new Foldapuz game on a Monday.
And the Foldapuz page renews at midnight...
. Fuuuuu!!!

Surfing the net, I found the puzzle game "Bunkatsu", which I pinched fairly rapidly and turned into a Foldapuz game.
I just about managed to get everything finished and uploaded by about 12:10, and then had to refresh the cache so that it popped up as "Today's New Game!"

I've never panic-coded an entire game, so crazily, in all my life!!!

The game is Playable here.
There's a set of dominoes layed out, horizontally and vertically.
Where a O wall is drawn, that shows two adjacent dominoes that are laid out in the same direction.
Where a X wall is drawn, that symbolises two dominoes that are at 90 degrees to each other.

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Tue, 17 Dec 2019, 07:57
For Day 17 I figured I'd mess around with yesterday's shader to try and make a nice 'stained glass' effect, with refraction of an image behind, tinted by the colour. But it didn't really end up looking that interesting compared to yesterday's offering.

Then, just because, I decided to try switching the Voronoi diagram to draw the second closest point rather than the closest point, and then everything got much more interestingly fractured.


Not convinced it's better than the pure simplicity of yesterday's, but hey.

A mushroom a day keeps the doctor away...

Keep It Simple, Shroom!
Tue, 17 Dec 2019, 08:07
It's nice.. But I think it could do with the edging like the last one.
Looks more like a cut-diamond than a stained glass thing.

Still nice, though!

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Tue, 17 Dec 2019, 09:44
Oh yeah, forgot this.. (Ooops)

Today's Knit
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Tue, 17 Dec 2019, 15:06
I prefer the first one, but it's still a nice effect.
Wed, 18 Dec 2019, 04:34

Day Eighteen

View on YouTube

A new shoebox game, today.
In Obstruction, claim groups of up to 9 squares at a time.
The last player to claim a point on the grid is declared the winner.

Obstruction in the Shoebox!!!

Meanwhile, today's knit..
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Wed, 18 Dec 2019, 17:30
Slightly belated Day 18... a 2D physics simulation of particles that exert gravity on one-another. It's tricky to get anything super interesting to occur, as the particles have a tendency to all shoot off into space, but I recommend fiddling with the various constants in the 'Common' tab (if you open it up on the ShaderToy site) to try different combinations. It's arguably more exciting the more particles you have, but that depends how much your graphics card can take!


A mushroom a day keeps the doctor away...

Keep It Simple, Shroom!
Wed, 18 Dec 2019, 17:33
Nice effect
Looks like a reversed explosion, or something.

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Thu, 19 Dec 2019, 04:39

Day Nineteendo

I didn't get to do much of anything yesterday, beyond playing with microStudio.
microStudio's nice enough, but has quirks that I think might limit it from being a "learning tool" like PlayMyCode was.

I still can't get over "For -- End".. .. You don't End.. You loop!!
Meh, whatever.

You can play my rendition of SpikeDislike here, and that'll have to do you for creativity, because after that, I was all out of creativitinessity.

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Thu, 19 Dec 2019, 16:42
Day 19: a spirograph-type-thing!


If you want to, you can open it up in ShaderToy and change the values in the array at the top of Buffer A to make your own patterns.

A mushroom a day keeps the doctor away...

Keep It Simple, Shroom!
Thu, 19 Dec 2019, 18:11
Smart maths!
You could probably do an entire star system with planets and moons and have them swirl around each other.
Maybe not a real system, though. If you tried to do the Solar System, there'd be WAY too many moons to try and keep track of!!

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Fri, 20 Dec 2019, 05:10

Day Twenty

Not a whole lot of creativity, yesterday.
.. Well, no, there WAS, it just isn't something you'll all get to play with.
I was halfway through coding a level generator for a puzzle game on Switch, when I realised I really didn't have time since I should really have posted a game an hour or so ago, and this game isn't going anywhere.
So I stopped trying to code that game, coded a completely different game, and released that to Petit Switch instead.

View on YouTube

Bunny Bites..
They don't look like bunnies and they bark like dogs when they bite you.
Can you tell I coded that quickly, and didn't quite think it through!?


I'm now back to trying to figure out that level generator again, and am stuck trying to do it.

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Fri, 20 Dec 2019, 17:04
Sort of a space-and-circles theme for Day 20, though perhaps not quite in the way Jay was suggesting.


A mushroom a day keeps the doctor away...

Keep It Simple, Shroom!
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