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QOTD - February 2024

13th February 2024

Memories of Ravenholm in Half Life 2.
Though.. I think that was more out-of-place than particularly creepy. I never enjoyed that bit.


Flu 2023-4

12th February 2024

Man, I'm struggling this week. Had a NASTY flu since Thursday, and though I'm now on the other side of it, my head's just completely fried..


Flap Happy and Fancy Free!

12th February 2024

8 pages of names! Wowie!!!


Suno/Bing Tunes

12th February 2024

Mario's Mushroom Adventure
''A nursery rhyme about how many mushrooms Mario's eats in a day.''
Mario, Mario, jumpin' high



12th February 2024

Finland's Eurovision entry.


QOTD - February 2024

11th February 2024

Building silly artsy tools that nobody uses because the AI versions are infinitely better.


QOTD - February 2024

10th February 2024

I'm always writing Manic Miner, so let's have a different game, this time.
Frontier : Elite II, and the many many hours, days, weeks and months that it ate out of my time with my Amiga.
So much creativity thrown down the drain as I sailed endless*snip*


Suno/Bing Tunes

9th February 2024

Ain't Nothin' But a Sniffle
Well, I woke up this mornin' with a bunged up nose
Sneezin' and snifflin', oh, how it blows (ac*snip*


Idea Generator Button

9th February 2024

Needed to come up with a good idea generator thing, so asked Poe to help write some lists, and bundled it all together into a JSE script.
You can Run it in JSE here.
Code in the spoiler.
[jse]// Idea Generator
// by Jayenkai and Poe.com
// *snip*


QOTD - February 2024

9th February 2024

Telephones. Speaking on phones really makes me nervous as hell.


ALChoons : Zinc

8th February 2024

I use Emvoice, and that's very AI based, in that it sends your words/notes to the AI server and then sends back the audio. There's a little bit of vibrato you can add, but it's mostly the AI that decides on the best result.
You can add the sq*snip*


ALChoons : Zinc

8th February 2024



QOTD - February 2024

8th February 2024

This one pops up a lot. I'd like to go back and have a stern word with whoever keeps adding that to the QOTD pile.


Audacity AI

7th February 2024

Bah, humbug.


AGameAWeek 2024

7th February 2024

It's a megaball!!
Couldn't come up with anything new and imaginative for this one.
.. Well, I COULD... But I couldn't quite get the required insane number of Centipong pods flying around the screen, all interacting with t*snip*


QOTD - February 2024

7th February 2024

Someone who brings me noodles, and understands my addiction to noodles, and who takes great care of my noodle pan and keeps the kettle on boil for more noodles.


They Are Everywhere - NES Edition

7th February 2024

Yeah, I can imagine that game's code is a WHOLE lot lighter, since you don't have to build an entire bloomin' proc-gen level generator into the thing!!
Should also be way easier to test it, too!
Any plans for new features this time 'round*snip*


Audacity AI

6th February 2024

Audacity AI Features Linkage Are we using Audacity? Didn't we all agree it was evil?
Github link thanks to Dan


QOTD - February 2024

6th February 2024

TV : Quantum Leap. This second season is much better without the constraints of the first year's Mystery Box stuff. I'm glad the new show runners opted to get rid of that once it was done.
Movies : I watched Turtles : Mutant Mayhem the other day*snip*


They Are Everywhere - NES Edition

6th February 2024

How odd. I'd suggest a wraparound number loop thing, but they're all jumping at the same time, so that's not very likely.


They Are Everywhere - NES Edition

5th February 2024

So fast!


They Are Everywhere - NES Edition

5th February 2024

Aww, that's a shame. I wasn't sure what worked in them there olden days!


QOTD - February 2024

5th February 2024

Assembly or Electronics..
Or Electronics with Assembly code in it.
Electronics that Assembles!


They Are Everywhere - NES Edition

5th February 2024

Wow, that's a lot of gfx!!
Can you flip those, too? Theres a lot of repeats at the bottom, there.


They Are Everywhere - NES Edition

4th February 2024


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