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QOTD - January 2024

6th January 2024

It's not online, but my mind jumped back, once more, to college and my LightCycles/Tron game.
Coded in QBasic with absolutely no delta timing or frame limiting or anything.
Our college had a myriad of different PCs.. Looking back, I wonder why it wa*snip*


Flap Happy and Fancy Free!

5th January 2024



Meta Quest 3

5th January 2024

New MicroMachines? (Linkage)


Happy Birthday, Kuron

5th January 2024

Happy Birthday! [*cake]


QOTD - January 2024

5th January 2024

Define ''between''...



5th January 2024

Aaah, there we go. Yeah.
So, what makes standard OpenGL mode different to BRL.GLMax2D mode?
Is one using a different version of OpenGL than the other?
OpenGL tests suggest the ''gfx card'' is 1.0 only, so nothing 2 or above is supported. That&*snip*



4th January 2024

From this thread
Apparently UTM can't handle games very well yet, from their website:
''Can I run games?
No, probably not. UTM does not currently support GPU emulation/virtualization on Windows and therefore lacks support*snip*


The Enemy : For ''One Enemy'' Game Jam

3rd January 2024

Cool game.
Hard as balls, but cool :D
I tried several times, and got as long-a-game as 71 seconds, but still didn't manage to beat The Enemy.
[spoiler]For those interested..
MacOS Virtualisation Testing
Ran smoothly in CrossOver, but failed in UTM*snip*


ALChoons : Zinc

3rd January 2024

Robot done via GotoJSE Generation, then layered onto a picture generated by (Linkage).


QOTD - January 2024

3rd January 2024

Nothing screams ''I love my Amstrad CPC'' more to me than this.


Flap Happy and Fancy Free!

2nd January 2024

\\O/yeay\\o/ And to get to interact, too!


Flap Happy and Fancy Free!

2nd January 2024

That sounds awesome!


More Electronics Stuff

2nd January 2024

How many taps to charge an iPhone?



2nd January 2024

I have little to no nostalgia for DOS based gaming.
Watching PC-owning friends spend hours fiddling with autoexec and himem settings was NOT something I enjoyed.
Just shove a single floppy in the Amiga and watch the system run circles around that crappy *snip*



2nd January 2024

eXoDOS : Over 7,000 DOS games. Linkage


QOTD - January 2024

2nd January 2024

Animal Crossing is a special sort of chill-out zone, for me.
Helps my brain shut down after a crazy day of hefty thinking.


RIP Thread - 2023

1st January 2024


New Years Resolutions 2024

1st January 2024

Been tidying up my Browser Bookmarks, today. Deleting the tons I never click on any more, and generally making things less cluttered.
about 50-or-so property searches, a bunch of old news sites that have gradually changed from being decent to being spamm*snip*


New Years Resolutions 2024

1st January 2024

Not sure I have any space in here to learn any more.. It's all filled with CSF brain goo!!


New Years Resolutions 2024

1st January 2024

Yeah, that might actually help, Pakz.
But there's a fine line between endlessly chatting to a screen, and simply talking to yourself!!!
''Have you seen that crazy man who moved into the street? He talks to himself all day!!''
As for QOT*snip*


QOTD - January 2024

1st January 2024

.. For shitz'n'gigglez



31st December 2023

Q-Billy takes a turn at the cubes


Vandals - Festive Destruction

31st December 2023

God damn..
Hope you're ok. *hugs*
If you have any kinds of air purifiers, or even a decent fan, maybe make use of it to keep the fumes out. Even if you can't immediately feel anything, sleeping there might cause issues, overnight.


Suno/Bing Tunes

31st December 2023

I'm stuck in this school party, New Year's Eve
Can't believe I'm here, can't even leave
The DJ's spinning tracks from the 80s


Happy New Year 2024

31st December 2023

Happy New Year, everybody!! (Posted earlier because I'll either be Bailey's'd to death, or already fast asleep)
Well, hello there, Tails!!
Bowser gets a subtle threat.
No Lies

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