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Flap Happy and Fancy Free!

3rd December 2023



Who Hype 2023

3rd December 2023

60th Special 2 : Wild Blue Yonder
Episode (Linkage)
Unleashed (Linkage)
Commentary (doesn't appear to be happening)
Podcast (Linkage)


Badvent 2023

3rd December 2023

Day Three
Today's Hot Chocolate Treat
Caramel Vanilla Flavour
Looks Like...
Same, dark and thin.
Tastes Like...
Not really noticing the Caramel, if I'm honest. The vanilla's quite strong, though.


Snow - Dec 2023

3rd December 2023



Advent of Creativity 6

3rd December 2023

Day Three
''A mermaid swims in the ocean, singing a beautiful and enchanting song.''


QOTD - December 2023

3rd December 2023

That I was incredibly thankful to the solicitor for the wonderful service.


Snow - Dec 2023

2nd December 2023

It wasn't meant to be like this! We thought we were moving in the summer. It was meant to be nice and sunny and warm, and we could do the garden up pretty and fix up the lamp and everything.
It's been wind, rain, hail, and now sodding snow.


Advent of Creativity 6

2nd December 2023

Frozen Magpie Phenomenon (mp3)
I haven't a bloody clue why I'm doing this..


DallE 3

2nd December 2023

Microsoft Paint..
Microsoft bloody Paint!!
Good grief!!!


Badvent 2023

2nd December 2023

Kinda glad I didn't get one of those rock calendars, because I was going to go full piss-take and go ''another bloody rock'' every day. I get the feeling you might've been offended had I done that.
... but, yeah, cool rocks...!


Snow - Dec 2023

2nd December 2023



Advent of Creativity 6

2nd December 2023

Day Two
A puzzle is solved, satisfying the curiosity and the intellect.


Flap Happy and Fancy Free!

2nd December 2023



Flap Happy and Fancy Free!

2nd December 2023

Boo, Muted NES colour Palette.. Booo!!!! ;)
Maybe get rid of ''Jayenkai''
.. Since that's the only name on the screen, it looks like I've written the thing.


Badvent 2023

2nd December 2023

Day Two
Today's Chocolate
Hazelnut Flavour
Looks Like...
Extremely thin, and very not-milky..
Again, the instructions suggest just hot water, but I think once I start getting duplicates, I'll like*snip*


QOTD - December 2023

2nd December 2023

I'm not ''no chocolate'', though. I DO enjoying chocolate, and will consume the smeg out of whatever I can.
I'm currently on a Riesen diet, since the local shop sells those, and they're apparently no-migraine
Nom nom nom


QOTD - December 2023

2nd December 2023

It'd be fun to create a spreadsheet of which converted chocolate objects won't give me a migraine..!


Flap Happy and Fancy Free!

1st December 2023

You can do it! \\o/yeay\\o/


Advent of Creativity 6

1st December 2023

Pancake Waffle Biscuits (mp3)
95% of samples from today's Advent Calendar by Otakupunk



1st December 2023

Nah, you can easily blast 1000 small sprites onscreen. 100 of those being font images won't make a dent.
But if you render them to larger rectangular sprites, can you then keep up the speed of having such large sprites being drawn amongst the smaller*snip*


Badvent 2023

1st December 2023

Ashens and Nerdcubed : (Linkage)
Mr Weebl : (Linkage)
Otakupunk : (Linkage)


Badvent 2023

1st December 2023

Awww, sweet!



1st December 2023

Aah, but, no, but yeah...
It's very confusing.
But Eikon is pre-rendering his font.
... so.....?!
My old 2010/11 framework seems to be running without a hitch, so either it's something Eikon's included, or it's something I've incl*snip*



1st December 2023

Damnit.. No luck. Still all B's on the screen.
It's taking ages to load, too, so I imagine there's something else going on.
Bah, humbug.
This is very frustrating.
I'll keep digging and let you know what else I can find.
Sorry for all *snip*


Badvent 2023

1st December 2023

Of course it'll be good chocolate! It's Kinder!! Mmmm.. Nom nom nom!!!
Speaking of chocolate..
Today's Chocolate
Hot Chocolate powder inside a packet about the size of a floppy disk.
White Choc*snip*

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