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Winter Heating Costs

9th November 2023

1300? Geeze.. I got a 150 winter help amount!!!


QOTD - November 2023

9th November 2023

[chatr]Morning, Computer. Make me a brew..[/chatr]
[chatl]As an A.I. model, I do not have the capabilities to turn on the kettle, use a teaspoon, or open the fridge to get out the milk.[/chatl]


Flap Happy and Fancy Free!

9th November 2023

Good grief. That definitely sounds intense!


Meta Quest 3

8th November 2023

Not a particularly exciting shot of a Star Wars game, granted, but it makes me motion sick like crazy, so this is as good as you're getting :)
This is that Mixed Reality demo thing, with all the little furry creatures hid*snip*


ALChoons : Xenial

8th November 2023


Meta Quest 3

8th November 2023

Just turn off the walls/obstacles in Beat Saber, and you'll be fine :D
(Though I much prefer SynthRider for its musical choice)


QOTD - November 2023

8th November 2023

Endless loops in code, because I forgot to flag fin=1 again.


Meta Quest 3

8th November 2023

Yeah, if you're not affording a Quest, you sure as hell ain't affording anything Apple can come out with!!
Honestly, Kuron, use me as the test bed here. I have physical motion issues, I can't game on anything larger than an iPad screen due to*snip*


Goto Top

7th November 2023

Yeah, the comments never did get pagination, did they..
Honestly, I think that's probably more an issue than the lack of a ''Goto Top'' button.
Leave this with me for a day or two. I'd rather not wimp out with just a Goto Top button, but*snip*


Goto Top

7th November 2023

Hmm.. Another of those ''I hadn't needed it, so...'' issues that I didn't notice existed.
I've always used a keypress, or the ''Tap at the top of the iPad'' thing for that.
Where would you like the button to be?


Meta Quest 3

7th November 2023

Yep, was one of the first things I ordered, post-move, once I was sure my bank account could survive it ;)
.. and a big box full of NongShim noodles, too, obviously!


Meta Quest 3

7th November 2023

Oh, the difference. Crikey!
I mean, I knew it'd be impressive, but .. Crikey!
It's still not fast enough to run my browser games at a decent speed, though.
I mean, SpikeDislike does run at >60fps, but the system's aiming for 90fps and ca*snip*


QOTD - November 2023

7th November 2023

Killing off all those pesky humans.


Software Protection / Registration

6th November 2023

Does doing things the ''Proper'' Windows Store way (or Steam Store) offer any kind of native protection?
I can't remember having to additionally register anything I've bought on Steam.


Machine Made Max

6th November 2023

Maxberry Piranoimia


QOTD - November 2023

6th November 2023

To tell what time my Amazon package will arrive, so it doesn't just say ''Before 10pm''


Robots in The Skies

5th November 2023

*honk honk*


Bed Making

4th November 2023

Make your bed. Linkage


QOTD - November 2023

4th November 2023

This is about computers, not us. What would the computers do...?
...They'd probably try to stop anyone called John Conner from being born.


The Fall Guy 2023

3rd November 2023

I grew up in the 80s watching shows like ATeam, Knight Rider, Street Hawk, Airwolf and all, because they WEREN'T movies.
Turning them into movies seems totally against the point of having them be shows in the first place.


The Fall Guy 2023

3rd November 2023

As much as I fondly remember the theme tune, I couldn't tell you anything about the show itself.


Amazon categories...

3rd November 2023

Exec 1 : It's Amazon Prime Day \\o/yeay\\o/
Exec 2 : Yeah, you should buy Prime. It's cheap, and look at all the fun stuff you get!
Exec 1 : Hurray for Prime Day. Everybody loves it. Buy Prime \\o/yeay\\o/
Exec 1 : OK.. Now!!!
Exec 2 pus*snip*


Robots in The Skies

3rd November 2023

Yep, they rolled as cars, and ran as robots.. I wonder if the decepticons had a similar catchphrase?!
...Transformers definitely did rule, though! :D


QOTD - November 2023

3rd November 2023



Amazon categories...

3rd November 2023

A third-party seller gaming the system.
If you place it in an obscure category, then sell one or two, then when people search for something, this one has a higher chance of reaching the top of searches because it's technically going to be the highest *snip*

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