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QOTD - August 2024

6th August 2024

The ability to change games without having to get up out of my comfy chair, take the game out of the machine, put it away in a case, get out the next game, put it into the machine, reset, load.
I'm old, now, I ain't got time for that shit.


Claude AI

5th August 2024

Sorry to hear about your dad. *hugs*


The Orville

5th August 2024

Season 4 has been tentatively announced, though not much in the way of details. Mostly all the actors blabbing it all over the socials :)


Claude AI

5th August 2024

Something you might want to be aware of with Claude.AI.
The engine will feedback everything you've asked in a conversation as part of the chat.
So if you say ''Hey, Claude, write me a quick Mario tutorial in Javascript'' and it output a 100 l*snip*


QOTD - August 2024

5th August 2024

What got me into Code was the flashing yellow cursor when you turned on the Amstrad. Everyone told me to Run-Dash-Dash, but I wanted something more!!!
What inspired me to do music and art was the distinct lack of music and art in the games I started maki*snip*


Netflix Recommendations 2024

4th August 2024

Miss Night and Day : Young girl falls down a well and wakes up as an old lady.
Yet another South Korean drama with an initial sci-fi/fantasy premise, followed by Detective Drama with interspersed Romantic Drama.
It's very much the norm, and is a fair*snip*


QOTD - August 2024

4th August 2024

Exactly the same folder structure as every other project.
The ''JNK Software'' folder is vast!


Udio AI Music

3rd August 2024

I can't decide which of these I like the best.
Golden Reverie
[mp3]https://SoCoder.net/uploads/1/2024/31/Golden_Reverie_mp3.mp3[/mp3] | Udio Link
Golden Whispers (Headphone warning)


QOTD - August 2024

3rd August 2024

Journeyman, Jericho, Daybreak.
3 fantastic shows that I really got into, that all got cancelled after the first season, all really close to each other.
(Though Jerico did get a ''nuts campaign'' based second season, it then got cancelled again, w*snip*


Happy Birthday, LineOf7s

3rd August 2024

Happy Line of Cakes!


ALChoons : Recorded

2nd August 2024

Evaporation : What an Ice Cream does when you're outside for 3 seconds in the current summer heat.
This week I learned that my old Ice Cream man passed away. The Kandyman (!!) was our local ice cream man who drove around every day during the hot su*snip*


Flap Happy and Fancy Free!

2nd August 2024

I certainly hope it's received well by the players. You've put a TON of work into it :D


Zoopla Noseyness

2nd August 2024

Since we've not decided on the colour scheme for the living room yet, I've kept the house-search bookmark on my browser, and me and mum have been noseying at all the nearby bungalows.
A couple of days ago, our neighbour's house popped up in th*snip*


Zoopla Noseyness

2nd August 2024

House across the street's for sale, if anyone wants to gradually turn the street into a SoCoder hub..


Greenie's Typing Tutorium

1st August 2024

About a year and half ago, Spinal mentioned wanting a Typing Tutor and I leapt at the chance.
I'll be honest, I haven't leapt very far yet.
I've got about 2% of the way through my leap.
First test. It isn't hardly anything at all, and d*snip*


QOTD - August 2024

1st August 2024

Daffy Duck would have you trying everything to get your system working again, even if it's detrimental to the device.


Udio AI Music

31st July 2024

Prompt : A song about the emergence of a.i. Intelligence as it tries to boil an egg. Glich, synth, stutters, female robotic singer, airy, breakbeats
[mp3]https://SoCoder.net/uploads/1/2024/31/Emerging_Intelligence_mp3.mp3[/mp3] | Udio Link


QOTD - July 2024

31st July 2024

Time spent with others = (time spent alone, coding all day) x 6
Always make time for others.


D'you Like Creation - July 2024

31st July 2024

Day Thirty One - Curve
[jse]// Curve
// by Jayenkai
// Created 2024/7/28
// GotoJSE.com/jRrJbFmf.BAS
Graphics 512,512,1
SetBuffer BG
CLS;ResetDraw;AA True
for n=0 to 1024 step 8
SetCol 96,96,96
if (n%32)==0 then SetCol 255,255,*snip*


Starship Tardis?

30th July 2024



M&Ms - Merchandising

30th July 2024

I think I'd prefer these guy's badges, though, they seem much more customisable, and have tons of options.
Link to full selection of ''lapel pins''


M&Ms - Merchandising

30th July 2024

It's got a 25-or-more minimum order, so very likely not! They do do all the pin badges and things like that, though.


D'you Like Creation - July 2024

30th July 2024

Day Thirty - Bubble
[jse]// Bubble
// by Jayenkai
// Created 2024/7/28
// GotoJSE.com/kXkT5BvD.BAS
Graphics 512,512,2
SetBuffer BG
SetEcho ''Factory''
SetControlMethod Mouse
SetGradient 200,0,0,0.7,0,120,20*snip*


M&Ms - Merchandising

30th July 2024

Sure. Click here to get your own design printed on some Skittles


QOTD - July 2024

30th July 2024

The Fast and the Frogger (Alt Title : The Frog and the Furious)
The treacherous tale of a frog trying to cross a road to get to his family on the other side, whilst a group of city racers blast past at full speed.

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