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Socoder -> Monkey -> Learning With Monkey

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Sun, 03 Feb 2013, 10:33

And here's our fancy new menu.

Things to note. The baby/easy/tutorial (!!) mode gives you three extra lives, whereas Classic SpikeDislike does NOT..
Game mode 3 is locked!? OMG! WTF?!!?
It costs 10 credits to unlock this mode, but the player currently has 0 credits.

One credit is given for every 250 points scored (currently, although I might fiddle with this number a bit.. trial and error)

Other than that, everything else is as expected.
I'm going to shift the AGameAWeek logo and stick a simpler "Play" button down there, so you can start by tapping the corner like before.

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Mon, 04 Feb 2013, 06:28
First look at a proper "Alternative Mode", and the real bulk of SpikeDislike2.

Introducing Option 4 on the menu, "Sheep Goes Right"

View on YouTube

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Mon, 04 Feb 2013, 08:09
Perhaps a different ungulate? Everyone knows that sheep goes left!

All the raw, animal magnetism of a rutabaga.
Mon, 04 Feb 2013, 08:20

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Mon, 04 Feb 2013, 10:49
Hmm.. Switching from portrait to landscape in iOS isn't nearly as easy to do, in Monkey, as on Android. Hmmm....
I'll figure it out. Currently waiting for a big update from Mark, which should hopefully see Monkey getting proper GameCenter support!!! Oooooh!!

SpikeDislike2 is my Month-long project, so it's time to ignore that for a couple of days, and make a new mini-AGameAWeek-game. Not sure what, though.
... Hmmm...

|update| oops, checked MonkeyForum, and the update's there!! ... Too tired... Maybe later! |update|

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Mon, 04 Feb 2013, 19:17
Tue, 05 Feb 2013, 04:11
Framework Todo List
. GameCenter
. Music
. GooglePlay
. Clickable Links?
. WordList
. PNGData
. iOS Tweaks (Landscape, etc)

Not much left to do, but still a whole bunch of awkward things that need plenty of testing, and a whole lot of luck!
I'm not even sure if Clickable Links are do-able!
Anyway, so far so good, and nothing bad's happened yet. Well, WordList Attempt One was a bit of a shit day, but other than that it's actually been smooth sailing.

Today I need to create a game for next Tuesday. SpikeDislike2 can sit in the background for a couple of days while I do that.
Not sure what game to tackle next, though.


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Tue, 05 Feb 2013, 07:33
the heist the heist the heist the heist the heist the heist the heist the heist the heist the heist the heist the heist the heist the heist the heist the heist the heist the heist the heist the heist the heist the heist the heist the heist the heist the heist the heist the heist the heist the heist the heist the heist the heist the heist the heist the heist the heist...or whatever that bank robbing one was called

All the raw, animal magnetism of a rutabaga.
Tue, 05 Feb 2013, 08:02
... What's that? A game about a house?!?
The highest house?
I don't think I know that one..

Started this, not sure how far it'll get, since it's already stuck at the same "OK, Now what?" stage that it was, last time I made it.

If I can't get anywhere with it, I'll give The Heist a go, instead.

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Wed, 06 Feb 2013, 13:48
Not every game has to be epic. Platdude Goes Golfing certainly isn't. It kinda sits there.. Never mind, it'll do for AGameAWeek!!
Meanwhile I've gotten back to work on SpikeDislike.
The basketball theme got all the attention, today, as I spent about half an hour drawing a backboard and hoop, then having to erase it all and do it again when I realised my ball sprite was twice as big as I thought it was, and so wouldn't fit through the bloody hoop!!
Not that you can tell, onscreen, though. The ball->hoop mechanic barely registers, and is a typical Jay styled "If you think you should get a point for that, then it'll be fair and give you the point" type of thing, as opposed to being specifically collision detection / physics based.

Tomorrow, I'll focus more on SpikeDislike, as opposed to wasting time trying to make the golf thing work.
Bloody hours wasted on that.. Grrrr!!

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Wed, 06 Feb 2013, 19:15
Bloody hours wasted on that.. Grrrr!!

Don't us coders ALWAYS waste the most amount of time on something small and seemingly insignificant that you know nobody else will notice? I know that's certainly true for me.
Thu, 07 Feb 2013, 08:38
Added two new/old themes, today.
Took a hell of a lot longer than it should've, but I got there in the end!!

For those familiar with Spike Dislike, and it's previous incarnations, I've finally put the "Super" back into SpikeDislike!

I also retro styled the Retro theme so that it moves more blockily than normal mode. Gives it a slightly quirky feel.

I also started putting in alternative "Bounce, Beep, Super Beep" sounds, for the different themes, starting with Basketball and Sheep. Oddly enough, they were also the first two themes to get their own sounds, last time, too!

OK, now, what else to add.. Hmmmm..... (*opens Todo list*)

... Oh yeah, I needed to fix the Bottom when wide..

There, that oughta cope with most cases!

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Fri, 08 Feb 2013, 06:03
*hunts for Art Degree*
.. oh yeah, I don't have one.
Never mind..
*trudges on without one*

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Fri, 08 Feb 2013, 08:03
First 25 badges are now in place! woot!

They're pretty much identical to SpikeDislike, so far, being only "X Passed", "Y Combo", and "Z Super", along with Under Green, Over Blue and Over Purple.
I've not added Under Red, and other impossible's yet, because none of the modes actually move the spikes, yet, so they are indeed quite impossible.. (Unlike Hard mode on the original)

I left in the last game's "repeatable badges" thing, too..
Badges are awarded with the big "Dur-durrrrr!" sound if not previously earned, or the little "pee-dink!" one if the player's already had it.
The temporary badges are reset per-play, as opposed to the original's per-load, so the thing can get quite hectic when you're doing well

I should probably do a video, or something.. hmmm...

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Fri, 08 Feb 2013, 14:49

View on YouTube
Fri, 08 Feb 2013, 15:15
Surely you mean Superer?
Sat, 09 Feb 2013, 10:48
Good lord, it takes fucking AGES adding in new themes!!!
Today, I added "Munky Madness" and "Blockman Gets By"

Munky Madness sees you collecting bananas for bonus points.. Nothing too fancy, I'll be honest, but at least it's something. And it's got Munky in it!

Blockman Gets By, on the other hand, sees you scoring zilch, unless you collect the blocklets! Then you score 1 point for each blocklet that you carry past a spike(/ghostie), up to 5 blocklets. If you hit a spike, you lose all your blocklets, and if you've no blocklets left, it's game over. This one's fantastic for getting really really big highscores, since you pretty much have an infinite supply of lives, so long as you keep collecting blocklets.

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Sun, 10 Feb 2013, 04:32
Ask and ye shall receive!

"Dear Mr NyanCat, Can I use NyanCat?"
... "No!"

Fair enough then!
NyanCat mode has been replaced with Barry the Bee mode.


*goes back to drawing badges*

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Sun, 10 Feb 2013, 08:43
Looks like you've been buzzy err... beesy err... busy.
Sun, 10 Feb 2013, 12:52
Jayenkai "Dear Mr NyanCat, Can I use NyanCat?"
... "No!"

With the amount of ad revenue he has made from people viewing NyanCat, I would have had to reply with "Tight Pussy!" but obviously replacing "Pussy" with a very popular synonym.
Mon, 11 Feb 2013, 04:02
You know what's annoying?
Even a stupid little piddly unfinished half-assed crapola AGameAWeek game, now needs a multitude of stupid little bloody icons, for the Android version..

Well, ok, it's only 3 sizes, but still..

Today, I think I'll make a new version of my handy little Icon Generator.. god knows I need it!!

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Mon, 11 Feb 2013, 04:36
"Dear Mr NyanCat, Can I use NyanCat?"
... "No!"

What an asshole!

Afr0 Games

Project Dollhouse on Github - Please fork!
Mon, 11 Feb 2013, 05:39
IconResizer Feb-2013
Expect Apple to add 100 new icon sizes at some point tomorrow, just to make this redundant.

Download - Source Included
Basically, doodle an icon and a Launch image, then run this, and it'll create the whole kit'n'kaboodle for ya inside icons/ and launch/ folders.

Source is included, and for a change, I made it vaguely readable, so you should be able to easily add new stuff if you need to.

Note, you can add any number of original Icon_SIZE.png images, so if you want a few closer-to-that-size originals, it'll pick up on those.

Additionally, if you're working with Monkey, and have this in "YourGame/Something/" folder, it should automatically find the "YourGame/YourGame.build/android" folder, and change the icons in there, too. Handy as fuck!

''Load, Next List!''
Mon, 11 Feb 2013, 05:56
Haven't downloaded yet but....

How about a .ini file that simply lists the icons sizes that you need, thus making it reasonably future-proof? Just get the user to add any new sizes that they want?

Check out my excellent homepage!
Mon, 11 Feb 2013, 05:58
..why didn't I think of that!!?
Mon, 11 Feb 2013, 06:18
.. ok, done.
It now uses an icons.ini file to allow for slightly more usability.

only icons/, android/ and launch/ are currently working. more will be added as I pull my hair out.

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