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Happy Birthday, PHS

3rd November 2023

Happy Birthday!


QOTD - November 2023

3rd November 2023

We had Rump Steak and chips, yesterday. Our local Premier (convenience) store has a nice selection of meats in their fridge, but not much in the way of fruit and veg, so we'll have to rely on online ordering for that, I reckon.


QOTD - November 2023

2nd November 2023

Yeah, but we'd never forgive the computers for getting it wrong, even if only once.. Just ask Michael Fish.


Bee Happy Progress Thread

1st November 2023

A very happy bee :)


Mastodon Mallet

1st November 2023

For the past week or so, we've been getting massive chunks of site-hammering, and I've been trying to figure out what's causing it.
.. It's Mastodon.
I just posted a link to AGameAWeek Mastodon, and then watched the stats, and ....


Flap Happy and Fancy Free!

1st November 2023



Who Hype 2023

1st November 2023

BBC iPlayer now has a WHOniverse section.
Every (I think, you might know better than I) episode of Who (both Classic and Nu), as well as Torchwood, Sarah Jane including the single K-9 episode, Class, Confidential and more.
No Scream of the Shalka, though*snip*


QOTD - November 2023

1st November 2023

No, Spinal.. No! You deleting old files and then realising you need them 6 months later, is 95% of your development woes!!! ;)


QOTD - November 2023

1st November 2023

It would post two question of the days every so often, so as to confound and confuse the admin.


Xbox blocks 3rd Party Controllers

31st October 2023

The GameCube controller was AMAZINGLY comfortable, to the point where Nintendo continues to support them via dongles, to this day.
On the C-Stick (right thumbstick) there's an octagonal groove, so you can lock the direction to the 8-way points.
Wii N*snip*


Xbox blocks 3rd Party Controllers

31st October 2023

To be fair, up until the late 90s, all my controllers were joysticks.
Grab a firm hold of the strapping large black rod and give it a good waggle.


Xbox blocks 3rd Party Controllers

31st October 2023

I rarely ever used third party. Not except for GameCube. We had loads of family games on GameCube, but couldn't afford anything better than the el cheapo's.
Terrible dpads, all 'round.


QOTD - October 2023

31st October 2023

Yes, but we have to prompt it. If it could write its own poetry, I believe it would be in the language of zeroes and ones.
1, 0
0, 1


If Not YouTube...

30th October 2023

[quote]Whoever is making the post would naturally be using the embedded link in their post[/quote]
I have a bazillion youtube links all over this site that 100% prove this to be an inaccurate statement.
I had to rewrite the youtube BBCode to decipher the*snip*


If Not YouTube...

30th October 2023

No, this (Linkage) is the link to the video on the site..


If Not YouTube...

30th October 2023

Yes, those are both embed URLs, though..
What's the video's URL to play the same video on the site?


If Not YouTube...

30th October 2023

OK, I'm not sure how Rumble's working.. If anyone can find a URL methodology for that, let me know! Too busy to fart with that right now!!
But (Linkage) is NOT the same as (Linkage)


If Not YouTube...

30th October 2023

Not awesome.. The Rumble one has an obscure URL.. It's supposed to be the Parappa soundtrack.. Click the ''View on Rumble'', and it's right, but the embed isn't.


If Not YouTube...

30th October 2023



If Not YouTube...

30th October 2023

Hmm.. Well, I'll let you all decide on what should be the next ''big thing'', between you all.
But it looks like BitChute's already had a couple of votes here.
In general, if you've uploaded a video and you're happy, let me know*snip*


If Not YouTube...

30th October 2023

Out of all of those, has anyone used any for uploading anything?
Thats the important part for us content creators. Not what you can watch, but how we can use it.
I used to use Vimeo when doing OUYA trailers, but around the same time that OUYA ended, Vim*snip*


QOTD - October 2023

30th October 2023

I wouldn't redesign the bloody keyboard. Put the full sized arrow keys back. Force a numpad on every layout. And leave every damn key where it's supposed to be.


If Not YouTube...

29th October 2023

The general consensus is ''No More YouTube'', so let's spitball.
Where are we uploading our trailers and other videos from here on?
Obviously the SoCoder server couldn't cope with it, but what else can?
Where's a good place for posti*snip*


ALChoons : Xenial

29th October 2023

Yeah, YouTube's been wonky today, for me, too.
Should've seen how long it took to upload it!!!


ALChoons : Xenial

29th October 2023

GotoJSE Generator : Enable the Goto Map line at the start to switch to the map view.
95% of art done by Bing, all except the reuse of the figure from Xenial Dancing.

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