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Where Did I Put It?

23rd October 2023

Multiply by packed boxes! .. But, yeah. I used to be really good at placing things and remembering where they were. In the past few years, though, I've started to mislay more and more things. It's one of those ''Is that just old age, or som*snip*


It's gorgeous

23rd October 2023

Looking good.
Just needs some epic animated water, now :D


QOTD - October 2023

23rd October 2023

If a program could analyse my dreams, it could code half the random game ideas so that I can just finish them off once I'm awake!! \\o/yeay\\o/


QOTD - October 2023

22nd October 2023

The happy couple is usually the first target, in horror movies..


Profile pictures

22nd October 2023



Whistle 2 Music

22nd October 2023

I've tried all manner of different things, but I'm damned if I can get anything even half decent out of this.
I say half decent.. I can't even get 1/16th decent..


QOTD - October 2023

22nd October 2023

A proton pack and a ghost trap.


Busted Washer

21st October 2023

I'd normally try to keep a kitchen appliance alive for as long as I can. Repairs and fixes tend to work really well with them as, for the most part, they're still built with old fashioned tech and not tiny little chips that melt and fudge things u*snip*


QOTD - October 2023

21st October 2023

Per-meal, definitely me.
But I only eat my two main meals a day, and occasionally a supper. I never eat a breakfast, nor do I tend to snack between meals.
Mum snacks a fair bit but doesn't eat much at mealtimes.


All the AI Artists

20th October 2023

Wow, yeah, that's gone up hasn't it!?! Definitely wasn't that, before.
I paid *!APOUND!*34.99, according to my iCloud Subscriptions thing.
Though... Curiously, the app is apparently no longer available. Not sure what's going o*snip*


All the AI Artists

20th October 2023

As far as the above video goes, I decided to go through all the prompts using my own SD1.5 ''Derek_s'' (Greenie) model, running in Diffusion Bee on my Mac, to see what it could come up with..
A Photo of a Green Bus Floating in Space
[spoiler] (Im*snip*


All the AI Artists

20th October 2023

(Linkage) is the online one that I'm currently using. It's using SDXL at the minute, but they seem to update it fairly often.
The premium version cost about *!APOUND!*39 for a year, I think, or thereabouts which, kinda sounds a lot.. But I said *snip*


All the AI Artists

20th October 2023

Cool stuff!
Over the past week or so, the Bing/DallE3 has locked off a TON of words and phrases. What once was generating some of my favourite AI imagery, is now blocking me at damn near every request I make.
Earlier today I asked for ''a roast ch*snip*


ALChoons : Xenial

20th October 2023

Getting slower at these..!!!


QOTD - October 2023

20th October 2023

Jay : I would be the one with epic computer skills that are entirely irrelevant to the task at hand, and who stays at the back of the group because he's otherwise completely and utterly redundant.


OpenAI Chat

19th October 2023

All the AI's are being equally as useless, for me, this week.
Been trying to get AI to convert html/javascript canvases into a Windows .ico file.
Most of them are recommending greatly outdated functions that require additional hoops to get to work.


QOTD - October 2023

19th October 2023

Instead of dodgeballs, the players throw giant spikes at each other..


Happy Birthday, Cyangames

19th October 2023

Happy cakings!!


Twitter/Mastodon Thread

19th October 2023

Yeah, but so far, none of it's been untrue. These ''crazy'' ideas somehow seem to keep happening.


Chuwi CoreBook X Laptop

18th October 2023

The MacBook has a MagSafe connector, but I tend to only use that when leaving it charge overnight. Any other time it needs charging, I'll whip out a nearby USB-C cable. There's plenty around the house :D


Chuwi CoreBook X Laptop

18th October 2023

I've not minded mine being USB-c. Having said that, the MacBook does indeed realistically last a decent amount, from when I wake up to about 5pm'ish. Even with all the daily crap I fling at it, from all the endless coding and multiple t*snip*


Chuwi CoreBook X Laptop

18th October 2023

Possible cheap laptop?


Twitter/Mastodon Thread

18th October 2023

I typically only post to it when I feel the need to get the attention of a particular company.
The other day I tweeted to point out an evil advert on NintendoLife.
I've also recently nagged Team17 to make that Arcade Pool sequel, and also pointed out*snip*


QOTD - October 2023

18th October 2023

Elon Musk : ''Sorry. Never mind.'' Then undo everything he's done to Twitter.


Busted Washer

17th October 2023

LOL.. Imagine if we did that.
''Sorry, you'll have to pick it up from a different house!''

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