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Busted Washer

17th October 2023



Busted Washer

17th October 2023

... and it plays a happy little tune when it's done!


Busted Washer

17th October 2023

New washer arrived at about 17:10, missing out the 12-16 window by a good hour and 10.
But it was free delivery, free fitting, and free removal of your old washer, so I won't be whinging.
God bless you, Argos's's.


QOTD - October 2023

17th October 2023

It's hard enough to walk without that getting in the way, thanks!
Not really sure how houses would work, either.
Honestly, this isn't a very good thing to happen!!


QOTD - October 2023

16th October 2023

Would-of, could-of, should-of


Busted Washer

16th October 2023

The drum came away from its main holdy swirly twirly bit.
Electric guy up the street said he could fix it, but it'll keep happening now it's done it. Since we're moving away from him, we can't exactly nip up the street for help in the futu*snip*


Busted Washer

15th October 2023

Aaaaand, the washing machine's broke.. Never gonna get that Quest3 at this rate.


Who Hype 2023

15th October 2023

And hearing Murray Gold back at the helm is lovely stuff. Though, to be fair, he's not been gone that long, has he!?!


Who Hype 2023

15th October 2023

Doctor Who 60th celebration on BBC Sounds.
Murray Gold & orchestra performs music old and new, including the next doctor's theme. (Apparently. I haven't listened yet!) (Linkage)


QOTD - October 2023

15th October 2023

In the sequel, perhaps he wants to go out in the sun, for a holiday..
He could wear sunglasses.. Spec Jackular.


QOTD - October 2023

14th October 2023

''And witness'' vs ''How would you try to change it''..
.. make your mind up, SoCoder.
There are many things I'd love to change, but none of those I would like to witness.


Frasier 2023

13th October 2023

1. Fucking awful laughter-track. Or maybe it is an audience. It certainly feels like a standard studio sitcom, so maybe they're just REALLY overhyped about it. It gets better, but it's noticeably .. .. um.. .. I dunno.
That very f*snip*


Quantum Leap - 2022

13th October 2023

It's a time travel show. You can watch them at any time!!! ... *gets coat*


Quantum Leap - 2022

13th October 2023

It's not on Apple TV, it's on Paramount Plus over here, and Peacock over in the US.
And it's not on Paramount Plus yet. They've not started showing the second season yet, and will likely wait until next year like they did the first season*snip*


Frasier 2023

13th October 2023

Oh.. it IS on Paramount Plus, over here!
Will watch that later, then.


QOTD - October 2023

13th October 2023

Right now, the vast empty space.
We've been on minimal shops since we sold the house IN JUNE....
And you just know filling up, at the other end, is going to cost a pissing fortune, with the prices going up..


ALChoons : Xenial

12th October 2023

Last week, this song had a lovely set of lyrics about optimism, staying cheery, and looking on the bright side.
Then another bloody war broke out, and the lyrics suddenly became incredibly distasteful.
I've spent the past few days reworking the*snip*


OpenAI Chat

12th October 2023

Just posted a chunk of code (for the upcoming Asset Maker) into ChatGPT, asking if it could optimise it at all.
First thing it optimised was my apparently ''slow'' security testing technique to double check everything text-based sent to the server*snip*


ASM/GDI Sprite Test

12th October 2023

Roughly 8 or so fps once the mega-test gets going.
But again, remember that that's running in UTM, without any acceleration, so that's really quite good.
Worryingly, it's refusing to run using Crossover, which is ''usually'' the more *snip*


ASM/GDI Sprite Test

12th October 2023

I'll test the heftier test tomorrow, if I manage to wake up.
Had the Covid jab, today, and feel absolutely dead, right now, but still have an ALChoon to finish off, but think I'm about to zonk out!!!


Prime Day 2023

12th October 2023

The Fire TV TV is running Amazondroid, but I've read you can sideload.
To be honest, though, I don't think I'd bother if you're aiming to do anything than bejewelled or pegged or the like.
Like I said, the internal browser struggles with *snip*


Prime Day 2023

12th October 2023

This is what my Amazon Orders page now looks like.


QOTD - October 2023

12th October 2023

*looks around at all the packed boxes*
There's more than 5..


ASM/GDI Sprite Test

11th October 2023

Managed a solid 30fps on all tests, in virtual Win11, using UTM on the MacM1.
30fps is likely due to the render speed of the virtual machine, as I haven't got anything over 30fps out of it.


Prime Day 2023

11th October 2023

I've got the AppleTV (packed away, right now) if I find things too sluggish. But today's testing has shown that we likely won't need it.
I sure as hell ain't typing my Apple credentials into it, though it does indeed have the complete App*snip*

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