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1st December 2023

No, not what I am talking about. He is prerendering them at runtime.
I am talking about doing it at design time (when you design all the other artwork) and save each piece of text (or screen of text) as a BMP. Then you are simply dealing with images at *snip*


Badvent 2023

1st December 2023

Gemstones. I love the moon on this box. I also like how on both calendars the cover flips open and shut, so you can keep your open ones in place when you put it up.
What will it be?
(Info about the gemstone below the picture in the secon*snip*


Badvent 2023

1st December 2023

I am going to make a post for each calendar. Easier that way since it will take some time to type all the info for the gemstone each day. Also today, showing the front of each box.
Stuffed animals...
Will it be cute?
If it co*snip*



1st December 2023

[me]Makes a mental note to prerender all text as actual images to avoid this issue in anything using OpenGL. No fonts or no bitmap fonts.[/me]


Badvent 2023

1st December 2023

Looks, good Jay. Sadly, chocolate is one of those things I can't eat anymore.
3:40 am here, only up to let the doggies out to do their business, in the snow.
Will take my pics once I am up properly later today.


Badvent 2023

30th November 2023

Was the chocolate good?



30th November 2023

Never cease to be amazed at what little thing may set off emulation incompatibilities.
[quote]but I could only get GLMax2D and D3D9 to work on my Windows 10 system.[/quote]I would not recommend doing it, but it is possible that DX7 runtimes would need to *snip*


Badvent 2023

30th November 2023

Just noticed both of mine are 24 days, so no payoff for Christmas Day.



30th November 2023

Good job of tracking down the issue.


YT blocking ad blockers.

30th November 2023

OT, but not OT.
Have disliked Fuckerberg since he first appeared. I hope they really go after Meta!


Computer Operator

30th November 2023

It will be too busy playing video games to do anything nefarious.


Badvent 2023

30th November 2023

With the typo on the rock one, I am not sure if they were aiming for collecting or collection. I am guessing the former. Either way, it only adds to the Badvent mystique.
Will I get actual gemstones, or will it just be fish gravel? With such $$ spent o*snip*


Badvent 2023

30th November 2023

FWIW, hot chocolate one would do me in. Nowadays, it instantly triggers IBS.
Never been a coffee guy, but back in the day I would drink hot chocolate all day long. Man, I miss those days. Can't even drink soda now or even eat chocolate due to bladd*snip*


QOTD - November 2023

30th November 2023

Randomly select average people for the teams in every single game and make participation mandatory if you are chosen. There would be zero established player statistics for the computer to analyze.


Badvent 2023

30th November 2023

Just got them out, I had left them on top of my bookcase in my studio.
I only have two. I left a bunch in TN, including some I had bought in MD. But, bought two once I got here and never bought more as they jacked up the prices on the one I wanted. Wen*snip*


Badvent 2023

30th November 2023

Reminder to self dig out Badvent calendars


Windows App (365)

29th November 2023

Linux has tons of versions and variants and still manages to be less schizophrenic than Windows...


Windows App (365)

29th November 2023

*sighs* Linkage


Flap Happy and Fancy Free!

29th November 2023

I haven't followed, yet as I do not have an account. Not well and very hectic here. Will try and get an account made this weekend and give you a follow.


QOTD - November 2023

29th November 2023



Flap Happy and Fancy Free!

28th November 2023

[*ctrl_nes] in hand and waiting!



28th November 2023

I am not going to buy it, but I do actually like MS's new sweater Linkage


Flap Happy and Fancy Free!

28th November 2023

Plus a puki 🌟 of merit!



28th November 2023

TY for the reminder, Andy. I do have Fusion somewhere that I picked up in a Humble Bundle that I never downloaded.
I used to have some lovely Blitz Plus source somebody posted that I made screensavers from, but sadly that is amongst the stuff that got lo*snip*



28th November 2023

Only ARM I have is my Chromebook. The two Windows 10 tablets I bought are Intels, the models before mine, and after were ARMs.
I am happy that the example I provided ran fine. However, I am considering using SDL2 or Pygame, Love2D, LibGDX, BBC BASIC for*snip*

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