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28th November 2023

Problem with a Win11 ARM device, wouldn't you need one with an ARM processor capable of x86/x64 virtualization?
Going from memory of the first Windows ARM versions that were released.
I am amazed that what I sent you ran on an ARM version of Windows,*snip*


QOTD - November 2023

28th November 2023

An AI version of Columbo FTW!



27th November 2023

Do Macs have screensavers?


QOTD - November 2023

27th November 2023

I have sat some of these out, as I couldn't think of something...
But proud of? Two things...
1. My HYDRA homebrew game console, I made a case for it and the little PC cards with the chip on them, I had one for each game I made and I made little &q*snip*


Monk - The Movie

27th November 2023

I never watched it, but I loved Tony Shalhoub in Wings.


Flap Happy and Fancy Free!

27th November 2023

Looking forward to it!
Me thinks we all live vicariously through each other when it comes to whatever we may be coding.


Meta Quest 3

27th November 2023

@TRG Could be worse, would have likely been $750AUD (or more) for that memory boost if it had been an Apple device. *big grin*


Black Friday (week)

27th November 2023

Sounds like you got some bargains, Pakz. That is roughly 250 pounds, not bad at all! Glad your Mum was able to get a washing machine.


Black Friday (week)

27th November 2023

Had to look up the R36S. Wow! I prefer what I have, but I will buy a R36S when I can. The controllers on that would be ideal for N64 games.


Meta Quest 3

27th November 2023

WooHoo!! No such thing as too much memory or drive space!



26th November 2023

LibGDX has their own bundler! Wohoo! Love2D & LibGDX look like a good combination. Love2D for the 2D and LibGDX if you ventured into 3D.
One thing I notice about Love2D and Pygame though, is the use of SDL2. I think I am also going to look at usin*snip*


Christmas Games

26th November 2023

I am going to post some of my favorite Christmas games here in this thread, These are all ones I personally enjoy...
To start off with:
This was made in PureBasic last year and it is a lot of fun. Very well done, art, level des*snip*



26th November 2023

Damn, deployment is that bad -- did not realize Saw a few reports like that on forums, but chalked it up to kids and inexperience. Do not need a deployment minefield.
Mark spoiled us.
Looking back, I can't fault the man for abandoning ship after BM*snip*



26th November 2023

I am playing with two projects currently, one in Blitz Plus and one in Jamagic.
BlitzMax, Blitz Plus and Jamagic are all awesome, but also increasingly problematic on modern systems.
But, I am looking for long-term solutions and something that will be su*snip*



26th November 2023

Does anybody have any opinions or experiences with Pygame that they are willing to share?


Black Friday (week)

25th November 2023

Went to buy some ice cream and a radiator style space heater tonight at Walmart. They had 53 inch TVs for $188. TCL brand. I will take them over most other brands of TV, tablets or phones. Amazing screens on them.
Did not buy one as I do not need one,*snip*


Who Hype 2023

25th November 2023

Last one looks like a buttplug -- just saying!
Like the one a couple of posts back with Greenie!


Who Hype 2023

25th November 2023

LOVE that image!


Fave Blitz+ Feature

24th November 2023

Playing with B+ for the first time in 10 years or so, and I was quickly reminded of my fave feature -- one that no other competitor had.
When in Windowed mode and using OpenGL. You could have multiple Windows open of any size and use OpenGL on all of the*snip*


Flap Happy and Fancy Free!

24th November 2023

Easier and simpler way to compare variables in ASM, or in this case compare a register value to a variable?


Flap Happy and Fancy Free!

24th November 2023



Flap Happy and Fancy Free!

24th November 2023

TY. Nice, everything I was hoping TileStudio 2 would have been.


Flap Happy and Fancy Free!

24th November 2023

Love the credits screenie!
What editor is in the pic making the screenie with?


Black Friday (week)

24th November 2023

Only thing I ever ordered from Aliexpress was my OrangePi and that was only because Amazon did not have the 256GB drive model.


Happy Thanksgiving!

24th November 2023

We had a good time together.
Here is a weird one for you... I could NOT find any blueberry pies this year. In this country two states are really known for Blueberries. Maine (which has small blueberries) and Oregon (which has large ones). I am in a sta*snip*

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