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Sun, 10 Mar 2013, 12:23
Kinda half and half. First it was good to know I can use images to store data, well enough for using them for level data, and other purposes.
But limitation wise, I was actually trying to avoid actual file-access, since it wasnt 100% perfect on all targets, last I bothered to check. .. Whereas this method is.. Which is nice!!

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Sun, 10 Mar 2013, 13:08
I did a game a few years ago called Guru Logic Champs (based on the GBA game) and all the levels in that were created using a similar principle - different colours represented different blocks in the game. In my case though it was so that users couldn't look at or alter the level data to make it easier. Looking at the images it was just gobbledegook.
Mon, 11 Mar 2013, 04:54
... Big deep breath...


The next challenge is tough!

The next challenge is attempting to get MUSIC to work!

The issues are as follows.

1) I don't like doing MP3s. You can't loop them, for starters, and then they get all gnatty and big and horrible. yuk!

2) Monkey has no "FuckingPlayTheMod()" command. grrr...

3) As stated above, I'm not 100% sure about how good file-access is on all possible targets. .. but I CAN use images to store data.. hmmmm...

4) HTML5 doesn't "do" audio pitching, grrr... but then it only appears to have 8 audio channels, and is crap at audio timings, too, so is in fact quite shit!!

I think we can all see where this is heading.

I'm now going to attempt to create an all new Tracker format, which uses samples and pictures.
Seriously, what the fuck!?

I can load quite easily from 64x64 pixel blocks, so I'm thinking of shoving patterns into those.
Not entirely sure how plausible that all is, but it's worth a piss about.

First up, making my own Mod-Tracker doohickey with BlitzMax!
What in the fuck am I doing?!

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Mon, 11 Mar 2013, 07:56
Progress so far..
I'm trying to keep everything easily-monkey-able for when I have to convert all my player code over, so things are a bit mangled, right now!! But mangled in a good way!!

So far I have a really basic mod-tracker style layout thing going on.
There's fuck all it can do, and the play button doesn't even work yet, but you can plot notes down, and it'll play the correct samples at the right pitch, so that's a start!!

Seriously, wtf!!?
I'm going to have to do ALL my music, all over again, from scratch.
AND.. Even worse.. Because HTML5 isn't compatible with nice-audio-stuffs, I have to wait several hours for a GLFW compile, each time I want to test the bloody thing.

.. Monkey stuff comes later, though. I have the rest of the BMax editor to do, first..

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Mon, 11 Mar 2013, 08:36
So in the end this will not work for HTML5?
I, too, planned to implement a more Mario Paint looking music builder because
a) I prefer chiptunes in games
b) orchestrated mp3s would seem out of place in any decidedly retro content I may ever release
c) my magnum opus project which I may never even start but always have in mind is a sort of all-encompassing ur-game to which you add a bit of data to define the rules and media for the particular game you wish to play, and it would work best with such a system in place

Kinda bummed about the HTML5...but I always planned to use Flash in browsers anyhow since HTML5 usually runs silly slow.
Though, your Spike 2 demo works nicely.

All the raw, animal magnetism of a rutabaga.
Mon, 11 Mar 2013, 08:50
Yeah, HTML and Flash both lack "Pitch" functionality. You can see it in SpikeDislike2, as it's missing it's progressively higher combo pitching.

Coming together slowly.. Hitting Space now plays the "faux-mod"

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Mon, 11 Mar 2013, 11:21
I did a SoundTracker type thing in Div years ago as it didn't (originally) support MOD files. The result was OK, but I only ever use it in one game (a remake of Super Mario Picross).

Would it not be easier to loop a music file (mp3 or ogg) by checking it's length/time (I know you said HTML timing was shit, but maybe interrupt driven stuff or internal counter would work?)then replaying, rather than doing everything from scratch?
Mon, 11 Mar 2013, 11:23
I'm thinking of filesize, as well, though. Mods are great for lots of reasons!

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Mon, 11 Mar 2013, 11:28
MODs are excellent for millions of reasons
Mon, 11 Mar 2013, 14:42
Jayenkai You can see it in SpikeDislike2, as it's missing it's progressively higher combo pitching.

I did notice that when I tried out the Android version, but it hadn't occurred to me that that wasn't an intentional change... damn HTML5, ruining all my fun.
Mon, 11 Mar 2013, 14:46
Jay, what is the reason behind loading each asset on a different frame count?

select frameNum
case 0:
case 1:


Check out my excellent homepage!
Mon, 11 Mar 2013, 14:53
Multiple reasons, but first and foremost, because that spinning loading logo looks cool!!... And probably better than 95% of the ingame graphics!!

If you're trying to load a HTML5 game from a shitty slow server (as an example, this one!) it's nice to have the swirly circle interject, to say "Still loading, 'gis a sec!"

I could probably load 4 or 5 assets per frame without notice, but figured it best to keep things segmented,..

Plus, I was intending to add a background mini-benchmark, too, but I never got around to doing it! Whoops!!

(My BlitzMax framework does a mini benchmark whilst playing the jingle..)

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Mon, 11 Mar 2013, 15:23
Depending on how easy monkey is to learn and assuming anything a build in the demo-html5 version would build for iOS/Android without much trouble, I might be jumping on this monkey wagon.

Check out my excellent homepage!
Mon, 11 Mar 2013, 15:58
That horribly messy framework of mine does indeed "Just Compile", once monkey's set up correctly.

Flip the target to a different language, hit F5, give it a minute or two, job done..

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Tue, 12 Mar 2013, 06:32
Still haven't started redoing any of this in Monkey, yet, but the BlitzMax based Mod Tracker is coming along nicely!

You can plop in your notes, add values for volumes, and load and save the "mod" as a .png!

The above is the classic JNKPlat Theme, or at least a very short loop of it.
Nothing magical, just for testing.

The engine takes the note data, and uses whatever .wav files you've left for it, to recreate an approximation of the music.
It also mixes things up as it goes, grabbing bits and pieces from different patterns, changing the speed, and switching instruments each time you restart it.

As an example, here's the above piece started three different times.
: Download

Keep in mind that I've only got 2 patterns worth of data going, there, so once you get a nice big complex mod thing happening, it'll be able to generate even nicer pieces.

.. Need to add chord changing, next..

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Wed, 13 Mar 2013, 04:26
And so it continues..
Today I replaced all the gnatty instruments with nice looping sounds, and added an automagical instrument fader into the mix.
Good grief, this code's getting a bit wild, already!
Dreading having to convert it all over to Monkey, later..

: Download

Mmmmm.. Random Chiptune-esque Lovelyness!!

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Fri, 15 Mar 2013, 06:16
Took me a whole day to work out why the image-loader thing wasn't working.

D'you wanna know why the image-loader thing wasn't working?
Had to wait a frame between "LoadImage()" and "DrawImage()"
.. shitting hell, I spent fucking ages on that one!!

View on YouTube
Kinda can't be arsed pissing about with this, for the rest of today, but the basic framework of the music player is in fact working.
In the above video, you can clearly see a Nexus 7 device playing the Tetris Theme, as previously composed using the latest version of JMTrackr.
It's playing it in a pseudo-random style, but is slightly dodgy in it's timings, and not 100% perfect playing the instruments.

Needs more work.
Maybe tomorrow!!

Jay needs a nap!
Jay's overdone it on this one!!!

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Fri, 15 Mar 2013, 08:53
New latest version uploaded!

And a handy guide to how to use it, in the video below.

View on YouTube

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Sat, 16 Mar 2013, 10:03
Sat, 16 Mar 2013, 10:06
LOL, still!? That's a bit dodgy!
Open up the ini file, and try switching the gfx driver. That might help..

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Sat, 23 Mar 2013, 13:17
Oooh, it's been a whole week since I last posted to this topic.
Seems I've moved along
I'm still loving the monkey, though (NOT LIKE THAT, AFR0), and have just uploaded the nice shiny new version of my awfully gnatty looking Framework to AGameAWeek.
Monkey Skeleton 13-03-23

Pretty much the only changes are the WordList, the JMTracker player thing, and the Image Data Loading Doohickey.
There's a couple of main-menu tweaks, too, but nothing too noticable.

I don't know if anyone's using this, it's a bloody great big mess, but there it is!!!

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Sun, 24 Mar 2013, 11:52
I'll have a look at that. Can't get the images data working successfully myself.
If you want more people to use it, it might be helpful to move the editable functions to a second file to make changing easier, such as the main game function, the title screen etc.

Check out my excellent homepage!
Sun, 24 Mar 2013, 11:57
Yeah, I've not really made it for public consumption, if I'm honest!
The JMTracker stuff was, and has been suitably designed with it's own class and stuff, but the rest is just a great big mass of crap, all bundled into one great big giant file of insanity!!

.. But fuck it, it works!!

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Mon, 25 Mar 2013, 16:49
Today I spent most of the day finishing off Karl's Tiny Adventure.
I also discovered a couple of quirks in the music engine, so will probably upload a new version of the sourcecode for that at some point tomorrow.. .. If I remember....!

Meanwhile I started doodling new sprites for a new SpikeDislike mode, and should really start gathering together the pieces, in preparation for the big update upload.

Also, wasn't I meant to be releasing Blockman on iOS?? What happened to that??

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Tue, 26 Mar 2013, 06:58


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Tue, 26 Mar 2013, 07:03
nobody said your games had to make sense!
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