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QOTD - July 2024

11th July 2024

Oooh.. A complete soundtrack? Probably Frontier : Elite II.
As much as I love (LOVE!) the Deflektor theme, that's only one single track. Frontier had a whole bunch of classical music with a couple of new ones thrown in.


D'you Like Creation - July 2024

11th July 2024

Day Eleven - Haze
[jse]// Haze : Hazardous Aerial Zephyraptor Elimination
// by Jayenkai
// Created 2024/7/9
// GotoJSE.com/km6ZvqFh.BAS
Symbol 0,''2__0_0_0_0_0_0_0_0_0_0_0_0_0_0_0_0_0_0_0_0_0_0_0_0_0_0_0_0_0_0_0_0_0_0_0_0_0_0_0_0*snip*


Bee Happy Progress Thread

11th July 2024

Looking good!


Bee Happy Progress Thread

10th July 2024

Yeah! Minimalism ftw!
Keep crunching those numbers.


The Ghostbusters visit Jurassic Park

10th July 2024

Get writin'!!!


Food Findings 2024

10th July 2024

I've been getting them from Morrisons Delivery Via Amazon. Mileage may vary!


Food Findings 2024

10th July 2024

These are bloody gorgeous!
Like those little White Mice chocolates you used to get in the 10p mix trays, back in the day.
Nom nom nom!
And little to no migraine, too, which is a surprise given they're white chocolate.
... also this*snip*


Bee Happy Progress Thread

10th July 2024

Don't push yourself too hard. You should be enjoying the fact that Flap Happy's preparing to flap away.


D'you Like Creation - July 2024

10th July 2024

Day Ten - Burst
[jse]// Burst
// by Jayenkai
// Created 2024/7/8
// GotoJSE.com/hHq4f6tF.BAS
Symbol 0,''0__40!404044040,40040,404404004044040,40040,404404040!4'';
Symbol 1,''2__0_0_0_0_0_0_0_0_0_03.0_0_0,556?30,30_0_05.0,*snip*


Reminder to Self : Don't Do Apple Betas

9th July 2024

Finally found it..
I've been scouring the drive for well over a week, using all manner of ''Scan my Drive'', ''Clean my Mac'' and manual folder searching..
I found the bastard.
/Users/Your Account/Library/Metadata/CoreSpotlight/Prior*snip*


Affinity Suite

9th July 2024

Massively taking advantage of Adobe's recent missteps, Affinity (Serif) are offering a SIX MONTHS free trial.. Linkage


QOTD - July 2024

9th July 2024

I'm sticking with the 80s.


D'you Like Creation - July 2024

8th July 2024

Day Nine - Knot
[jse]// Knot
// by Jayenkai
// Created 2024/7/9
// GotoJSE.com/HjjJx2N4.BAS
Symbol 0,''1__0.;;6.;;0?y,;;6.;;y,00yxx;;6.;;xxy00yxx;;6.;;xxy0;.6@;@6@;.6_6_6_6_6_6_6_6;.6@;@6@;.0yxx;;6.;;xxy00yxx;;6.;;xxy00y,;;6.;;y,0*snip*


SpikeDislike Enhancements

8th July 2024

SD3 had a ton of little gameplay challenges. I'd need to build a new menu to allow for those again.. Perhaps at some point..
SpikeDislike 3 - Don't bother with the HTML5 build. It's not good the test of time!!


Suno/Bing Tunes

8th July 2024

I've been using it for daily blogs.
It's not very good at replicating chiptune/synths, but it tries its best!


Suno/Bing Tunes

8th July 2024

The longer you extend, the more corrupt things tend to get. Especially the voices.. They frequently end up mushy after about 2 minutes. Suno could probably do with adding that as a disclaimer somewhere.


Suno/Bing Tunes

8th July 2024

[mp3]https://SoCoder.net/uploads/1/2024/28/Um_Bongo_mp3.mp3[/mp3] Suno Link
Um Bongo. Um Bongo. They sell it in the Iceland


Suno/Bing Tunes

8th July 2024



D'you Like Creation - July 2024

8th July 2024

Day Eight - Glow
[jse]// Glow : A NeonPlat Adventure
// by Jayenkai
// Created 2024/07/08
// GotoJSE.com/PchDVMqH.BAS
Symbol 0,''2__0_0_0_0_0_0_0_0_0_0_0_0_0_0_0_0@I_0_0_0?I0/I0_0_0?I0/I0_0_0?I0/I0_0_0?I0/I0_0_0?I0_0_0_0.I0_0_0_0.*snip*


Learning to Play Piano

7th July 2024

Is 44 years old too late to be learning how to properly play piano?
Spurred on by a series of events that started with an Echo (echo), I've now bought a half-decent-sized KORG MicroAir 49.
Truth be told, the keys are still a little stumpy.. Maybe I s*snip*


D'you Like Creation - July 2024

7th July 2024

Day Seven - Echo
[jse]// Echo
// by Jayenkai
// Created 2024/7/3
// GotoJSE.com/SSL5w94K.BAS
Symbol 0,''0__00;.0.;.0.;.0.;.0.;.0.;.0.;.0.:.'';
Symbol 1,''0__00;.0.;.0.;.0.;?0,;?0,;?0,;?0,:?'';
Symbol 2,''0__00;.0*snip*


Netflix Recommendations 2024

6th July 2024

Gotta say.. StarTrek Prodigy Season Two is. .. Good grief, no spoilers!!!!
But ..
Good grief!!!!


Spinal's PC

6th July 2024



Spinal's PC

6th July 2024



Spinal's PC

6th July 2024

I'm sure you'll be coding your own lightshow, anyway! :D

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