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Socoder -> Off Topic -> PlayJam/GameStick News?

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Mon, 12 Sep 2016, 03:20
PlayJam dead? I think so... Expect news soonish.
Mon, 12 Sep 2016, 03:20
Ongoing discussion over on OUYAForum.

No idea what's going on!

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Mon, 12 Sep 2016, 04:10
I don't think PlayJam have any idea either. But then, I'm not sure they ever did.
Mon, 12 Sep 2016, 16:21
Well, I know the FlarePlay has been dead for a while, and I thought they officially discontinued making GameStick before they started FlarePlay. So, they're dead by default?

All the raw, animal magnetism of a rutabaga.
Mon, 12 Sep 2016, 21:42
Yeah, but PlayJam - the company behind both the GameStick and Flare (which was DBA - Dead Before Arrival) still existed. It looks as though that may well have come to an end.
Mon, 12 Sep 2016, 22:33
All I know is that my contact in the PlayJam world left rather abruptly a few months ago.
He said it was "Because he'd got a different job", but it was only a couple of months after he'd been promoted over there..

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Tue, 13 Sep 2016, 05:33
That was Carlton, right? Yeah, he said the same to me. However another Dev Relation John Vega, contacted me afterwards, about getting AquaVenture onto the FlarePlay service - promising oodles of cash if I adapted the splash screen to show the new Flare controller and altered a few controls. I said I would, but couldn't be bothered and never heard from him again.
Tue, 13 Sep 2016, 05:42
Nope, it was John Vega!!!
Tue, 13 Sep 2016, 06:46
So John left too? No wonder I didn't hear any more from him!
Fri, 16 Sep 2016, 00:28
I met John Vega also, seemed like a really cool guy, really loved Super Grid Run and it was on show at a few game shows, he even sent photos to me of it in action on the show floors, awesome dev relations guy really!

It's a shame the Gamestick didn't get any real following going though. They didn't help themselves much by releasing the console around the same week as both the XBOX1 and PS4 though.

Web / Game Dev, occasionally finishes off coding games also!
Fri, 16 Sep 2016, 01:02
They didn't help themselves by offering such shit hardware in the first place.

The controller was awful and the stick had some of the most stupid design decisions ever. THAT reset switch? You're fucking shitting me?! Dev and consumer units as separate entities? Idiotic. And don't get me started on the "P-I-N-K with everything" front-ends and menus. Tres ghey. Orange on OUYA was bad, but pink? Bleurgh.

Don't get me wrong, I like the idea behind Gamestick but everything else about it was awful - including the background support; from marketing, to the Dev portal to the official forums, all were terribly broken and ignored from the start.

Yeah, John and Carlton were good guys, but they couldn't support the machine single-handedly.
Sun, 06 Jun 2021, 13:11
I hope reviving years old threads isn't too frowned upon here!

Jay, I remember seeing that you were given a PlayJam Flare console to dev on several years ago. I was wondering if you still had that and could take some photos of everything. The box, console, controller, any documentation etc. I've been looking into Gamestick preservation stuff and I'm delving into the FlarePlay rabbit-hole. What a mess.
Sun, 06 Jun 2021, 14:53
The unit's a possibility, but I'm not one for keeping boxes I'm afraid.

I'll summon the gods of the drawer of lost gadgets, later tonight.. or maybe in the morning.
If you don't hear from me again, assume I'm entangled by a hundred forgotten scart cables.

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Mon, 07 Jun 2021, 02:22
Mon, 07 Jun 2021, 05:34
I have some gamestick stuff over here still, probably got the devkit about also,if you're interested.

Web / Game Dev, occasionally finishes off coding games also!
Mon, 07 Jun 2021, 12:55
I'm afraid you'll have to wait..
'cos I looked in the drawer where I was almost certain it was.. The WiiU, the OUYA and the Razer ForgetV, all looked up at the bright light, the WiiU gamepad lighting up as if to say "Oh boy, someone wants to play NintendoLand!!"
I rooted around, but nope..
It wasn't in drawer of cable despair, nor was it in the drawer of handy things, with the Pritt Sticks, the mountains of Cellotape, the huge number of AA's, and the occasional CR2032.

The fourth drawer which doesn't have a name, but does have a Dreamcast keyboard and an old Razor (of the face shaving variety, not the light up with 100,000 LEDs for no valid reason variety) also didn't contain the PlayJam things.

I'm kind of at a loss as to where they might be..

I shall continue to hunt, but even that has completely knackered me out!!
If I find them, I'll be sure to post pics.

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Tue, 08 Jun 2021, 00:35
Cheers for looking Jay!

Rychan, I'm after the PlayJam FlarePlay console dev kit if you have pictures of that. Fortunately I've already got photos of the Gamestick Dev kit
Tue, 08 Jun 2021, 07:11
Ahh, bums, only had the Gamestick one, good luck with the hunting.

Web / Game Dev, occasionally finishes off coding games also!
Sat, 19 Feb 2022, 07:08
Aaaah, here we go!!
Amazing what you find when you completely blitz your bedroom!

> Reveal 🔎

PlayJam Flare
> Reveal 🔎

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Sat, 19 Feb 2022, 12:15
I've got both of mine somewhere still too. Nearly binned them a while back. IIRC I never even turned on the Flare after witnessing the shitstorm that was the GameStick. I did have AquaVenture ready to port to it though - all I needed to change was the joypad controller on the intro screen.

BTW My Gamestick was white-ish (as per the boxart) - I've never seen the black/green one.
Sat, 19 Feb 2022, 12:25
Yeah it says "Kickstarter Backed" on the box, so I guess I it must be the first batch or something? *shrugs*
Freebies are cool

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Tue, 22 Feb 2022, 11:44
I'd pillage villages for that Flareplay kit.

Jay, if you ever want to pass it on for some quids, let me know
Tue, 22 Feb 2022, 12:08
No, that's alright, thanks! It's a lovely reminder of the time that a company thought my games were actually worth something

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Thu, 27 Oct 2022, 12:29
Jay, I know we're going back a fair few years now, but do you know if there were any differences in your games on Ouya and Gamestick, and if so, do you have the Gamestick versions anywhere?

Reason I ask is because there's a fair few of us looking to revive the Gamestick and its UI. The first place we're starting is backing up games from unlocked sticks and trying to build a complete library.
Thu, 27 Oct 2022, 12:38
There's no differences in my .apk's, That was something I worked at when doing my giant refresh of games at the time. To ensure that I didn't have to fart about to make two different versions each week, especially if I ever had to fix them up again for some reason.

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Thu, 27 Oct 2022, 12:40
Brilliant. That's like 10% of the catalogue accounted for! LOL

Thanks for your help!
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