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Socoder -> Film + TV -> Crystal Maze

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Sun, 16 Oct 2016, 09:31
First I heard, they were getting David Tennant to do it.
Then I heard Richard O'Brien was back.
Then I heard he's only a secondary host.

I'm not sure what'll be happening, if I'm honest..

Tonight (Sunday 16th October 2016) at 9pm on Channel 4

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Sun, 16 Oct 2016, 10:23
I'll be watching (or recording, to watch later at some point).

Sun, 16 Oct 2016, 12:23
Wasn't going to bother... but it's Sunday and there's nowt else. No idea who any of those people are, except for the one who's on Mock the Week sometimes although I still couldn't give you name.
Sun, 16 Oct 2016, 12:43
Bottom left is Sara Cox. A Radio 2 DJ. She used to live on a farm behind my old school, rode her horse around the village, and went to school with my older sister.

When my sister got to play for England's Women Rugby team, she rang Sara Cox on the radio and asked her "Do you remember me, from school?"
.. At which point, Sara completely leathered into my sister, calling her out as the school bully, and having made her life hell.
My sister didn't find it anywhere near as funny as the rest of us did.

I used to have an MP3 of that, but .. No idea where it's gone. It's gotten lost over the years.

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Sun, 16 Oct 2016, 13:10
Is the black guy Rio Ferdinand?

I know Foxy, but the others? Nope.
Sun, 16 Oct 2016, 14:49
Tiny set!! Tiny!!!
Really makes you realise how fucking huge the original sets must've been.

Half the damn games could be played just by reaching through the windows!!

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Sun, 16 Oct 2016, 14:54
Yeah, I'm watching it now.

The presenter really is trying hard to be Richard O'Brien - and failing miserably. The sets are too small and the games so far have all ben based on old ones.

Even the crystals are smaller.


But... At least it came back. Hopefully it will lead the way to a proper series with nornmal people, not "celebs".
Sun, 16 Oct 2016, 15:06
I'd heard originally there was to be a series with David Tennant as host, hence the opening gag about "the guy who used to be the Doctor."
No idea if that's still happening, but it'll be pretty disappointing if they continue to use these tiny sets!

Fwiw, the tiny sets were provided by the actual "you can go and play it" Crystal Maze Event thingy.. I think it's in London, or something.

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Sun, 16 Oct 2016, 15:08
Well, I have hope, but I won't hold my breath.
Sun, 16 Oct 2016, 17:25
I didn't like it. Presenter tried to be Richard O Brian, ended up being Harry Hill. The games were crap - most were too easy which was sadly offset by stupid contestants.

I can't even remember what happened in the dome. I lost interest when he gave them an extra crystal "because reasons".
Sun, 16 Oct 2016, 23:21

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Crystal Maze was a classic British game show which when it was on, was pretty much something else and everyone wanted to have a go!


Intel Core i5 6400 2.7GHz, NVIDIA GeForce GTX 1070 (8GB), 8Gig DDR4 RAM, 256GB SSD, 1TB HDD, Windows 10 64bit
Wed, 19 Oct 2016, 00:40
The puzzles were old for the same reason the set was small. They filmed it at a 'Crystal Maze Experience' place, where you can book events such as birthday/stag parties etc.
I really doubt they kept the real set up for twenty years unused.

Check out my excellent homepage!
Wed, 19 Oct 2016, 03:37
The old set, in the "Aces High" aircraft hanger, was demolished around '99.
If they do indeed move ahead with a full series, it'd be nice to see them attempt to rebuild a full set.

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Wed, 19 Oct 2016, 06:13

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Wed, 19 Oct 2016, 10:55
I'll second that "Oooooh!!!"
Fri, 13 Jan 2017, 05:10
I wasn't expecting that...

Richard Ayoade

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Fri, 13 Jan 2017, 08:46

They have my interest, can they keep it though?
Fri, 13 Jan 2017, 09:17
Also in that article...

The new series will be filmed at a purpose-built maze in Bristol that's being created by the original Crystal Maze designer James Dillon and spans over 30,000 square feet

We knew that, but it's nice to see it in writing

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Fri, 09 Jun 2017, 07:14
Friday 23rd June 2017
That's the date!
It's coming back!!!

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(.. The audience laughter is from The Last Leg.. .. I think I kinda like it with a laughter track...!!!)

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That's the trailer I've been glimpsing for the past week or two, during Countdown. Today, they added the date on top

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Fri, 09 Jun 2017, 16:11
The canned laughter is... um... different. But if it means we have to put up with it to have the Maze back, then it's a small sacrifice. Bring on the Crystal Dome!
Fri, 09 Jun 2017, 16:19
Nah, the laughter was definitely the Last Leg audience. The actual show will be without it.

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Mon, 19 Jun 2017, 10:40

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Mon, 19 Jun 2017, 11:03
Hang on....they're all z-list celebrities???

Bleh. :/
Mon, 19 Jun 2017, 11:15
Apparently the first "few" episodes are "Celebs", but after that we're back to normal idiots who can't solve the incredibly simplistic puzzles

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