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Socoder -> Site & Server -> Happy Birthday - Wednesday Workshop

Mon, 12 Jun 2023, 04:46

Happy Birthday - Wednesday Workshop

On the 15th June, it'll be 18 years since HoboBen (I think..!?!) suggested we have a quick week-long coding challenge, over at CodersWorkshop.
The Wednesday Workshop was born, and eventually petered out about five years later, but it was certainly a fun ride while it lasted.

This week, to celebrate (either that or I had no idea the birthday week was this week, and this is entirely co-incidental!) I've remade the first four games that I created for the workshop.

Ball-Up, Vortex Game, Platfire and Marvin have all had a quick and dirty remake, and are all playable in GotoJSE.

What are your fondest memories of the workshop?
Do you think it oughta return again, for another round of chaos?
.. Maybe you could try your own remake of a classic Workshop game.

> Reveal 🔎

The Wednesday Workshop section of this site is still up and running, and if you want to attempt to play any of the many entries that have been submitted over the years, they can all be found right here! Be aware that a lot of the games are posted as plain BlitzBasic sourcecode, so you'll have to grab that to play many of them.
You can Grab Blitz3D here.

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Mon, 12 Jun 2023, 05:36
Might have a looksy at these tonight
Mon, 12 Jun 2023, 14:30
18 years? Dear God, how old is Socoder itself?

*sighs* We are so old we fart dust and cobwebs.

I know I come and go, but even when gone often still read the forums, Never been associated with a finer bunch of people in my life and it is truly a pleasure to be around you folks, and have learned so much from all of you.

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Mon, 12 Jun 2023, 15:18
Vortex is my fave out of them
Mon, 12 Jun 2023, 15:33
Agree, Vortex is fun.
Mon, 12 Jun 2023, 17:04
SoCoder is this old
Wednesday Workshop was started on CodersWorkshop, and thought Hobo originally suggested it, (I think. It's very hazy and Archive.org deleted their archive) I somehow randomly ended up being the one to organise it. That somehow lead to me becoming a moderator there, and then when the evil Idigidragon unceremoniously pulled the plug on the whole damn forum overnight, people headed to the cheaply designed "Wednesday Workshop Archive" site that I'd built up.
That .. extremely hastily, I might add.. became SoCoder once I added a forum to what was originally "The Jay Site".

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Mon, 12 Jun 2023, 17:28
when the evil Idigidragon unceremoniously pulled the plug on the whole damn forum overnight

I missed that aspect of the mess or don't remember it. Just remember it was suddenly gone, no idea of the why. Was dealing with Idiotcon in another language community, where they were making crazy demands and all but killed off much of the community. They also left me on the hook for the $$ for a BlitzCon at a hotel they later never bothered to cancel or reimburse me for.

There is no great way to end a community or a product, as you will never make everybody happy. That said, in retrospect, between Mark Sibly and Simon Armstrong, they did a hell of a job and an effort of goodwill. Simon posted the archives and AFAIK he is still hosting them and Mark kept his word and open sourced all of the products. Much respect to both of them, although at the time I was ticked like everybody else.
Mon, 12 Jun 2023, 17:31
Socoder is still chugging along, everything else Blitz related died, although Qube did resurrect SyntaxBomb and has kept it going after its original incarnation. 2006... Were darn near carving forum posts in stone back then.