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SoCoder -> Blogs Home -> Blogs

Created : 30 January 2007
Edited : 30 January 2007

To Many Projects

Ever get to many projects?

Ever get a lot of ideas at one time? And you feel like you must work on them all. Well you start to realize you don't have the time to do everything. Then you find yourself jumping between projects, working on the one you kind most interesting that day. I think I have done that. I have quite a few web projects open. Currently I am working on my school forum website, Hack It, The Stealth Network (comedy site), a "untold of" project, and Stealth Software Development. And I really need to do one at a time. I think its going to happen in this order. First my school forum website, then Hack It, then The Stealth Network (easy), then Stealth Software Development, and then I will work on this project I have yet to say what it is (you will find out when the time comes). Sorry for Hack It getting delayed. I know you guys are interested in that project. I'll keep you posted.



Tuesday, 30 January 2007, 23:08
power mousey
I hear you, stealth.
I hear you

you have a lot of ideas, projects, interests, other activities going on, and even obligations such as work and/or school. And you only have less time to do with so much that you like and want to do. And also what you need to do as well.

And hey, stealth(and others too) its a balance of what you need to do and also what you like and want to do. Priortise and balance is part of the key.

Like for example...at work, sometimes I will find or even make the time to walk and do some exercising such as calistenics. UsUally on my lunch breaks. I'll even get some extra sleep on my breaks, now and then too.

I, like you, have tons and tons of ideas and projects waiting to come to fruitition. Yet, step by step, day by day, and...and Rome wasn't built in a day. true.

take your time, learn and have fun and enjoy it as well.

cheers bro,
power mousey
Wednesday, 31 January 2007, 04:03
1) Site bugs and things
2) Site rewrite for easier section tweaking
3) MudChat
4) JNKPlat DS Level Editing
5) Highscore saving for Stringy Things DS
6) Start Alien Breed DS
7) Workshop entries
8) I should probably finish off that Super Mario Land remake that I started just before CW went down, and I got stuck into upgrading this site.
Wednesday, 31 January 2007, 09:03
power mousey

here are some things I need and want to do
and for this week or two:

(1)clean and wash clothes and laundry.
(2)clean more of the crap in my room...books,books, DVDs, games, you name it and claim it, I probably have it.
(3) recycle cans and bottles for extra cash
(4) clean my car out...especially the trunk
(5) work more on my game menu
(6) write more on the Alternatives: Eco Superwarriors!
(7) read more of my book Weird California...this book is strangely addictive,weird and just plain bizarre. I love it.
(8) work more on my terrain program in Blitz3d...and with my dancing and silhoutte kitty too.
(9) pay my rent, gather papers and info for both taxes and investments too. I'll have my brother Mark look over them as well.
(10) family get together time with both my sister and my brother. Also wish them a Happy Superbowl for this sunday...since they are into football and the NFL.
(11) Anubis, Anubis, ahhhhhhoooowwwww!!! the new Anubis. Its going to be Eyptian and ancient cool like when I get done with it. true

plus lots and lots more of cool,freaky fun, weird and bizarre graphics and animations too.

oh yeah, I forgot....work more on my tai chi movements and incorporate them into my Laurel and Hardy tap dance shuffle. Hey, wavy clouds...and Oliver Hardys tap schuffle together. true.

cheers all,
power mousey
Wednesday, 31 January 2007, 20:33
Tai Chi -> Laurel & Hardy -> Tap Dance ?


Anyway. Here are my main tasks for the remaining days of my summer holidays:
1) Fix up the enemy movement code in my sidescroller game.
2) Wash my car (thanks for reminding me, mousey!)
3) Wait for the tape drive that should be being delivered today...
4) Install said tape drive.

That's about it, really.
Wednesday, 31 January 2007, 22:08
my latest projects are

1)i am learning openGL in C++.
2)building my clustered servers and a new computer
3)working on our new house
4)trying to get closer to ariel
5)then working on my AI engine
Wednesday, 31 January 2007, 23:00
power mousey
heya yakyak

blinks back

true. some martial art movements and stretching too with tai chi. hey, why not incorporate it into some of my dance routines.
Those wavy clouds movements...and especially from side to side are good to loosen up your neck and back. Good for showboating too.

You should see me when I dance to one of my favorite Eagle songs: One of these Nights. I start off with some tap dancing and schuffle like Laurel and Hardy have done in their film shorts and movies and at certain times...I, go into an Indian rain dance as well. true.

yeah, I was going to wash my car too. But the rains here pretty much took care of that. So one less thing to do or one thing already done. true.


whoa..wait! ariel? is she that green haired girl? If she is...thats cool and good for you bro.
and hey, maybe she can use her plant powers with her touch of green to consider joining the Alternatives. The Eco SuperWarriors. Superheroes from Mother Nature and to save both mankind and the earth from man. true.
Ariel.....hmmmmmm ahhhhh!!! she is a close friend to Wendy. Wendy, the Will o Wisp.

<skypenguin, shroom and even Pieman and Mad Proff take note of this. true. Both Wendy and Ariel. >

thank you hyrule...for giving me another name. the idea that she sprouted forth her roots from rudimentary thought and creative craziness.

by the way, working on our new house? Your family moving and bought a new house?

cheers to you both,
power mousey
Thursday, 01 February 2007, 00:14
Well, I've done No. 1. 3 still hasn't occured, which is a pain.

@Hyrule: What kind of clustered server(s) are you building?
Thursday, 01 February 2007, 11:19
a linux server, maybe run knoppix(sp?) or Damn Small Linux as the OS

right now i have 3 computer i can use, 2 laptops and an old desktop. all P3 CPUs, 2 at 1000 Mhz and one at 500 Mhz. i am hoping to put in about half a gig of RAM into them each and run them in commandline mode only to save power.

and power mousey, she does not have green hair. the green hair thing in my sig is a reference to a character in the webcomic ctrl+alt+del. her name is player 4, the 4th player out of the crazy bunch and the most psychotic.

ariel is actually blond and likes to stay up late playing video games, watch TV or doing stuff on the computer

also i am trying to get money for a DS card reader, i have been wanting one for awhile now
Thursday, 01 February 2007, 13:34
power mousey
I know hyrule.

I was just joking. but hey, the name of Ariel sounds nice.
serious. So, I'm using her name for a character and potential member for the Alternatives.
She and Wendy...Wendy the Will o Wisp are close friends.

I'm glad you have a friend and even a girlfriend with some of the same interests as you. Thats a good start for a good friendship and even deeper relationship.

Tell her that I said hi.

power mousey
Thursday, 01 February 2007, 13:48
power mousey
but hey everybody,

I don't plan to get everything done on what I listed in that previous post. Maybe and hopeflly in under a month or so. But not everything in or at of 2 weeks.

I listed these on purpose....so to show you that you have to priortise and balnce what you need to do and with obligations and also what you like to do and want to do too. Yet, also what you are capbable of doinfg and in and under the circumstances, the situations, and the weather too.
For example, like yesterday for Wednesday:

I got some of my room cleaned...but I got a long way to go. I also gathered my bank info for taxes to do and also mailed some stuff off. And that was about it.
The reason being that it was my first day off from work...and I need to sleep a lot and go into low power mode for many hours to recuperate and recharge too.
They say the first day back to work is the hardest. I add this: the first day off is the hardest too.

Well, today I'm going to pay my rent, clean up my room some more, work more on the story, and as well as my game menu, and hey even get my butt up and take out the trash.
I also need to do some grocery shopping. The mousey has little cheese in the fridge and also needs his diet wild cheery Pepsi too and also some French Bread pepperoni pizza too.
Tomorrow...ugh!!! is laundry day. Mostly white clothes.

in the cheese castle

power mousey
Saturday, 03 February 2007, 15:16
dont forget your bleach!
Saturday, 03 February 2007, 19:21
power mousey
thanks gar

still haven't done them.

will do a load of whites tomorrow. running low
on socks,shirts, shorts. maybe a load of colored too.
primarily cause I start work tomorrow night. true.

power mousey