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Socoder -> Mystery Boxes -> LootCrate

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Tue, 07 Nov 2017, 10:22
I didn’t get that reference. Ok
Tue, 14 Nov 2017, 05:36
Here comes a Halloween themed box.

LootCrate Gaming - October 2017

> Reveal 🔎

I couldn't be arsed scoring it.

Does anyone have any suggestions for alternative crates/boxes? I'm really not enjoying generic shitty AAA bollocks each month.

Lootcrate GamerCrate Crate cancelled crate. I'm sticking with the Wearables, though. The socks, boxers and "other wearable" have been ok, so far.

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Tue, 14 Nov 2017, 08:25
I like DOOM. I've played it once or twice over the years (count that as A LOT!), but I didn't recognise that FunkoPop and I've stared at the loading screen hundreds of times.

As for everything else -

Yeah, all very... erm.
Tue, 12 Dec 2017, 06:10
So, with the main LootCrate/GamingCrate cancelled, I now only have the monthly socks/boxers/"Other" items each month (Although.. I'm not sure if I'm still getting this months. I think it might've gone through before I cancelled, last month)

Given that this month's T-Shirt is a bloody Sonic one, I'm now slightly peeved that I've not signed up for the Tees, too.
I might go and do that, later..
.. Kinda overspending, here, though. fuckity..


Look at my underpants!

> Reveal 🔎

Yeah, the wearables are nice
Definitely keeping the wearables...

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Mon, 08 Jan 2018, 07:04
Hmm.. Will have to check into my LootCrate subscription settings, as I appear to have got a LootCrate, this morning..

Spoiler, here's the good item.

> Reveal 🔎

Although I haven't played the Shocks beyond the original SystemShock, I still at least recognise who this is, and he/it looks nicely detailed, and will look good on a shelf.

> Reveal 🔎

So, yeah.....
Glad I cancelled that!
*goes to check it's still cancelled*

|update| Yes, it's definitely still cancelled. Just a very late crate. |update|

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Mon, 08 Jan 2018, 09:35
I've played (and completed) Gears of War 1 and 2 (I've got 3 somewhere too, but can;t remember if I've played it or not. I also can't remember there being a mace in the games. But it was a long time ago.

I've completed all the "Shocks" games too - that Big Daddy is nice, but rather "brassy" for my liking.

Everything is definitely very meh!

Does LootCrate still exist? Which boxes died a death?

On the plus side, at least it wasn't an IGN box - have you seen what was in the last couple? £25 for £1.20 worth of tat (including postage!).
Mon, 08 Jan 2018, 09:56
NerdBlock was the one that went arse over tits. LootCrate's still going with their tucking inflatable fucking crowns, and now sodding whistles, too.

I haven’t seen the IGNBox, but I imagine they just steal other boxes content, slap their own watermark on, and then try to make money from it...

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Mon, 08 Jan 2018, 09:57
Pretty much.

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Mon, 08 Jan 2018, 10:01
...awesome :/
Mon, 08 Jan 2018, 10:08
Yep. TBF the next one was better, with a Predator bust and an Alien FunkoPOP. But even though I love the Alien and Predator series, I wouldn't want either of those items in my gaming room.

The Xmas one was somewhere between the two; ie crap.
Mon, 15 Jan 2018, 06:10
Look at my pants!!!

Dec 2017's Lootwear has arrived...

> Reveal 🔎

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Mon, 15 Jan 2018, 08:14
Ummm... yeah. And you paid actual money for these?
Wed, 24 Jan 2018, 10:04
Just a quick heads-up. I got an email from THG/Zavvi the other day stating -


From Marvel to DC Comics, Deadpool, Star Wars, Bill & Ted’s great adventure, Game of Thrones and many more popular film and TV franchises these mystery packs are filled with amazing t-shirt to add to your collection.


I ordered one, as it was cheap as chips and it arrived today. So, here's my "unboxing."

I've rated everything as -
"CRAP" - 0 points
"???" - 1 point (I don't know what this is a reference to or I've heard of it, but don't care)
"OK" - 2 points
"LIKE" - 4 points
"LOVE" - 5 points

> Reveal 🔎

> Reveal 🔎

> Reveal 🔎

> Reveal 🔎

> Reveal 🔎

> Reveal 🔎

> Reveal 🔎

> Reveal 🔎

> Reveal 🔎

> Reveal 🔎

Next up is the "Welcome ZBox" - I put all of this in one picture. Because.

> Reveal 🔎

So there you go. My first and probably last unboxing. I'm pretty pleased with the T-shirts on the whole though, especially the GhostBusters one. I SOOOOO love that. GhostBusters, DeadPool, BatMan and Hoth are all great - Hoth would have scored more if it had been a light grey shirt.
Wed, 24 Jan 2018, 10:24
Like the TShirt bundle!

I might have to grab something like that, later, as .. I no longer get any TShirts!!! OMG!WTF?!!?

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Wed, 24 Jan 2018, 10:31
I was tempted to grab a second lot, however I don't really want duplicates. I'll wait and see if they do this again and then grab (hopefully) a brand new bundle.

There's no way on earth that the ZBox is "worth £9.99" it'd be pushing it if it got to a quid!
Tue, 13 Feb 2018, 05:06
Time for More LootWear!!

> Reveal 🔎

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Tue, 13 Feb 2018, 08:05
FR FTW!!!!!! Honestly. It's the best item there!

Btw I've no idea about the Hidden Temple either.
Thu, 15 Mar 2018, 07:02
It's pants time!
.. Except without any pants.

> Reveal 🔎

So, yeah, an OK batch, this month. No Fraggle Rock, though. That's going to be hard to beat!!

Pants are delayed due to .. hmmm..

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Fri, 06 Apr 2018, 07:43

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Mon, 09 Apr 2018, 05:49
Oh, pants!!

Since last month's pants didn’t turn up (at all!!), today I got TWO pants!!


Pants One
> Reveal 🔎

Pants Two
> Reveal 🔎

There you go.
Two pants for the price of .. well, two pants, really, just spread over two months instead of showing up when they’re supposed to!
Coming soon... socks!! Excite!

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Mon, 14 May 2018, 04:41
Socks + Wearables

> Reveal 🔎

7/10.. Points knocked off for lack of action.

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Fri, 18 May 2018, 05:51
On Monday, when the LootWear appeared, I did find myself wondering whether it was this months, or last months, and so checked the little card inside to find out..
Turns out, it was last months, judging by the fact that it had the yellow Alien Boxers on the card.. It certainly took it's time, because today, this month's turned up!! And everything came at once. The socks, the wearable, and the boxers.

Prepare for FOUR items!!!

> Reveal 🔎

Overall : 3/5 : Nothing "Bad", but only the boxers are "Great"!

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Fri, 18 May 2018, 05:58
The glove is the Infinity Gauntlet.

The socks are definitely Captain America.

The other stuff? No idea!
Fri, 18 May 2018, 06:12
Lemmiwinks is from South Park.
It's the poor little Gerbil that had to escape from Mr Slave's ass!

From the episode Death Camp of Tolerance
I tried to find a YouTube clip, earlier, but.. nope.. they’re VERY stringent when it comes to South Park clips!!!

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Fri, 18 May 2018, 15:58
Never been a South Park fan. I don't hate it, but just don't care about it.
Tue, 29 May 2018, 05:00
Unexpected Pants..

I thought I was caught up, and fully expected a whole month to pass before the next set of goodies arrived.
And then I got pants!

I have no idea what the timings are on these things!

Additionally, I have no idea what's on my pants.

> Reveal 🔎

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