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Socoder -> Off Topic -> Ironing

Fri, 12 Aug 2016, 16:29
Don't you just hate ironing those shirts, where the simple act of lifting them off the ironing board creases them up like they've been tied in a knot and stomped on?!

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Fri, 12 Aug 2016, 16:29
I've made some attempts at ironing, but instead of the wrinkles flattening out they become permanent creases, so I gave it up.

All the raw, animal magnetism of a rutabaga.
Sat, 13 Aug 2016, 03:17
I don't mind ironing, and have become rather proficient at folding, too!
But post-op Jay is very unsteady, and I find it very difficult to do ironing whilst seated. So, very rarely, nowadays.
I do find it very relaxing, though.
Just you, an iron, your clothes, and the many many, crazy, random AGameAWeek ideas that bubble about in your head...

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Sat, 13 Aug 2016, 12:10
I got married so I wouldn't have to do any ironing

We each have our roles and hers is the ironing!
Sat, 13 Aug 2016, 12:53
Lazy bugger!!
Sun, 14 Aug 2016, 01:19
Ive lived with Helen for 13 years, I feel like her live-in slave I have to do EVEEEEERRRRYYYYTHING!!!! for her

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Sun, 14 Aug 2016, 01:22
Quit your moanin'!! Find a good TV show, and iron away. It's easy!!!

True, you won't be coding, or doodling Pixelart, or creating music, or any of the wonderful gadgetry stuff you tend to do. .. But you can get to that. Ironing's, at max, an hour's chore. .. And if it's any more than that, you've not been doing it enough! ..... Get back to work!!!


FWIW : being stuck in my current situation is beyond laziness. I literally sit on my arse, and Mum does practically everything.
I can occasionally "cook a meal", as long as cooking the meal involves measuring the pasta, opening the jar of sauce, dumping it into a dish and shoving it into the oven.
.. That's as much as I can literally "stand" for.

Ironing has to be done seated, which just plain feels weird, coupled with the head motion to the left and right, which inevitably starts the fluid sloshing around.

Mum's currently putting up some wallpaper in the kitchen. Can I help with that? Can I bugger. Too much "look up and down" causing extra swirlyness.

Long story short, be glad you CAN do the ironing. It may be a chore, but it's something you can do, which helps around the house.
Not until you lose basic stuff like that, that you start to feel really shit about your situation.

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Sun, 14 Aug 2016, 01:30
I do pretty much everything else - I cook nearly every day when I'm not on a Late shift, I clean, do the laundry, walk her dogs and do the garden etc, so I can be forgiven for not ironing. Not forgetting ALL the DIY and decorating. AND I work full time. She doesn't. She can iron!
Sun, 14 Aug 2016, 01:42
By everything, I meant pretty much nothing....
Sun, 14 Aug 2016, 01:57
"Her dogs"!
Sun, 14 Aug 2016, 02:51
The dogs ARE hers. They're registered to her, she takes them to the vet and chooses the food they eat - I just get to pay and carry it home!

I never had dogs before we got married and never really wanted one. I always said before we got married the dogs will be her responsibility, not mine. I said I'd not clean up after them or anything. Yeah right!

She sees the computers as mine (despite using them) and I see the dogs as hers (despite doing everything for and with them).

Sun, 14 Aug 2016, 03:02
I'm not a lover of dogs.
Once bitten.. ... Fuck 'em.

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Sun, 14 Aug 2016, 03:08
Not every dog is a biter though Jay. And those that do are generally just very excited and do it accidentally or scared/anxious.

None of my dogs over the years has ever bitten anything. Not even the cats. As seen below in a really old vid...

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