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Socoder -> Blitz -> height in a top view game?

Sat, 14 Jul 2007, 13:16
Just wondering, having bottled out of using both 3D and Isometric, Does anyone have any [easy] ways of showing and using 'height' in a top-down 2D game?

I have decided I'm not ready to learn 3D or Isometric just yet, and I'm going with what I already know, a 2D top view game, but I would like to represent height somehow. Also I would like to use the height gravity-wize, having balls roll down hills etc. Is any of this possible?

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Sat, 14 Jul 2007, 14:29
Just to let you know... most modern isometric games are done in 3d anyway. It's too much of a hassle to do them in 2d.

Sat, 14 Jul 2007, 15:15
There is another choice.
The "Not Isometric, but still 3D" view..
Whereby you have a series of towers, all in 2D..
You start with the plain X\Y coords, and then have Z bricks per coord, which you draw one above the other.
Whether it works or not will depend entirely upon the type of game.

To give the illusion of Top-Down heights, you need only work in a nice shadowing effect. With higher bits casting longer shadows.
It'd probably double the amount of tiles (just use one set dark and one set light), but it shouldn't be TOO difficult.

For rolling ball things..

Assume that 5 is a brick.
8 would be a sloped brick, but with the top part being higher than the bottom.
4 would slope with the left being higher.
6 for the right, 2 for the bottom.. Just like your numpad.
Put in the diagonals if you want.
Wherever a 5 meets with a brick/set of bricks, just assume it's level with it's neighbours.
Perhaps add QWE,ASD,ZXC bricks for "Layer 2" or something like that, so you can have bridges and things... (eek!)
To change the balls speed, if it's on an 8 brick an heading downwards, speed it up.. if it's heading upwards, slow it down..
It shouldn't be too hard to do, and I'm sure you can pretty much handle the most of it.

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Sat, 14 Jul 2007, 16:15
At the momeent, I'm using a 1024x1024 tiled background, but I'm using pixel checking instead of tile checking for my [only] collision. I'm currently only checking for track or no track, using only the ball center (no other points) against my background checking for none zero pixels.

I'm assuming I would set up a second background (no visible) for height detection?

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Sat, 14 Jul 2007, 17:10
Hmm.. Yeah, that could work.. Add a "bumpmap-esque" 2nd layer, with lighter colours being higher. I'm now sure how precise it would be, but.. It could work!

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