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SoCoder -> Link Home -> Misc

Created : 09 March 2011
Edited : 09 March 2011

About bloomin' time!


Personally, I don't know why they can't just ban smoking completely, it's a manky habit anyway, glad I gave up years ago!.



Thursday, 10 March 2011, 06:51
May as well ban sweets, too - they only make you fat.
Also, alcohol serves no useful purpose to society and causes innumerable problems - banned!
Red meat is bad for your health and there's that whole mad cow concern - just ban it!
...I could go on, but to sum up the point

Anyone who wants to tell me what I can and can not put into my own body can FUCK RIGHT OFF!

(btw, I don't smoke and never have)
Thursday, 10 March 2011, 06:54
And don't even bring up the second-hand bullshit.
If you didn't want to breathe second-hand smoke at a restaurant, you were perfectly free to NOT GO THERE. If you're THAT concerned about it, then make a law requiring a big "WARNING: Smoking inside" sign on the door.

Taking rights away from the public is never good policy.
Thursday, 10 March 2011, 07:14
Not once.
I've been working in a shop for over 10 years, and not one person has ever walked into the shop and gone. ..

"Hmm.. I think I'll have one of those fancy Marlyborow cigarette things. That might be good."

Hiding them changes nothing, and only the stupid anti-smoking moronic twonks would think that hiding them would make millions of kids suddenly not smoke anymore.
Thursday, 10 March 2011, 07:17

I don't give a toss what you just said, smoking fucking stinks like crap, that's as good an excuse as any, end-of!. . And I apologize to anyone I offended when I used to smoke.

Jay!, please lock this topic before it becomes a flame-war. LOL

Na!, only joking. 9572AD, whatever his/her name, is entitled to thou opinion I suppose!
Thursday, 10 March 2011, 07:24
Jayenkai Hiding them changes nothing, and only the stupid anti-smoking moronic twonks would think that hiding them would make millions of kids suddenly not smoke anymore.

I don't really give a monkey's what people want to put into their lungs, I just think that smoking pongs plain and simple.

Reason I gave-up. Had no choice, I was coughing-up blood. If I hadn't kicked the habit back then, I probably would have been fertilizing daffodils by now!.

|edit| Plus I saw what state a friend of mine looked, when he got Emphysema and eventually popped his clogs!. |edit|
Thursday, 10 March 2011, 07:31
I do think cigarette manufacturers should be banned from artificially making them more addictive, though.
Thursday, 10 March 2011, 07:39
9572AD I do think cigarette manufacturers should be banned from artificially making them more addictive, though.

I very constructive statement indeed .
Thursday, 10 March 2011, 08:48
No doubt something could be done about cleaning them up a bit too. I bet with all this technology at our fingertips, something could be done to better the smell too.

Personally I really don't care if people smoke or not. I just don't understand the need for it.
Thursday, 10 March 2011, 10:00
I don't understand why the need for it either. All I can say is this, I must have been a right nob to have done it myself all those years ago!.