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Socoder -> Mystery Boxes -> CreationCrate

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Tue, 14 Nov 2017, 06:53


So, with LootCrate a thing of the past, I decided to trawl the web for something to replace it.
I came upon CreationCrate
It's a wee bit pricier.. $29.99 + $4.99 shipping. Eeek!

I'm fairly sure it's a standardised subscription (eg everyone gets the boxes in the same order, starting from Box 1.. not a completely random box each month)
Each month is a little electronics kit, with a little "UNO R3" Arduino compatible board and all the bits of wires/breadboard/etc that you need to complete the project.
All signs are that first month will be a little LED lamp.

Build the thing, code the board, pop it together and be happy!
There's, what I'm assuming, a complete list of projects here. So, expect that to be the order I build things in!

.. Bit childish, but fuck it, I need something productive to do once I've finished building the new AGAWFramework!
Looking forward to this!

Alongside my "Build a Radio" Advent Calendar, looks like 2018's going to be a techy building year for Jay!

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Tue, 14 Nov 2017, 08:12
Basic or simple, maybe, but certainly not childish. Sounds like fun
Mon, 11 Dec 2017, 09:10
Gawd, that took long enough!!

Crate One : Mood Lamp

> Reveal 🔎

Next code!!!!
This is the original code.

I've since tweaked that to fade a little more gently, since the number of int's that they used caused it to stutter and glitch, rather than gently fade.

I also reduced the green, as the green LED seemed a little overpowering.


The end result
> Reveal 🔎

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Mon, 11 Dec 2017, 09:37
That's nice, that is
Mon, 11 Dec 2017, 11:21
Yay!, you got an UNO
Mon, 11 Dec 2017, 11:23
Not used my UNO in a while, been too occupied with getting this tile map editor thing up and running properly.
Fri, 29 Dec 2017, 09:57
Just when you think you can give up for the day, and relax, in comes...

Crate #2

> Reveal 🔎

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Fri, 29 Dec 2017, 11:24
bung a resister inline with it, it should be using some sort of pulse modulation as they work exactly the same as a speaker. Also coding it quieter should work fine assuming you're sending a value between 0 and 255 on a timer to make the sound.

Check out my excellent homepage!
Fri, 29 Dec 2017, 12:06
Nice little project
Fri, 29 Dec 2017, 13:05
"bung a resister inline" sounds like the sort of experimenting that will no doubt explode in my face

No idea what size, or anything! ... but it did come with a spare one.

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Thu, 25 Jan 2018, 06:32
Crate Number Three

> Reveal 🔎

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Thu, 25 Jan 2018, 09:46
Neat little parking sensor

It's good that they are letting you learn a bit about the kit
Thu, 22 Feb 2018, 08:38
Crate Number Four


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Mon, 19 Mar 2018, 06:40
Bought some cheap 9v Square batteries and connectors that work with the little ArduinoUNO boards.

No idea how long those batteries might last, but it's much better than having each project be USB connected to the laptop, once finished.

I wouldn’t mind printing a little case or two, but by the time you add the Arduino, the breadboard, and then all the wires and battery, the whole case would probably take about 3 weeks to print!!!

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Mon, 26 Mar 2018, 08:11
Not much to see, this month.

Crate Number Five

> Reveal 🔎

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Mon, 26 Mar 2018, 08:47
Do you get a new arduino every month?
Mon, 26 Mar 2018, 09:10
Come month 12, I’ll be able to build a superduinomegabot!!

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Mon, 26 Mar 2018, 09:24
You know, with just one resistor (possibly 2, can't remember) you can hook one up to your TV. That is if you're TV is old enough to accept an analog video signal.
Then you could make a TV version of spike dislike!

Check out my excellent homepage!
Mon, 26 Mar 2018, 09:27
I might have to look in to that!!
D'you reckon it'll do a QuadDef version?!

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Mon, 26 Mar 2018, 10:40
I think 160x100 or similar. I remember some people managed to do much better, no doubt they left code all over the place for that.

320x200, possibly in colour, depending on your arduino i guess.

Check out my excellent homepage!
Mon, 26 Mar 2018, 11:15
Um... yeah.. maybe not to the telly, then!!

I have considered some kind of 64x64 grid of leds for Platdude Pixelarts.. not a clue where to start, there, though!!

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Mon, 26 Mar 2018, 11:47
64x64 is probably going to be very slow. my 32x16 led frame almost looks ok.

Check out my excellent homepage!
Mon, 26 Mar 2018, 11:49
It wouldn't need to be fast, maybe a new image every 15 minutes or so.
There's thousands of 'em, though!! That ain't gonna fit in memory!

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Mon, 26 Mar 2018, 12:19
You can wire up an SD card, that isn't an issue.

Check out my excellent homepage!
Mon, 26 Mar 2018, 12:55

16x16 grid.. Slicer says "Fuck off!!" (The progress bar under the second upper-left, save icon, button isn't budging from 1%)

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Thu, 31 May 2018, 08:23
Alright, alright.. Gawd, that Newsletter guy won't let up, will he? Geeze..

Month 6 - Reflex Game

Apologies for lack of photos, but I did most of this build last month, and things were a bit hectic.
The build and code were mostly uninteresting, aside from the fact that my head was pounding, and as a result the many dots on the breadboard were giving me a bit of a double-vision issue.
Other than that, it went relatively smoothly, but then one of the buttons weren't working, and my head was killing me, and the table was out of use, and I was doing it on the floor, and .. Bah.. I gave up.

Today I rechecked the wires, reseated the buttons, and double checked the code. All is golden, and now the two player button reflex game is working.

Tap the middle button to start, then there's 3 rounds.
The first to hit their button after the blue light appears wins.

View on YouTube

Month 7

This month's was quite a tricky thing to get working.
Well, the build wasn't. The build was 2 little premade chips that you dump on the breadboard. This is much like the radio chip from the Advent Calendar, in that you don't really do anything all that interesting, other than dot a few wires around the place.

Teehee. Silly little owl face!

With the wires dotted around the place, it was time to code, and FUCK ME was that a pain.
If you aren't used to coding, this would've been one hell of a bastard job, as the required includes weren't included with the Arduino-Kit Install.
Instead I had to google-search for the .cpp/.h files, and implement them myself.
That was NOT something I expected having to do, especially since the little booklet simply said "include the file!" as if everything would work perfectly, first time.


Anyway, I eventually got the thing going, and the weather app kicked into gear.
Unfortunately, since the arduino only outputs it's information to your system (because there's no display to speak of), it means this is a "only when hooked up to your system" sort of thing.

Hopefully in the future they'll give up some sort of nice visual output doohickey that I can use to make this into something more functional, but.. Who knows..
(I could probably look that up, if I'm honest!)

Beware, uneventful video!

View on YouTube

It's nice to have gotten a weather chip. I'm guessing the weather chip needs to be in open-air, so if I print a nice case, it'd need to be external somehow. But I have buttons, a couple of light/sonar sensors, a weather chip, a bunch of LEDs, and from the advent calendar I also have a little radio chip, as well as a nice speaker.
Given all these components, I could quite possibly create some sort of super clock radio kind of device.
That might be something to look forward to!!

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