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Socoder -> Hardware and Technology -> Win11 Laptops

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Thu, 07 Jul 2022, 14:16
I got a new Win11 laptop at the weekend. I haven't got used to the keyboard yet and keep fecking everything up. So, sorry in advance!
Thu, 07 Jul 2022, 14:16
What'd you get?
Thu, 07 Jul 2022, 15:07
Win11 laptop at the weekend.
Thu, 07 Jul 2022, 15:38
Woot! Win11s all around!
Thu, 07 Jul 2022, 15:47
HP Envy with touchscreen, Ryzen 7 processor Radeon gfx, 16GB memory, 1TB SSD HD.

It should do everything I need it to for a few years
Thu, 07 Jul 2022, 16:04
A whole terrorbite of SSD?! Yikes!!
Sounds expensive, but if it lasts, that's good enough.

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Fri, 08 Jul 2022, 01:36
It'll be well used, but the keyboard is bit weird and while full-size I keep hitting lots of wrong keys.
Fri, 08 Jul 2022, 01:57
Yeah, I hate that about laptops. All that space, and yet the arrow keys get squished into the most nonsensical of sizes, and god only knows who thinks it's perfectly fine to change the shape of the return key!!
Does it at least have a Numpad?

''Load, Next List!''
Fri, 08 Jul 2022, 03:11
I chose it because it didn't tbh, but I'm beginning to regret that. I never used the number pad but at least the HOME, END, PG UP/DN etc. buttons used to sit nicely above them. Now they are down the side. Weird. And the ON/OFF button is right next to BACKSPACE. Who thought that was a good idea? Thankfully there is a delay when pressing it to activate. (I'm weird like that I always shut down my ststem after use).
Fri, 08 Jul 2022, 03:18
I've always aimed to get a laptop with a Numpad, but they don't do Numpads on Mactops.. Grrr...
It's not been "too" much of an issue, but when I need to type a lot of numbers (data entry FTW!) that's when I miss it.

As for the Home/End/Page keys, yeah.. Switching from Windows to MacOS to SmileBASIC to Amiga and back and forth and over and over.. That's enough to drive you crazy, with each one having subtly different ways to navigate.
The MacBook uses Command+Key, or FN+Key depending on its mood. The keyboard I have on the Switch needs FN+Key. And my Windows setup is only ever remote-desktop'd to, so uses the Macbook's keyboard, but different combinations, because.. Sure why not!!

What I wouldn't give to have a solid cluster of keys to do it.

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Fri, 08 Jul 2022, 03:29
Win11 doesn't want to turn off my touchpad either - it says it's disabled, but it's fucking not. As I've said before I hate touchpads; whenever I'm typing I touch/brush it and my cursor does stupid things like move to the middle of the line or move my text elewhere etc. etc.

Fri, 08 Jul 2022, 03:33
Could you physically disable it from Device Manager?

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Fri, 08 Jul 2022, 03:35
I did!

Or rather, it didn't, despite saying it did!
Fri, 08 Jul 2022, 03:48
Fri, 08 Jul 2022, 03:52
It seems to be a known issue.

After lots of Googling I've now found a second way to disable it, which now seems to work. Yay.
Fri, 08 Jul 2022, 04:04

So, how is Win11, then?
Is it still a chaotic mess of Settings pages in multiple places and eras?
That's the thing that winds me up, hopping back to Win10. Trying to find the right settings for things, and having to jump between modern dialogues to dialogues written in the 90s!
Yesterday I was trying to hook up a different bluetooth keyboard, and then switch the Function keys from Media Button First to Function Key First. .. Oh my god, the insane variety of settings dialogues!!

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Fri, 08 Jul 2022, 04:07
TBH think 10, crossed with the rounded bits from 7. That's pretty much it. Using the personilse settings, I've pretty much put it back to how 10 looks. The start menu is different still, but it's pretty much Windows as you've known it since, well... 95. Just different.

It does want to hold your hand a lot.
Fri, 08 Jul 2022, 13:43
I recently bought an (edit) ACER Spin as it has a Wacom pen a nice touch screen and it had a couple of hundred off bringing it down to a nice price. It was advertised as having Windows 11 but thankfully still had 10 on it, so I'm going to do all I can to stop the upgrade.

I kind of got on with Windows 11 on my other laptop after a shaky start except for what they did to the taskbar. So many features gone, the deal-breaker for me was the loss of the taskbar peek when you drag and drop. That was just something I could not live without.

(it's the thing where you drag a file from an explorer window down to something on your taskbar to bring that window into view so you can drop the file on it)

Andy H
8-bit games at www.hewco.uk
Cartoons at awful.ovine.net
Ovine at ovine.net
Fri, 08 Jul 2022, 14:04
MacOSes new Stage Manager works a LOT like the taskbar, except you can see little thumbnails instead of a tiny icon and some text. I'd probably have it enabled, but for one slight issue.
It swoops everything to and from the "taskbar" every single time you switch windows.
And they're swooping back and forth from the left of the screen to the middle, and back again, over and over.
Even alt+tab'ing causes swoop after swoop after swoop..
It's sickening, in a nausea inducing kind of way.

I mean, MacOS has always swoopy'd things, but only if you minimise or maximise or something. In general daily use, it's not too bad.
But Stage Manager is everything-swoopy, all the time!

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Fri, 08 Jul 2022, 15:04
One feature I'm really hating right now is that the context menus don't have the main functions I use most often on them (you have to click "more options" at the bottom of the menu). Things like "Rename" and "Paste" although there are a couple of icons that can rename, copy and paste at the top too - which is really odd and most of the time, unnoticed.

There are other oddities too, but they're not springing to mind right now.

I am kinda slowly getting used to the keyboard though, although that's most likely because the touchpad IS now disabled.
Fri, 08 Jul 2022, 15:10
Oh yes, forgot about that. Some part of that I like, but to make it work you should have some way to say what you want to surface on the first context menu and what you are happy to push to the show more options. But the way it is means you are doing exrta clicks all the time - Visual Studio code context options are always on the more options

Andy H
8-bit games at www.hewco.uk
Cartoons at awful.ovine.net
Ovine at ovine.net
Fri, 08 Jul 2022, 15:19
Yeah, I wishg it would either learn what I want on the first menu (ie the options I use the most), or let me choose what I want there. Neither seems to exist, although I am new to Win11, so they might.
Thu, 14 Jul 2022, 06:55
"Woot! Win11s all around!" -- misunderstanding there, I was answering by quoting rockford as he rpe-answered the "What'd you get?" question. I should have been clearer on that :-p

However I did recently "win 11" my existing non-compatable laptop with the "inject win 11 installer into the win 10 usb, so that it checks for win 10 compatability then installs win11" trick. Then promptly just kept using my desktop, so still have verly littl experience with win 11.

Check out my excellent homepage!
Thu, 14 Jul 2022, 07:28
Thu, 14 Jul 2022, 07:36
It seems to me though, that Microsoft are trying to take advantage of the Chromebook popularity and tried to immitate that UI.

Check out my excellent homepage!
Thu, 14 Jul 2022, 21:12
I can agree with that. From what I have used of a Win11 Surface it reminded me of ChromeOS.

All the raw, animal magnetism of a rutabaga.
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