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27th September 2014

And hey, something else that came to mind while I was in the shower: being static scenes, all the lighting is probably baked in (in fact, given these are scenes taken from photographs, they most certainly must be). Doing any kind of shadow-casting / dynami*snip*



27th September 2014

A point I forgot to make, and that is also worth considering, is that these worlds are completely static: none of this can be animated. The only way to store a collection of points this dense in such a way that it renders at any reasonable framerate is wit*snip*



25th September 2014

While this seems to have come on quite a bit back from those old 'unlimited detail' videos, it is still rather too good to be true. Notice that each of the dioramas in the video are actually quite small, and only really facing in one direction. Whi*snip*


Happy Birthday Mog

14th September 2014

Happy Birthday Mog! :)


SoCoder : Getting Older

5th September 2014

Wow... 8 years is a damn long time! Congrats Jay on keeping the place going for so long! :)


Shroom's Birthday

5th September 2014

Thanks all. :D
Spent my birthday so far in court, as I'm currently sitting on a jury... so that was interesting. :P


What have you done? - July 2014

30th July 2014

Hey all! :) Been a little while since I've posted around here.
Been a busy few months. After a busy final term at uni that consisted of revising for exams, doing exams, and simultaneously running a term-long RPG for 50 people (as part of an 8-strong team)*snip*


Happy Birthday Blanko and Steve

8th April 2014

Happy Birthday to you both! :)


What Have You Done? - February 2014

28th February 2014

Made a game ' (Linkage)' in 24 hours with a couple of friends at the HackKings hackathon in London, but otherwise uni continues to keep me busy!


Hacking With Shroom

24th February 2014

The event was HackKings, put on for the first time by the King's College London tech society. There were (apparently) around 100 people there (all uni students from different places), including 9 of us from Oxford. No-one really in the familiar faces categ*snip*


Hacking With Shroom

23rd February 2014

Just returned from a 24-hour hackathon in London. I made a thing with two friends. It won the ’comedy’ award among the sea of more serious projects. (Linkage)


Happy Birthday, Jayenkai

23rd February 2014

Happy Birthday Jay! :D


Happy Birthday, Afr0!

3rd February 2014

Happy Birthday Afr0! :)


Game Idea Generator

1st February 2014

Where would you put more whitespace? Seems clearly formatted enough to me... Only real issue is that comments are fairly sparse.


Game Idea Generator

31st January 2014

Code doesn't seem that scruffy to me! ;)
Also, it's not entirely fair to say the second snippet does the same thing as the first. While both the Markov Chain and Context-Free Grammar methods could both produce similar results, it's a bit like equating a h*snip*



15th January 2014

I don't think the Pi does have a heat sink, does it? Looking at mine, it doesn't seem to, anyway.
But yes, you can buy heat sink kits for them. You only need them if you overclock the Pi, though. They aren't needed if you use the factory clock speed.


Rockford's Birthday

14th January 2014

Happy Birthday rockford! :D


Happy New Year - 2014

31st December 2013

Happy New Year to you all! :D


UK Xmas Floods 2013

26th December 2013

DD is currently at Birmingham. I live nearby - there are no floods here. I am sure he is fine.


UK Xmas Floods 2013

26th December 2013

The Queen's speech is recorded a few days in advance, so I wouldn't be so sure.


Merry Xmas

24th December 2013

Merry Christmas, everybody! :)


UK Xmas Floods 2013

24th December 2013

I thought he was at Birmingham Uni, but I could be wrong and it could be somewhere else. As I remember it he recently started a PhD?
A quick bit of internet stalking later... it's Birmingham.


UK Xmas Floods 2013

24th December 2013

Unless DD has since moved, Birmingham and surroundings seem ok at the moment. We're in the middle, not the south, so while we've had lots of rain and wind, there isn't any flooding.


Destroying SoCoder!!!!

22nd December 2013

I suspect it was more of an automatic addition to the list, rather than being specifically selected. I've heard that this filter blocks pretty much the entire internet, so being on it is easier than not!
Gotta love that internet censorship! :yeay:



20th December 2013

Nah, it's more likely their end. I've been having trouble too.

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