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Pi Projects

17th December 2013

From having had one for a while, I'd say that really it's for more of a fun hobby thing more than 'doing' important stuff with - after all, programming-wise, you can do pretty much anything on your normal computer that you could on a pi, and with more powe*snip*


Collisions, Events and Actions

11th December 2013

Ah yes, I can imagine it wouldn't like having non-integer array subscripts. Just to check, are your x, y and tilesize values all floats, or just some of them? Mixing ints into divisions can sometimes lead to weird rounding bugs as well.


Collisions, Events and Actions

11th December 2013

Hmmm. Is the code easily postable here, or is it split between various parts of your program?


Collisions, Events and Actions

11th December 2013

What's up? I did a lot of collision stuff a while back for my slowly-but-in-progress PMC project. They can certainly be fiddly!


Rockwell's Missing Images

9th December 2013

That's it! I just turned off AdBlock, and the images above appeared (they were missing before).
I wonder why it's doing that, though... other images have worked fine up to this point!
[me]adds SoCoder to AdBlock ignore list[/me]


Lego Advent Calendars 2013

9th December 2013

Looking in the SoCode...
[code]<img src="https://www.iprice.remakes.org/my_stuff/ad15.JPG" alt="Highslide JS" title="Click to enlarge" style="max-width: 400px; height: auto; display: none !important; visibility: hidden !important; opacity: 0 !important; b*snip*


Lego Advent Calendars 2013

9th December 2013

I don't see those images either...


What Have You Done? - November 2013

28th November 2013

University has been keeping me busy, but I've been poking away at a spaceship game on PMC that I've been fiddling with for a while now. It has physics and stuff!


Sony's Blue Light Issue

22nd November 2013

Regarding PS2 back-compatibility on PS3, the impression I was always under was this:
The original PS3 hardware contained a PS2 processor as well as the PS3 hardware, so was capable of emulating PS2 games perfectly in hardware. However, since the PS3 was m*snip*


Monkey Strings

30th October 2013

Do you get identical slow-down if you have a single 10000 iteration loop instead of two nested 100 iteration ones?
It sounds like it's caused by the String type being implemented differently on different platforms, with the HTML5 implementation having mor*snip*


inaccurate angles :(

24th October 2013

I'm not quite sure what your algorithm is meant to be here, but it has two mistakes in it regardless:
1) Your calculation of p1 is incorrect, because you forgot to square x2 and y2.
2) Even then, comparing p and p1 is meaningless, since p is the distance*snip*


inaccurate angles :(

24th October 2013

From what I can tell, you're trying to move each node of the snake to within snake-body-segment distance of the previous node, with the had attached to the mouse, right? Unfortunately, without Monkey, I can't run your code to see if that's what happening o*snip*


About the new BBCode Buttons

18th October 2013

Perhaps have an article somewhere documenting all of the available BBCode, including the power functions? I wasn't even aware those last few existed, which may partly explain why they so rarely get used.
[edit]The heading tags are another missing button s*snip*


About the new BBCode Buttons

17th October 2013

The different types of image tag too (I'm thinking thumbnails).


About the new BBCode Buttons

17th October 2013

I did notice the change a few weeks ago, but wasn't sure how long they'd been in without me noticing!
The buttons themselves seem fine. [moan]My one complaint would be that there is plenty more BBCode available that doesn't have a button to represent it[/*snip*


How're you Keeping?

10th October 2013

I'm now moved back into uni again after a long summer at home. Got a better room than last year, which is nice. However, internet connection is occasionally playing silly buggers, which I need to sort out. Still, it's good to be back!


Monkey Transforms

7th October 2013

I got curious and had a little play about with this anyway. I'm starting to think that linear transformations might not be the way to go after all.
On a more positive note, there is an alternative way to do it, but this will probably run super slowly unle*snip*


Monkey Transforms

7th October 2013

Okay, bearing in mind that everything I know about Mode 7 I learnt just now, what I'm about to say might be a little shaky. At some point I'll have a fiddle with this in PMC to be more sure of this (got a few other things I need to get done in the meantime*snip*


Monkey Transforms

7th October 2013

Wikipedia gives the transformations used to perform Mode 7 on the SNES, but they are a bit more complicated than what the Transform command alone is meant for. However, there is probably a way of doing it - I'll have a think about it and get back to you.


Monkey Transforms

7th October 2013

That would explain it. How does Jay's framework fiddle the resolutions, then? Does it use the Transform function, or is there something else? (again, I have no Monkey experience, so I'm not sure how it is set up)
Anyway, will you be wanting to do any line*snip*


Monkey Transforms

7th October 2013

That's an odd one. A translation of (-PlayerX + screenwidth/2, -PlayerY + screenheight/2) should put (PlayerX, PlayerY) in the centre of the screen, since the sum of those two vectors is always equal to (screenwidth/2, screenheight/2).
Assuming it's not a*snip*


Monkey Transforms

7th October 2013

(Apologies for logging in and out of Socoder many times over the last hour - I didn't see your edit until I had another look in here! D: )
Okay, so I can't seem to find any Monkey documentation, so there are a few bits you'll have to experiment on yoursel*snip*


Monkey Transforms

7th October 2013

While I've never used Monkey, a search on the function pulled up this: www.monkeycoder.co.nz
Basically, it applies a linear transformation matrix to something, then translates it too (since translations are not linear transformations).


Maths 101 - Episode 5: Line Intersection

3rd October 2013

How to detect line intersections with vector maths!


Valve's "3 Reveal"

26th September 2013

I didn't think it was that bad. It seems what they're going for is more of a mix-up of the better features of a console and a PC, while encouraging hardware manufacturers to make their stuff work better with Linux, rather than just "we're making a console *snip*

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