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Professor Oak, Honest!!

14th April 2013

I find it hard to believe that a journalist with a cameraman could pretend to be a professor without the students noticing. I'm inclined to believe the BBC in-so-far as the students being fully aware of the situation, although yes, whether or not you think*snip*


Computing With Greenie

12th April 2013

[moan]Wait, SpikeDislike bounces on a sine wave? B-b-b-but things that bounce go in a parabolic shape![/moan]
[edit]And now I remember why the 'moan' tag has mushrooms on the ends... :P[/edit]


Memories & Nostalgia

9th April 2013

That sounds like quite a nice idea, actually. :) Perhaps it might even cause a few people to pop back over here and say hi!
Best of luck! It'll be nice to hear how things go.


Thin Plotlines

4th April 2013

I'm usually fine with time travel in Dr Who, when it's used just as a device to set up the rest of the plot (i.e. at the start of each episode) - what I object to is a handful of episodes of the last few series where it's clumsily used to deus ex machina e*snip*


Thin Plotlines

4th April 2013

My problem with time travel in fiction is that it is always so poorly executed. No-one ever seems to be able to make use of it without contradicting themselves for the sake of the plot.


World Of Play

24th March 2013

I guess the limiting factor would be how large and how detailed you want your world to be. Would you be able to hold the whole thing in memory at once, or would you have to split it up and load only nearby sections of the world?
Still, if you could make i*snip*


WarOffice's Cats

23rd March 2013

Are you saying you'd rather the authorities treat you like an animal, Dabz? :P


Happy Birthday Joe

13th March 2013

Happy Birthday! :)



9th March 2013

I remember a friend explaining this to me a while back. The phrase 'Ponzi Scheme' was tossed around a lot.


Noel's Graduation

13th February 2013

Yay! Congratulations! :D


Happy Birthday Afr0

3rd February 2013

Happy Birthday Afr0! Enjoy your day. :)


Shroom's Compo

1st February 2013

We had to write a program to solve puzzles from the iPhing game Flow Free. There were 3 student entries, including mine (staff ones don't count), although I'm not expecting to win! I only really entered to see how well I might do.
Judging progress ...curr*snip*


Shroom's Compo

1st February 2013

University coding competition I entered is being judged right now, apparently. *nerves*



1st February 2013

Hello, zed! :)


Spare gets a Coding Job

16th January 2013

Nice one Spare! :D \\o/


Snow!! (Jan 2013 Edition)

14th January 2013

We had a bit of snow overnight, although rain this morning has washed it all away!


Valve - Piston

9th January 2013

By the sounds of things, it's gonna boil down to being some kind of Linux box running Steam, optimised for running games, so I imagine in terms of running games, it'll function just like Steam.
Given that, I suppose it would make sense if you could access*snip*


Spare Job Interview

9th January 2013

Best of luck! :D


Valve - Piston

9th January 2013

Ah, ok, perhaps I misunderstood then. What other cloud stuff does this do that isn't so good?


Valve - Piston

9th January 2013

What's wrong with the cloud stuff? If it's just using Steam, then surely you're less likely to use stuff you've worked hard on, because it backs up all your settings, saves, etc, and you can redownload your games as many times as you want?
I do agree that*snip*


NeonPlat Adventures Review

7th January 2013

That's pretty cool. ;)
I ran Google Translate over it for amusement, and one of the picture captions yielded this gem: "He has a brain in his hand, with which he can turn opponents convey to the afterlife."


So.. Now What?

2nd January 2013

[quote]What I find absolutely fucking ridiculous is that rape is considered a more offensive concept than torture.[/quote]
Perhaps, but I'd wager that rape is far more frequent than torture.


Math experiment

30th December 2012

If you wrote 10 lines of code every day, then 700000 lines would take you the best part of 192 years.
Similarly, at 100 lines per day, it would take you just over 19 years.
How long has the 11000 you've got so far taken you? At 10 lines per day, that wou*snip*


Season's Greetings

24th December 2012

Merry Christmas everyone! :)


Crap Presents

22nd December 2012

I think Valve gave everyone who already owned Dota2 two giftable copies a while ago, so now people are drowning in them. I know quite a few people who have spares floating around with nowhere to go.

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