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So I found some old blitz code...

28th March 2013

I don't believe the emulation it is quite as extreme as Dabz says. For example WoW64 essentially handles switching the CPU from 64-bit, back to 32-bit mode, and back to 64-bit, and other changes which are required to ensure 64/32 work along side each other*snip*


Win8 Lovin'

24th March 2013

First, it's **MUCH** faster. Jay is also right, SSD is not really needed for that. Lots of small things that used to be seamless, like installing devices, copying files, and windows update, are even more seamless now.
The desktop UI also feels far more co*snip*


Win8 Lovin'

23rd March 2013

I installed Windows 8 onto a new SSD yesterday; my PC is so god damn fast! It makes such an incredible difference


Linux Magazine...

19th March 2013

and they claim Linux is 'free' ...


Happy Birthday Joe

13th March 2013

Thanks guys!


Phone Charges

7th March 2013

Otherwise, how are you finding the 920?
Mine broke in Feb, I've had it replaced, but my new one is crashing every day. A soft reset brings it back, but clearly the new phone isn't working. : (
It's a shame, because it's an awesome phone.



5th March 2013

Oh god, I love vim, I love it so much now.
Here is a screenshot of my 'jsx' (JavaScript + Markdown) that I have setup in Vim.



3rd March 2013

Why not just use Vim? Seriously?
If you don't want all the Vim bindings, you could keep it in insert mode all the time, and in the standard key mappings there.


OACs - Old Age Coders

5th February 2013

today I told someone I never liked Stingray, they said they had never heard of it. What a horrible sign I am getting old : (


SoPolitical : European Union

25th January 2013

I would add it doesn't matter if we are in or out; people will complain about Europe either way.
Personally I like the position we are currently in. In the EU, but not fully tied to it economically. The Euro is just not tenable, simply because different c*snip*


Tactile Interface

10th January 2013

The button sizes are quite large and lumpy, so I'd be skeptical about the resolution they can do. For example, could it do brail?
There is also quite a delay. So how it handle scrolling a keyboard up the screen? Something I do on my iPad.
The residual ef*snip*


PMC Function Overloading.

18th December 2012

It can.
What exactly do you mean? Could you post an example?


PMC Memory Management

17th December 2012

Although if you return the image, or assign to something, then it will stay around. But otherwise, yes, it'll automatically just be garbage collected.
This is also not a Quby/PMC thing, this is built into JS. So there is no added overhead.


PMC Memory Management

16th December 2012

The old object will be garbage collected the moment it can no longer be accessed.
If you can get to it, it takes up memory. If you cannot, it doesn't.
Oh, except for sounds. They do need to be freed (it's a limitation of the library being used).


Dog License

13th December 2012

It would probably produce better code than most graduates. : p


PMC - Draw to Image?

11th December 2012

That's not the definition of proprietary.


Lumia Testing

11th December 2012

Games run perfectly on the lumia, in fact better than the iPad, as they are really smooth. MS did a good job!


Lumia Testing

11th December 2012

i iz now using the internets from my nokia lumia!


PMC - Draw to Image?

11th December 2012

It's about as propriety as Java, or C#. Both of them were developed by one company, and initially closed source (and Quby is open source now).


PMC - Draw to Image?

11th December 2012

You could never grab the current canvas. You could however grab a copy, using getScreenshot() (that should really be under graphics rather than utility). It copies the screen to a new image, and returns it.
However the proper way is to just create an imag*snip*


Nokia Lumia 920

6th December 2012

I don't want to just get an iPhone. They are excellent, but I have an iPad for iOS stuff, and I think Windows Phone 8 looks WAAAAAAAY more impressive than Android.
It's just a lot more slick, and Android still feels like a poor-mans copy of iOS.


Nokia Lumia 920

6th December 2012

I think I will get a Nokia Lumina 920 with Windows Phone 8


PlayMyCode Screen Size

2nd December 2012

No plans to add it soon, it's simply that other things need to be put in first. Right now I'm adding a tutorials section (next to the reference in the IDE), and finishing the compiler (it's compiling whole files today). Then it's going to be multiple file *snip*


iTunes 11

30th November 2012

Now if they can just fix their maps.


Extra Punctuation

27th November 2012

Semi-colons are not ignored, they mean something, they are a 'hard' statement separator, stating that two statements *must* separate at that point. In practice it means you get an extra empty statement, which is ignored.
For example
a = 4; b = 5;*snip*

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