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Wolf256 - Html wolvenstein in 256 bytes.

19th February 2023

Amazing. Simply amazing.


QOTD - February 2023

19th February 2023



QOTD - February 2023

18th February 2023

We thought that about Milton Keynes. There has been some trouble, but they've been here for a good couple of years now and they are increasing, significantly, in number.
They cost around *!APOUND!*1.00 - *!APOUND!*1.50 to deliver, so cheaper than Tes*snip*


QOTD - February 2023

18th February 2023

Do you not have delivery robots in your area Jay?


QOTD - February 2023

18th February 2023

We have robots zipping around Milton Keynes all the time. They are not frightening, they are just bloody annoying. They get in the way constantly and won't budge once they sense your presence. You have to yield to them. The war of the robots has starte*snip*


QOTD - February 2023

17th February 2023

Do games need compelling stories?
I'd say that to most games the story (if there is one) is irrelevant and tacked on. For some, there is a definite need to move the game forward with some kind of narrative, but for me, pretty much every fave game I h*snip*


Food Findings - 2023

17th February 2023

Jelly Tots are for those that want a soft chew. Fruit Gums were meant to be hard and have been for the last 130 years! Fucking snowflake generation.
Why not just make a sister variant - Fruit Gummies or something?


QOTD - February 2023

16th February 2023

Start with time and an idea. Everything else is then blood, sweat and tears!


RIP - Raquel Welch

15th February 2023

Can't say I've seen her in much tbh, but I remember her in 1 million years B.C.


Poll Chat

15th February 2023

I watched all of the Hunger Games movies and thought the end was rubbish. The rest of the films were merely meh.
I watched the first Maze Runner and thought it was OK, but nothing special (I can't even remember much about it tbh) and never bothered wi*snip*


Happy Birthday, HoboBen

14th February 2023

Happy Cakeday!


OpenAI Chat

14th February 2023

That really is fucking awesome. I couldn;t come up with anything like that in years, let alone seconds.


Lilting Lilt

14th February 2023

Nah, Lilt has never been a worldwide thing. Fanta is though (180 countries, apparently). It makes sense to add it to the range tbh.


Lilting Lilt

14th February 2023

Yeah, it'll be all about the money.
I imagine a worlwide brand is cheaper to maintain than individual products which are all exactly the same. It also means that they can change the flavour (by using cheaper/different ingredients), as technically it w*snip*


Lilting Lilt

13th February 2023

Do you ever drink LILT - the drink with the ’’Totally tropical taste’’? You won't for much longer - Linkage Or will you...


OpenAI Chat

13th February 2023



OpenAI Chat

13th February 2023



OpenAI Chat

13th February 2023

I'm seriously impressed with how good these things have become in so little time. Sure, they're not perfect, but they are pretty damned good.


QOTD - February 2023

12th February 2023

Depends on the emegency. Emergency (999) services if it was serious, otherwise my wife.


Streaming Recommendations - 2023

11th February 2023

The Mandalorian Season 3 starts on March 1st. Yay! :D :D :D


QOTD - February 2023

11th February 2023

Night shifts.


Streaming Recommendations - 2023

10th February 2023

Just finished watching the Disney+ series National Treasure: Edge of History.
If you enjoyed the Nic Cage movies, then you'll likely find this fairly entertaining. More Indiana Jones-Lite treasure hunting hokum. Enjoyable. But not as good as the movie*snip*


Food Findings - 2023

10th February 2023

Sound nice :)
Bye bye Degustabox.



10th February 2023

Yeah, I love the Flaming Hot MM. Shame Walkers sucked most of the heat and flavour out of them. They're still nice, but not as nice as they were.
Try the Peri Peri Pot Noodle. That's really nice and has a lovely heat to it, as well as a good flavo*snip*


Shakin' Stevens

10th February 2023

I have to say that I did like a bit of Shakey BITD. Not sure he's at all relevant to todays music, but the oldies will probably buy into it.
Incidentally, I read a while back that Shaky made a lot of time for his disabled fans, especially those with l*snip*

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