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Socoder -> Retro Stuff -> Jay's A600

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Tue, 29 Mar 2022, 09:26

Aw, nuts..
Forgot about integer limits!!!

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Tue, 29 Mar 2022, 10:12
Variable.l = "Long" 32bit number
Tue, 29 Mar 2022, 15:09
Almost ready to release the game, but I really want to add a logo and my own smegging name in there, somewhere.
Maybe tomorrow...?

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Wed, 30 Mar 2022, 13:03

Created : 30 March 2022
Edited : 30 March 2022
System : Amiga
Language : BlitzBasic 2.0

SpikeDislike - Amiga

The extreme Spike Dodging game is now available to play on Amiga!!

Source is included, but it's messy as hell!!!

View on YouTube

Wed, 30 Mar 2022, 14:15
Looks good

I think the last time I tried to code something on Amiga, I used Amos. Which I think interestingly had a compiler written in Amos itself.

Check out my excellent homepage!
Wed, 30 Mar 2022, 14:20
Do you mind if i post the link over on the english amiga board forum ?
I think some of them would like it.
Wed, 30 Mar 2022, 14:41
Go ahead. I was trying to fathom where the heck to post it, but. Yeah, if you do it, I look 3% less spammy

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Thu, 31 Mar 2022, 04:24
Thanks, Dan! Linkage

.. I might've made it too easy, though. Yikes!

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Thu, 31 Mar 2022, 07:37

Too easy ?
Hmm i had a score of 220ish ... playing it 4 or 5 times ...

If you want to raise the difficulty, maybe add movement to some of the spikes ?`

Like up down, or left right ?

Btw that game reminds me of Flappy Birds.
Thu, 31 Mar 2022, 08:43

\o/yeay\o/ Disk Envelope!

> Reveal 🔎

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Thu, 31 Mar 2022, 09:31
That design is proper Amiga like.
Sun, 03 Apr 2022, 07:00
Next task.. Making a sprite/image editor.
The general style will be the same as my JSE symbol editor, and the tool I use in SmileBASIC, which is essentially just a grid on the left for a 16x16 pixel image, then some colours on the right, and a sprite selection list.
Halfway there.
It's drawing the palette, colours are selectable, and the sprite is doodle-able.
Next up, drawing a selection of sprites to choose from.




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Sun, 03 Apr 2022, 08:31
There we go!
Now to draw some sprites and make a game!

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Fri, 08 Apr 2022, 07:05

Works, but a little unsightly!
I might have to get one of those Joystick Extenders, and trail all that dongle-chaos around the back of the "desk"

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Fri, 08 Apr 2022, 07:52
One advantages of the Aniga 500/1200 is that the joystick/mouse ports are on the Back side.

Is that the A500 mini mouse ?
Fri, 08 Apr 2022, 09:02
Yep, that's the one!! Works lovely!
(Though, if I were a grumbling man, I'd be picky about the fact that the Amiga Mouse that actually came with mine, was actually a nice smooth curved mouse.)

Poor little A600 having no space at the back.

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Fri, 08 Apr 2022, 13:44
Coming along, looks really good and I love adventures like this myself!

I played about with Hisoft-C on the CPC only 2 years or so ago, and yep... There was no "standard" really when that came out, this that should work, didnt, things that looked logically sound... Werent, even when I was posting for help over on CPCWiki, noone had a clue...

Take this:-

In assembly, if I wanted a pointer to a specific address, lets say, x0C000 which is obviously the start of screen memory on the CPC, I would [if memory serves me right] use somethinggggg like:-

LD DE,0xC000
LD (DE), var <---- Then plonk something in to address 0xC000

Now, I would use something in C like this, :-

type *pnt = (type *)0xC000;

if I wanted 'pnt' to point at 0xC000, but, when I try this in Hisoft-C, its a restriction...

After what seemed like banging my head against the wall for days, I finally got it to work doing this...

typedef char * CHAR_POINTER;
char * ptr;
ptr = cast(CHAR_POINTER) 0xC000;

I mean, look at the state of that, f[BEEP]king outrageous! :/

Though one thing, it was fun mind trying to figure it out!

Anyway, yeah, I like giving myself these little odd tasks... Keeps the grey matter exercised!


Intel Core i5 6400 2.7GHz, NVIDIA GeForce GTX 1070 (8GB), 8Gig DDR4 RAM, 256GB SSD, 1TB HDD, Windows 10 64bit
Fri, 08 Apr 2022, 15:03

I might have to get one of those Joystick Extenders, and trail all that dongle-chaos around the back of the "desk"

eh, i was looking at the picture, haven't read that before !
Sat, 09 Apr 2022, 07:11

God, this took me FAR too long.
I eventually decided to just hack the smegging thing together, so ripped up another font and injected the new font data inside of it.
I'm fairly sure all the code is "correct", but I'm sure anyone knowing any better will have a go at my lazy-man's version of doing it.

(Download : LazyAmigaConvert (.zip) )

Extract, and into the Bitmap folder, place black and white font images. 8x8 pixel font only, characters 32 to 127, laid out exactly as is in the image below. (This is the style laid out by DamienG in his wonderful ZXOrigins fonts)
Anything else will indeed bugger up, so be sure to get the layout correct.

Next, in the root, run conv.php
If you don't have php installed, get on it!! You'll need the gdImage functionality working. Can be a right pain in the arse to get that going, sometimes. Depends on your OS.
The script will scan the bitmaps folder, and for every .png image it finds, will attempt to convert it to an Amiga ".font + /8" set of files.
It "should" work.
Apologies if it doesn't..

Good luck!

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Mon, 11 Apr 2022, 03:03
Looking good! I might have a play with porting this to the NES after Bee Happy is finished

Web / Game Dev, occasionally finishes off coding games also!
Mon, 11 Apr 2022, 03:18
First game was SpikeDislike. Second will "probably" be Flappadiddle, then third Blockman Gets.
Between those three, I'm pretty sure that's all the learning I need to start doing more imaginative things with it!!

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Tue, 26 Apr 2022, 09:05
Tried "upgrading" the Amiga, today.
I downloaded an upgraded Kickstart rom and tried using Skick to run the rom.
And it worked!
Kickstart 3.1, but with a half a meg of ram used up.
.. And with the Compact Flash/PCMCIA driver using up just under another half meg, I was down to an almost plain 1Mb ram!
But it worked, and with a ready made second CF card holding WB3.1, I was able to..

Fuxake, it's the pissing same. What was the point of all that!?!


The point was actually to check to see if a higher capacity CF card would work on the higher kickstart rom. And it doesn't.
I'm still stuck with a 128Mb CF card. Luckily I have two, incase one goes tits up. But it'd be nice to be able to use either the 1Gb card or the 4Gb one..
People online are like "the PCMCIA device handles the capacity", but I just wanted to be absolutely sure that that was the case.

Even the SD Card to Compact Flash card, the one that's specifically stated as working in the CompactFlash driver, doesn't sodding well work..
All I get is a NDOS icon, and no way to format it.

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Tue, 26 Apr 2022, 10:00
Maybe this can help ?
Tue, 26 Apr 2022, 10:13
No, the fact that the two 128Mb work fine, and quite frankly effortlessly, is suggesting it's something other than a formatting issue.
Plus the driver's definitely working.

Trust me, I've done a LOT of reading about this stuff over the past month or so.

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Tue, 26 Apr 2022, 14:39
Anyone else notice the mouse lagging on games like monkey Island on the mini?

Check out my excellent homepage!
Tue, 26 Apr 2022, 14:48
Could just be rose-tinted glasses..
I've noticed the mouse is quite stuttery, even on Workbench on my real Amiga!!

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