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Drag, Drop, Resizing rectangles

12th October 2010

Cool colors! (Image.gif)
That looks a bit like Zone66.
To be honest,
I have no idea what the purpose of your program is,
or what you want the purpose of your program to be.
I've made a little 'box control' program
that illustrates 'box man*snip*


cars turning

12th October 2010

Feel free to ask for more help if needed (Image.gif)


some help with a space shooter

12th October 2010

awesome! :D
the game looks and feels alot like
(or identical to?) continuum :)
i also love seeing ur AI stuff in action ^^
i really like the organization of your code.
it was easy to find most things :)
i can give some recommendations or optimization*snip*



13th September 2010

I'm using FireFox (browser) with AdBlock Plus (plugin) which explains why I didn't notice any ads (Image.gif)


(Mirror) BlitzCoder code database

11th September 2010

Part of good'ol BlitzCoder.com brought back to life!


(Mirror) BlitzCoder links database

11th September 2010

Part of good'ol BlitzCoder.com brought back to life!


(Mirror) BlitzCoder articles/tutorials

11th September 2010

Part of good'ol BlitzCoder.com brought back to life!



11th September 2010

Newly actualized mirror of good'ol BlitzCoder:
- Code database
- Links database
- Articles/Tutorials


cars turning

9th September 2010

; independent functions
; return relative angle difference (takes angle wrapping into account)
; - max angle difference: 359 degrees
Function AngleDifference( Curr*snip*


Blitz 2D and 3D Printing

31st August 2010

rundll32.exe mshtml.dll,PrintHTML "Your file here"
Blitz: ExecFile, or UserLib.decl
Blitz: " = Chr(34)
List of key Windows locations (if needed):
- %windir%
- %windir%\\System
- %windir%\\System32
Blitz: GetEnv("windir")
Background i*snip*


some help with a space shooter

13th August 2010

Hey, is there any chance/place to see your game in action?
I'm curious what it feels like (Image.gif)


some help with a space shooter

7th August 2010

I've added a beautiful flame effect, and a thicker ship (Image.gif)
AppTitle "Ship roll test 3b"
; Uses Input: Key_Up, Key_Left, Key_Right
; Uses Math: CapFloat, RangeFloat, ScalePoint, vx, vy, vd, va, AngleDifference
Include "q:\\Dev\\Blitz\\Li*snip*


some help with a space shooter

6th August 2010

Ahh, that's an interesting type of roll.
It seems you're after the rotation deviation, so to speak, rather than the rotation velocity.
E.g. the difference between the heading and the angle ('facing'), rather than the current rotational 'strength':


Oh My God

3rd August 2010



some help with a space shooter

3rd August 2010

Hey j\\'ordos (Image.gif)
Ship roll
Here's a little program I baked for ya, which I hope mimics your desired ship roll behavior, from having read your elaborate explanations (Image.gif)
AppTitle "Ship roll test"
; Uses Input: Key_Up, Key_Lef*snip*


Project X-NON

27th February 2010

JL235: Ah, I understand now where you're coming from :) I liked the mysteriousness about it.
Hotshot: Thanks mate :D


Project X-NON

23rd February 2010

I used to be a true perfectionist like you, JL235 :)
Thank you for your motivation and insight to improve all things all the time.
I'm leaving this project as is, unless something is not working.
JL235: I'm curious what you would change about the logo, *snip*


Project X-NON

22nd February 2010

Thank you, Sticky :)


Support for image resizing using [img]

20th February 2010

Thanks, guys :)


Support for image resizing using [img]

20th February 2010

How do you specify the image size on this forum?
On some other forums you can add properties like width inside the [img] tag.
For example specifying a width of 256
e.g. [img width=256]
would scale the entire image down to that width
(and respective he*snip*


Project X-NON

17th February 2010

Hi! (Image.gif)
The making of X-NON,
a full-fledged Blitz tutorial
which I've started in 2003 (!),
has reached completion! (Image.gif)
It contains an in-depth tour
through the entire creation process
of a classic 2D shooter,
with an abundance o*snip*


Write : Clock

23rd January 2010

Time is a creation of the mind (Image.gif)
Const sw = 320 ; screen width/height
Const sh = 240
Graphics sw,sh , 0,3
SetBuffer BackBuffer()
Const graphspanx = sw*.45 ; the total size of the graphic display
Const graphspany = sh*.45
Const *snip*


Blitz Arrays with Strings

6th September 2009

Repeat checking the parent until it is empty.
; start at the character
Check = Char
; keep looping if there is a parent
While Check\\Parent <> Null
; move up 1 level
Check = Check\\Parent
; return the 'root' parent
Return Check *snip*


Creating rating stars as 1 image

6th September 2009

With 1 call?
Perhaps something like this:
Const framewidth = 12
Const maxstars = 5
Local imagestrip = LoadImage( "starsp5.png" )
; amount of stars to draw
Local numstars = 3
Local x = 0
Local y = 0
DrawImageRect imagestrip ,*snip*


Designing a NES themed game for Blitz

4th August 2009

Actually, it's fast enough for small games aimed at computers that are at least 8.3 years old.
There are also some techniques to sharpen the 'blurryness' (no anti-aliasing).

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