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Newsletter improvements..?

20th November 2009

I agree with Stealth. When I get the newsletter in my inbox, I skip to the end to find the videos. Original content is needed, but original content should be posted on the site, not in the newsletter. Personally I think that SoCoder is too small to warrant*snip*


C#, why?

20th November 2009

Windows 7 ships with .NET 3.5, so that makes it pretty widespread. I can't speak for the Linux community, but I don't think it's equally commonplace. Feel free to correct me though. The statement about subpar non-Windows support was mostly based on hearsay*snip*


Good Films? [2]

20th November 2009

I was probably the last person to see Le Fabuleux Destin d'Amélie Poulain, but I did this week and thought it was a good movie. I'm usually not big on French movies, but the exception confirms the rule.
Oldboy was great, and I liked Memento too. Interest*snip*


C#, why?

20th November 2009

Visual Studio in conjunction with C# makes for the best development environment out there. It's really the state of the art. On the language itself, C# is modern and pain-free: it's supported by .NET which does what you don't want to, it has plenty of inte*snip*


draw texture with SDL/OpenGL

18th November 2009

I can't be bothered to code up a complete example, but I suspect that you may be missing calls to set magnification/minification filters:
glTexParameteri(GL_TEXTURE_2D, GL_TEXTURE_*snip*


Windows 7

14th November 2009

I see your point, and I understand why it's annoying. But still, what new features would you have wanted in Windows 7?
[edit]By the way, have you tried download the Vista version of WMP and running it in compatibility mode?[/edit]


Windows 7

14th November 2009

Docking mode hasn't been removed hasn't been removed in Windows Media Player, you just have to hover over the icon for a second to make it appear. I can't comment on compact mode though, since I never use WMP. Winamp and media buttons suit me perfectly.


Windows 7

14th November 2009

You can turn off grouping; I don't like it either. But I don't see why you complain about the loss of the quick launch bar. You do know that you can middle click task bar items to launch a new instance, right? I think that the new task bar is better than t*snip*


Are these the best games of the Decade?

11th November 2009

And where are the indie games? This is just a blockbuster list.


ATI cards, anygood?

9th November 2009

I run an ATI card, and I haven't had any problems with it at all. On the contrary, I have had an Nvidia card break. In the end I think the criticism boils down to fanboyism and memories of what drivers were years ago.


QOTD : Adverts vs Sites

9th November 2009

None. Switch to Firefox, and forget the ads. Some people call it unethical, and they're free to do so, but I like my virtually ad-free browsing.



5th November 2009

Are you referring to IPRED2? That law has passed here in Sweden, and those who are really paranoid just drive all of their traffic through a VPN to, in essence, become immune.


#225 - The Halloween Challenge

3rd November 2009

I was bracing myself for a swarm of bugs to attack, leap out from the screen and turn my face into a degenerate mess. Then I looked at the source. Bummer. Best entry so far, though, I'll give you that.


QOTD : Are we all fucked?

3rd November 2009

I guess I'll eat my hat then. Admittedly, I'm not very involved in the facts. I'm still not convinced about man-made global warming though, so hand me a link to the website once it's ready.


Perlin Noise

2nd November 2009

An interesting and in-depth article about Perlin noise, a technique which can be used in many areas concerning graphics.
[small]I actually only posted this because I saw that my productivity bar had turned red. It's working![/small]


QOTD : Are we all fucked?

2nd November 2009

Ditto. The earth has been warmer. If this conference fails then it's all for the better, because that means that we won't have to suspend usage of our fully functioning energy sources more than we already have, in favor of incredibly ineffective (but polit*snip*


QOTD: Donations

1st November 2009

Every developer seems to have one of those donation buttons today. It makes perfect sense: make product, get money. The idea is splendid, on paper, but how many actually donate? I don't feel morally obligated to donate to creators of free software, so I do*snip*


Making the switch to a 64-bit OS

31st October 2009

Burning the 64-bit one right now, so we'll see if it blows up. I'm not really expecting any performance boosts. I'm merely downloading it because it's "the future". Convincing argument, eh?


Making the switch to a 64-bit OS

31st October 2009

I initially threw this into the shoutbox, but then figured that it probably would be better suited for a topic of its own.
I'm doing a reformat of Windows, after a rather unfortunate series of BSODs and crashes. Yeay. So this time I've bought the final ve*snip*


C++ class, week 5

25th October 2009

In your example, enums are better to use than strings. What if you assigned a character class to be 'undaed'? That's a potential source of annoyance. With enums, the error would be caught by the compiler.


Structure of Game Classes

23rd October 2009

Good designs usually don't appear the first time. Use an approach you feel works, and afterwards you can evaluate whether it was an efficient way of doing it or not. If it turns out it was an inherently flawed idea, then you're one mistake wiser. In all li*snip*


C++ class, Week 3

12th October 2009

Or, an even more unusual solution:
#include <iostream>
template <int N> struct Summative { enum { Value = N + Summative<N-1>::Value }; };
template <> struct Summative<1> { enum { Value = 1 }; };
// Or just:
// template <int N> struct Summative*snip*


C++ class, Week 2

10th October 2009

I've realized that these problems might have been a bit too much, especially when writing the answers. I apologize.
Answers, for the curious, come here either way.
[li]This is a bit in-depth. Put shortly: the behaviour is undefined, because there a*snip*


''OFFICIAL!!'' : Discuss

10th October 2009

I think the QOTD prefix is pretty pointless and annoying. The QOTD topics already placed in a forum category wholly dedicated to the area, which is clearly displayed when clicking the topic link. Should we start prefixing all new threads with their categor*snip*


QOTD: Refactoring

10th October 2009

Do you take perfectly well-functioning code and change it to show no outward improvements at all, only implementation improvements? Is it worth the trouble?
I find that it's time-consuming and an escape from the stuff that really needs to be done, but I d*snip*

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