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Advent of Creativity 3

4th December 2020

This has been a pretty hectic week and my schedule's gone slightly wonky this last day, but here, still technically just in time for Day 4, is a new tower! Learnt how to make effective use of the boolean modifier to cut out the hole through the middle *snip*


Advent of Creativity 3

2nd December 2020

Day 3: some kind of central hub building thing. Who knows, I'm just sticking shapes together and seeing where it goes!
[spoiler] (Image.png) [/spoiler]


Advent of Creativity 3

1st December 2020

Ooh, nice stuff. :)
Day 2: a repeatable big path/walkway segment and a simple archway.
[spoiler] (Image.png) [/spoiler]


Advent of Creativity 3

30th November 2020

In previous Advents of Creativity I've picked a medium (2018: Blender; 2019: ShaderToy) and then generally aimed to make something new in that medium each day, occasionally refining something from a previous day. While fun, the biggest difficulty was d*snip*


Creativity Plans - 2020

24th November 2020

After having another year of 'I will try to do more things' and then... not entirely managing that... I think I'd like to give Advent of Creativity another shot this year. :) I have a couple of thoughts on things I might do.


Happy Birthday, Shroom_Monk

5th September 2020

Thanks all! :)
Decided to take this coming week off work to make a little holiday of it this year, what with [me]gestures at everything[/me].
[quote]SoCoder is older than Shroom_Monk was, when Shroom_Monk registered at SoCoder.[/quote]
:O Well that'*snip*


Happy Birthday, Blanko1324 and Steve_Ancell

8th April 2020

Happy Birthdays to you both! :)


Coronavirus - COVID-19

23rd March 2020

I'll be interested to see how much difference the lockdown makes around here... While we've been staying firmly indoors in our house, we've seen plenty of people on our street out and about as if nothing was amiss. :/


Happy Birthday, Spinal

23rd March 2020

Happy Birthday! :)


Happy Birthday, therevillsgames

17th March 2020

Happy Birthday! :)


Happy Birthday, TKS

16th March 2020

Happy birthday TKS!


Using a Touchpad

15th March 2020

I've used touchpads out of necessity when travelling with a laptop, and while it's not usually an *awful* experience, it's definitely frustrating at times. Definitely prefer to use a mouse and will do so whenever possible.
When I was younger, *snip*


Scaling terrain...

15th March 2020

As well as culling to only draw what's on-screen (Jay's suggestion), you'll probably also want to consider generating multiple meshes at different level-of-detail levels from the same input heightmap, and using the lower LODs for the further aw*snip*


Coronavirus - COVID-19

15th March 2020

My girlfriend's company now has everyone working from home, and it's looking possible that my place will be doing so starting some point soon as well. Plenty of weekend stuff we had planned over the next few weeks has also (quite sensibly) been cal*snip*


Word of the Week : Boletus

15th March 2020

I have kept meaning to post an update on this for... [me]checks date of last post[/me] well bugger, a whole month apparently! :O Things have been pretty busy recently, but have finally had my first free weekend in a while (he says, also watching all his fu*snip*


Happy Birthday, Jayenkai

23rd February 2020

Happy Birthday Jay! :D


Word of the Week : Boletus

16th February 2020

One week later...
In the first couple of days, the filter bag expanded a fair bit with gas, but otherwise nothing much seemed to be happening.
Then suddenly, over the last few days, the mycelium has been bursting out of the books at an astonishing rate! *snip*


Word of the Week : Boletus

9th February 2020

[quote=steve_ancell]'ere!, shroom-monk, it's your favourite subject.[/quote]
I mean, how can I not do this one? :D I have, though, been struggling to come up with a 'creative' idea all week.
However, for Christmas, my girlfriend got me a *snip*


RIP - My brother

28th January 2020

:( So sorry to hear that. My condolences to you and your family.


Hi Blanko!

4th January 2020

Hello again! :)


Happy New Year - 2020

1st January 2020

Happy New Year one and all! :)


What Have You Done - 2019

31st December 2019

Leaving my response to this thread until the very end of the year has not actually altered my response in any meaningful way. :P Nonetheless...
What did you get done this year?
[*] Lots of coding at work
[*] Playing and writing/running various live*snip*


Merry Xmas - 2019

24th December 2019

Merry Christmas to all of you! :)


Advent of Creativity 2

24th December 2019

And here we are at the end! For Day 24, I decided to play with the font texture that ShaderToy provides to let you do text. So here's a little Christmas message to finish things off. :)


Advent of Creativity 2

23rd December 2019

Ooh, that's a lovely snowglobe. I do love a good cityscape! :)
Day 23: As previously mentioned, my creativity has hit a brick wall as we approach the end. So... here's a brick wall! :P

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