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Palettes and Bitmap Fonts

26th October 2008

Wow, those font effects are pretty cool.
But its still technically requiring the user to have the font you used.
How do you get around this issue?


Palettes and Bitmap Fonts

26th October 2008

Hi, JL235.
Geez that does sound very complex.
I really don't want to make it more complex than it already is.
I mean, if pushed; I don't mind generating Bitmap Fonts for different colors, and sizes and effects... and encountering for mouseovers/mousei*snip*


Palettes and Bitmap Fonts

25th October 2008

I've figured out how to solve the distance issue I raised in my previous post.
I added;
Function ImgFontHeight(ThisFont.font)
Return (ThisFont\\high)
End Function
And I used in this example;
ImgFont PSK36_Red.Font , 10, 10, *snip*


Palettes and Bitmap Fonts

25th October 2008

In some sprite rips I've seen on the Internet there is sometimes a "palette" of different colors (usually in a small rectangle).
My question is, can Blitz Basic 2D apply palettes to images, or specifically in my case, Bitmapped Fonts?
I'm using the font *snip*


Viewport to scroll text in a fixed boundary

16th October 2008

Hi there.
Thanks for your solution. After a lot of careful consideration I just decided to have a "Loading..." message and got rid of the C64 Bootup screen as it was pretty pointless having it.
I'm going away again to dubai to find full-time work, and a*snip*


Viewport to scroll text in a fixed boundary

6th October 2008

Hi. I've done a hack/quick fix solution to solve the problem.
I simply just put a fill-colored rectangle over the viewport area and reset the Y parameter and this resets the line carriage to the top.
Global bootscreen_x = 15
Global bootscre*snip*


Viewport to scroll text in a fixed boundary

6th October 2008

Okay, I'll try using what you've given to provide an answer.


Viewport to scroll text in a fixed boundary

5th October 2008

I've got a bit of a problem.
The code you provided automatically scrolls text up the screen from near the bottom of the viewport.
In my code I'm actually calling functions, so when it says "Loading generic data...", it's actually calling a function calle*snip*


Viewport to scroll text in a fixed boundary

5th October 2008

Oh that's fine enough! Thanks again Jayenkai!


Viewport to scroll text in a fixed boundary

3rd October 2008

In my game I have a Commodore 64 styled "boot screen", which is just basically a list of everything its loading, line by line -- but the thing is sometimes the output goes outside the boundary of the viewable screen.
What I'd like to do is use Viewport() *snip*


Creating City Map/Blocks

29th September 2008

Thanks for your help Jayenkai! That's helped me a lot!


Creating City Map/Blocks

25th September 2008

I'm recreating city map/blocks from the ZX Spectrum 'Gangsters' game.
My idea is to have it so you can move your stick character around the streets, or alternatively just a simple mouse to highlight the respective city block.
The problem I'm having is *snip*


Fatbox rectangle with rounded corners

22nd September 2008

Many thanks Andy_A... I could never get the fatSuperEllipse to do the rounded rectangle thing.
Thanks for your help!


Infantry project close to beta test

22nd September 2008

What was this made in?


Fatbox rectangle with rounded corners

17th September 2008

Hey Jayenkai, that's great! Thanks a lot.
I never used the rotation feature anyway.
I'm currently programming a Commodore 64-styled management game similar to the GUI style of "Tracksuit Manager" (https://c64s.com/game/2002/tracksuit_manager/).
I liked*snip*


Fatbox rectangle with rounded corners

16th September 2008

I'd like to create a fatBox rectangle with rounded corners (fill should be optional).
The following 2 functions are fatBox and RoundedRect.
The fatBox gives me a fat border around a rectangle, and RoundedRect gives me rounded corners but with a thin bord*snip*


Centering text on the screen

16th September 2008

Ah! Thanks!


Centering text on the screen

16th September 2008

I've tried to center my text in the middle of the screen, but it never appears to be in the center.

Game_Name$ = "Some Game"
lenn = Len(Upper$(Game_Name$))

x = (GraphicsWidth()/2) - (lenn)

Text x, 3, Upper$(Game_Name$)


EditPlus STX file for Blitz Basic 2D

12th September 2008

STX file for Blitz Basic 2D


Board game GUI display help

12th September 2008

I scanned in the properties now and got some dice sprites now it looks a little better. There isn't as much space, but that's probably because I made the properties very big - so there's no space for anything else.
I'm thinking a solution, and I'm hoping*snip*


Board game GUI display help

8th September 2008

Hi there.
'Trump:The Game' is pretty much like Monopoly, but with 8 properties.
I guess I could do your idea -- I guess I just hit a very big "writers block".
I'll play with scanning in the cards, property and going from there, or just using wingding *snip*


Board game GUI display help

6th September 2008

Its been quite a while since I was last here.
I'm wanting to code a very, very basic ASCII/Mouse based version of the "Trump board game".
In the following display it shows a list of players, the player on turn and a basic menu system.
But the thing i*snip*


2D 'Shifted Grid' collision detection

23rd June 2008

collision detection demo by big10p (A.K.A. Chris Chadwick) 2004.


ImagesCollide vs. RectsOverlap

23rd June 2008

Be careful with collision detection with Blitz Basic 2D. I remember when I made, but never finished, my "1945" clone - I used imagescollide (I think) and eventually the whole program slowed down so much it became unplayable.
I did find a library called "*snip*


Going to Dubai

22nd June 2008

Well I have family/friends over there, and I am aware of the road issues and I have been doing research in regards to visas, etc. I don't intend to be driving, and one would need an international driving licence anyway.
I did try to look for web-design/d*snip*

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