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Socoder -> Festive Threads -> Advent of Creativity - 2018

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Mon, 26 Nov 2018, 06:58

Advent of Creativity - 2018

This year, and potentially future years if it proves popular, we're having a little festive challenge.

Over the course of Advent (December 1st to 24th, and maybe 25th if you're feeling super-productive) your challenge is to post something new to the forum.
You can be as creative as you feel, posting any or all content that you'd like, as long as it shows an ounce of creativity.

What's Allowed

  • Write a poem.
  • Make a little tune.
  • Create some sprites.
  • Build up a selection of sound effects.
  • Make a silly little tool that creates lovely patterns.
  • Post an imaginitive photo of your pet each day.
  • Doodle a picture of a scene from your favourite Xmas movie.

    I certainly don't expect anyone to have time to make a game each day, but maybe if you're aiming to release a Xmas game towards the end of the month, you could post a daily update blog, and some of the assets as you go along.

    Really, anything goes, as long as there's creativity involved.


    The 1st is still (as of this post) a few days away, so feel free to start building up your creativity in advance, ready for dumping onto the site come December.

    The postings begin on December 1st.
    You might want to make frequent use of the [spoiler] tags!


    Consider yourself "Winning!" if you can keep up the rate of one creative post a day over the whole event.
    Since it's unfair to those of us who have busy and active lives, it's been decided that this won't be a true competition, but it is at least something to keep us active.
    I do hope you all join in, even if you don't quite manage to keep up the daily rate.

    Be creative.
    Be happy.
    Be festive!!

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  • Mon, 26 Nov 2018, 13:17
    Ohhh, I have an evil plan forming in my head now

    Web / Game Dev, occasionally finishes off coding games also!
    Fri, 30 Nov 2018, 17:20


    ALODare has decided to join in, with a new choon every day.
    I'll be posting his choons for him, as he doesn't have an account here.

    : Download

    Meanwhile, I'm starting the calendar off with..
    > Reveal 🔎

    ''Load, Next List!''
    Sat, 01 Dec 2018, 01:52
    Some Xmas Pixels

    Web / Game Dev, occasionally finishes off coding games also!
    Sat, 01 Dec 2018, 08:12
    Very nice

    > Reveal 🔎
    Sat, 01 Dec 2018, 12:43
    Anything goes!

    ... but don't cook the cat!!

    ''Load, Next List!''
    Sat, 01 Dec 2018, 16:38
    So, just in time before it stops being the 1st, here's my day 1 piece of creativity. I've dabbled in 3D modelling with Blender before, but never in any great detail. I'm no artist, so this advent of creativity seems like a good excuse to play around, make some stuff, and hopefully get slightly better at it.

    > Reveal 🔎

    A mushroom a day keeps the doctor away...

    Keep It Simple, Shroom!
    Sat, 01 Dec 2018, 17:09
    I've attempted to learn Blender a few times, but I can never quite get the hang of it.
    Good luck!

    Day Two

    AL's posted this choon, today.
    : Download

    > Reveal 🔎

    ''Load, Next List!''
    Sat, 01 Dec 2018, 17:29
    Day 2 - More Pixels!

    Web / Game Dev, occasionally finishes off coding games also!
    Sun, 02 Dec 2018, 09:25
    Here's a little something I put together -

    > Reveal 🔎

    Here's something I've been coding - still very WIP.

    > Reveal 🔎
    Sun, 02 Dec 2018, 12:52
    Here's model #2... the box is the easy bit, but today's challenge was making the wrapping!

    > Reveal 🔎

    It's fun this, making a little something each day. And I'm enjoying seeing / listening to everything you guys are making too - it's nice motivation to get something done.

    Let's see how long I can keep this up for, as we go into the weekdays...

    A mushroom a day keeps the doctor away...

    Keep It Simple, Shroom!
    Sun, 02 Dec 2018, 15:31
    Fuckin' 'ell! Loops!!! You're already 17,000 steps ahead of me!

    ''Load, Next List!''
    Sun, 02 Dec 2018, 17:02

    Day Three

    AL has made another choon. Hurray for AL!
    : Download

    > Reveal 🔎

    ... I may have peaked!

    ''Load, Next List!''
    Mon, 03 Dec 2018, 08:54
    Al's not very Christmassy is he? Nice little ditty though

    Here's another Lego BrickHeadz model - Sanity Clause ;P

    Mon, 03 Dec 2018, 16:11
    Oh smeg... 40 minutes to make something pixelly!
    Mon, 03 Dec 2018, 16:52
    Yeahhhh, 1-bit background ftw.. Yes, the resolution should look familiar to a lot of folks on here

    Web / Game Dev, occasionally finishes off coding games also!
    Mon, 03 Dec 2018, 16:59
    Those snowflakes look awesome, Jay!

    Just squeezing in before midnight, here's a toy train for day 3. Didn't quite have time to sort out the texturing properly, so it looks a bit naff, but maybe I can fix that another day. And maybe give it something to pull too...

    > Reveal 🔎

    A mushroom a day keeps the doctor away...

    Keep It Simple, Shroom!
    Mon, 03 Dec 2018, 17:01
    Cool model shroom, reminds me of a train I made a while back for an old unfinished unity game, kinda like pac-man but with trains, stations to pick up passengers from, etc.

    I might have to re-visit that on a retro system again soon!

    Web / Game Dev, occasionally finishes off coding games also!
    Mon, 03 Dec 2018, 17:01
    That's some nice pixel art there rychan - I'm amazed it only took you 40 minutes!

    A mushroom a day keeps the doctor away...

    Keep It Simple, Shroom!
    Mon, 03 Dec 2018, 17:53
    I'm really glad you guys are joining in with this. It might not last the entire month, but it's great to see folk giving it a go

    And if you're not in, yet, don't feel left out. Hop on at any time.. Shroomy made you a train

    Day Four

    : Download
    AL has done another choon. And yes, they're not xmassy, but it's still a few weeks until Xmas, and AL wasn't sure he could manage a whole month of Xmas Choons!!
    If you want XmasAL..

    From a few years ago..

    > Reveal 🔎

    ''Load, Next List!''
    Tue, 04 Dec 2018, 05:46
    Right, while this isn't exactly spectacular, it has everything to do with the last images. All will come clear sooner or later I'll need this 4x4 pixel font I've knocked up quickly.

    Web / Game Dev, occasionally finishes off coding games also!
    Tue, 04 Dec 2018, 07:47
    S has a giant gap in it!!!
    I've taken to doing tiny pixel Ss like this, lately. Makes it much easier, and f9r the most part is just as readable.

    .. I think.. maybe!!

    > Reveal 🔎

    ''Load, Next List!''
    Tue, 04 Dec 2018, 10:38
    I wanted to get this game out pretty quickly, but due to lack of time and the huge timescale required to create and test even small levels I've only actually done 5 - honestly, a 20x20 pixel puzzle can take two hours plus to do (the pixel art itself is done in minutes) I had hoped to get a puzzle for each day to Xmas done, but not now.

    So it's not ready. So here's the title screen. WIP.

    I do have another logic game that is fully playable, but probably very buggy ready(ish) for tomorrow though.
    Tue, 04 Dec 2018, 16:55
    Aye, that s makes more sense for certain! Thanks Jay

    Web / Game Dev, occasionally finishes off coding games also!
    Tue, 04 Dec 2018, 16:56
    Day 4: now with carriages, and slightly less wonky textures. All aboard!

    I'm certainly intending to keep at this every day, although I might be away from the internet for a few days around the weekend. I'll still have my laptop with me, so there might just end up being a glut of things I made when I get back!

    > Reveal 🔎

    A mushroom a day keeps the doctor away...

    Keep It Simple, Shroom!
    Tue, 04 Dec 2018, 17:22
    So cute

    Day Five

    AL continues his choonage.
    : Download

    Meanwhile, my content is a new puzzle for Foldapuz.
    Some of those "Make links between the pairs" puzzles.

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