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Socoder -> Festive Threads -> Advent of Creativity 2

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Sat, 30 Nov 2019, 06:24

Advent of Creativity 2

Welcome to the second Advent of Creativity

Over the course of Advent (December 1st to 24th, and maybe 25th if you're feeling super-productive) your challenge is to post something new to the forum.
You can be as creative as you feel, posting any or all content that you'd like, as long as it shows an ounce of creativity.

What's Allowed

  • Write a poem.
  • Make a little tune.
  • Create some sprites.
  • Build up a selection of sound effects.
  • Make a silly little tool that creates lovely patterns.
  • Post an imaginative photo of your pet each day.
  • Doodle a picture of a scene from your favourite Xmas movie.

    I certainly don't expect anyone to have time to make a game each day, but maybe if you're aiming to release a Xmas game towards the end of the month, you could post a daily update blog, and some of the assets as you go along.

    Really, anything goes, as long as there's creativity involved.


    The postings begin on December 1st.
    You might want to make frequent use of the [spoiler] tags!


    Consider yourself "Winning!" if you can keep up the rate of one creative post a day over the whole event.
    Since it's unfair to those of us who have busy and active lives, it's been decided that this won't be a true competition, but it is at least something to keep us active.
    I do hope you all join in, even if you don't quite manage to keep up the daily rate.

    Be creative.
    Be happy.
    Be festive!!

    ''Load, Next List!''
  • Sat, 30 Nov 2019, 14:09
    Do we have to be happy or festive?
    Sat, 30 Nov 2019, 14:29
    Creativity can be anything!
    Sun, 01 Dec 2019, 04:57

    Day One

    Today, I made a game!.. Well, ok, Yesterday I made a game..!!
    > Reveal 🔎

    .. And don't be expecting a game a day! I'm not THAT crazy.

    ''Load, Next List!''
    Sun, 01 Dec 2019, 11:33
    Last year I made a bunch of models in Blender. This year, my medium of choice is... ShaderToy. Similarly to last year, I have a little bit of experience in this kind of thing, but not a lot. So let's see how this goes!

    For Day 1, here's a simple snowy scene: www.shadertoy.com/view/wsKSW3. The flakes are super weird shapes, but you get the idea.

    (would be cool if there was some way to embed these in forum posts... ShaderToy provides some html iframe code that looks like this:
    , if that's an easy thing to support?)

    A mushroom a day keeps the doctor away...

    Keep It Simple, Shroom!
    Sun, 01 Dec 2019, 11:42
    How well does the browser react to having lots of them, though?
    Does it auto-load and start up, or does it wait until clicked?

    ''Load, Next List!''
    Sun, 01 Dec 2019, 11:50
    As far as I can tell, when paused they don't do any processing beyond rendering the first frame, and it looks like the 'paused=true' argument in the url should make them start that way. So in theory so long as they start in that paused state (and are put behind spoiler tags to conserve space) then it might not be too bad?

    Trying to search the ShaderToy website definitely freezes my fairly weak laptop, though - but I think the search results page is trying to run several dozen of them animated at once, rather than starting paused...

    A mushroom a day keeps the doctor away...

    Keep It Simple, Shroom!
    Mon, 02 Dec 2019, 05:18

    Day Two

    Since this month is "Don't worry about doing 4 games a week, and calm down a bit, ffs!" month, I've elected to try to fix up a few issues that have cropped up along the way. (Feel free to suggest bugs I can fix, and features I can add, in and around the site!)

    Yesterday I turned my attention to the Maze Generation of Foldapuz, and managed to whip up a Depth First generator.

    Sourcecode (BlitzMax)

    Or you can Download it here

    Run the proggy and it makes a maze.
    Hit Spacebar for another maze with the same settings, or R to randomize the settings.
    Click any two points to find a path between them.

    Works great, and once converted to PHP, should be fairly useful in all the mazes that the Foldapuz site generates.

    ''Load, Next List!''
    Mon, 02 Dec 2019, 15:40

    Before I see myself out for that highly original pun, here's my Day 2 ShaderToy. Inspired by the discovery that I can make a buffer feed back into itself across frames, I decided to try and make some kind of particle-y thing. I'm not entirely convinced this turned out all that exciting to look at, but it was an interesting learning experience nonetheless. I recommend viewing in fullscreen, which looks a bit better than in small mode.


    (Following Jay's sensible advice, I'll be editing these posts each day to turn the previous embedded shader into just a link, so there should only be at most one embedded shader in the thread at any one time - hopefully this doesn't wreck anyone's browsing! If these turn out to be troublesome for anyone then please do shout and I'll go back to just posting links. And of course, big thanks to Jay for hooking this up! )

    A mushroom a day keeps the doctor away...

    Keep It Simple, Shroom!
    Mon, 02 Dec 2019, 16:31
    Lovely, but simple effect.
    Tue, 03 Dec 2019, 04:30

    Day Three

    I spent some time converting the BlitzMax Generator over into the PHP-based Foldapuz script.
    The resulting upgrade in maze style is really quite significant.

    Left = Old, Right = New

    I now need to figure out how to cut a hole in the maze, so that it creates a loop rather than just a straight path. That'll be for the "Four of Hearts" game.
    Other than that, though, I'm fairly happy with how smoothly it went, and it has indeed sped up quite significantly from my old "randomly splodge dots about, until a path is formed" method of making the mazes!!

    Once that was sorted, I then made a new word game for Foldapuz.
    Word Flower sees you having to take the central letter and add it to each of the other words, and unscramble them to form a number of 5 letter words.

    After that.. I was all creativitied out, and spent the night watching Netflix!

    ''Load, Next List!''
    Tue, 03 Dec 2019, 06:32
    Woa, that shadertoy is impressive! I was curious and went to the site. Looked for Minecraft and they had a mini minecraft game there.

    Nice that it can be used on socoder now!

    Great stuff guys on the creative front. Not feeling productive myself :lazy:
    Tue, 03 Dec 2019, 13:04
    Day 3's ShaderToy is a nice and quick one, using the refract function to do some simple refraction.


    I use some random noise to generate normals for the water 'surface', and use that to refract the image behind. I wasn't expecting random noise to look especially good, but was surprised that it does look water-ish enough!

    I'm thinking that tomorrow I'll try and modify this with a more interesting calculation for the surface normals, perhaps trying to simulate ripples or something.

    A mushroom a day keeps the doctor away...

    Keep It Simple, Shroom!
    Tue, 03 Dec 2019, 14:49
    Oooh, that's lovely!!
    Wed, 04 Dec 2019, 04:25

    Day Four

    I'm finding myself just slipping back into my "Normal" AGameAWeek schedule, and not really doing anything amazingly different specially for Advent.
    Need to try adding a bit more variety to my daily routine.

    View on YouTube

    Thing I made today/yesterday = Only One Balloon. Playable in the Browsercade.

    ''Load, Next List!''
    Wed, 04 Dec 2019, 16:32
    Didn't have much time this evening, so rather than playing with water flow I figured I'd do something 'quick' and combine my snow fall shader with some refraction to make a snow globe. Then I ended up spending ages on it, due to some errors with how I was calculating refraction yesterday and some sloppiness with the maths.

    There's plenty of issues under the surface, but all that matters in art is the end result, right? So here's Day 4's shader, an attempt at a snowglobe:

    A mushroom a day keeps the doctor away...

    Keep It Simple, Shroom!
    Wed, 04 Dec 2019, 16:42
    I thinkyour snowglobe has frosted over - I can't see anything happening!
    Wed, 04 Dec 2019, 16:48
    Press the play button!

    |edit| God, I sound like a right twat, there, don't I!! I didn't mean to say that like I was talking down to you. Sorry..
    Since adding ShaderToy BBCode to the site, it now starts off Paused. Previous to this, you were clicking a link that auto-started the effect. Just wanted to clarify that!! |edit|

    ''Load, Next List!''
    Thu, 05 Dec 2019, 03:32
    I DID press the play button - I waited until at least 45 seconds before replying to the post. I'm not that fucking dumb.

    However, something's different now as it is now showing a globe, even without pressing Play. Last night it was just a muddy/messy white/grey rectangle. And yes it is now working properly when pressing play.
    Thu, 05 Dec 2019, 03:50
    It's not been working at all on iOS. WebGLs disabled by default, and I've been reluctant to turn it on, lest I start going overboard and adding tons of "niceness" to Browsercade that "most" users won't see..

    Which is a shame, 'cos I bet those sorts of things would be great in game..
    Bah, humbug..

    ''Load, Next List!''
    Thu, 05 Dec 2019, 05:05

    Day Five

    I spent a while, yesterday, refreshing the look of the AGameAWeek music player.

    I wanted to do a whole host of little fixes and upgrades, but got stuck on trying to get the thing working "better" on iOS. Unfortunately, there doesn't seem to be a way to get a HTML page to automatically move from track to track, whilst the iOS device is in sleep mode.
    It'll happily play to the end of the current track, but moving on to the next one seems to be impossible unless the page is currently being viewed by the user.
    Understandable, I guess, but a bit of a pain when trying to make a nice music player!!

    What time I DID spend productively, mostly ended up being a retheme of the page, as well as adding in a list of Albums. The album list is currently hard-coded, though. I could really do with rewriting the loader, to get access to ALL of the albums and tracks from the database, and use that instead of having to hard-code it.
    But time wasn't on my side.
    Bah, humbug.

    You can See the results, so far, here.
    I'll probably carry on retweaking that, today.
    .. maybe..

    ''Load, Next List!''
    Thu, 05 Dec 2019, 16:40
    Like Day 2, my Day 5 ShaderToy is an experiment in buffers that feed into themselves. I've been playing a bit of Noita recently, and was inspired to make a very rudimentary falling sand kinda thing. I'm pretending it's falling snow because winter or whatever, but it kinda looks more like salt...

    Anyway, hit play, then click and drag the mouse across the canvas to make some snow. It's got its limitations, but this is what I was able to throw together in an hour.


    A mushroom a day keeps the doctor away...

    Keep It Simple, Shroom!
    Thu, 05 Dec 2019, 16:46

    |update| -=-=- |update|
    ... Hey, if you don't click play, it still does stuff when the mouse is interacting!

    ''Load, Next List!''
    Thu, 05 Dec 2019, 17:13
    Huh... yeah, I guess it must advance one frame for every mouse click / drag. Interesting to know.

    A mushroom a day keeps the doctor away...

    Keep It Simple, Shroom!
    Fri, 06 Dec 2019, 04:12

    Day Six

    Yesterday, I added gradients to the JNK Sprite Generator.

    Yes, it's a bit shit, but come on, I also posted a newsletter, a new ALChoon, and a Petit Switch game yesterday, too!!!!
    That's enough! *cries*

    In addition, though, last night's "Xmas Theme" request from Rockford made me think about how I can texturise the Socoder Logo.

    I'd basically have to "unwrap" the 2D sprite of a 3D sphere, and then make that into a 2D texture that I can wrap back onto a 3D sphere.

    > Reveal 🔎

    ''Load, Next List!''
    Fri, 06 Dec 2019, 13:32
    It's the weekend, which means I've got a bit more time than usual. So I've decided to try my hand at some raytracing - a fairly popular thing to do on ShaderToy, it seems! I'm probably going to do a few of these, making improvements and additions each time.

    For Day 6, this first attempt sets up all the maths for casting rays at a sphere and a skybox, having worked out the equations on a piece of paper. It also has some very naive diffuse lighting and scenery reflection. Looks a bit weird though because I've not gone and looked up any proper lighting formulae or done any gamma correction or anything like that - those are for future days! But this is a good jumping off point for future work.


    A mushroom a day keeps the doctor away...

    Keep It Simple, Shroom!
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