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Socoder -> Hardware and Technology -> Turning Off

Mon, 06 Jun 2022, 16:44

Turning Off

How often do you turn off (power down) your computer?
For me, very rarely, but the MacBook is quite energy efficient, and the old MacMini is .. ... efficient enough!
Do you turn off at night?
How worried are you about the power it's using?

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Tue, 07 Jun 2022, 00:27
I leave the laptops and the Ipad connected to the charger. But I close the lids or power down and the Ipad auto turns off. Years ago I tried to run cancer research screensavers and leave laptops running day and night. But after a while a fan started making a weird noise. Laptops are not build for that I think.

My energy contract ends this month and turns into variable pricing. I think it might be 4x for electricity next month.
Tue, 07 Jun 2022, 01:00
Turn off everything. Unplug if no switch at the wall especially chargers. My electric bill alone is between £20 and £30 a week for four people. That's double compared to this time last year.

Only devices I leave on are the fridge, and freezer and other essential devices such as power to boiler. Non essential devices I leave on (I think) is the set top TV box as it records stuff and the router.

If you want to try saving, the only way to know for sure is to try switching it off at night or when not in use, for a couple of weeks then compare your bill or smart meter data.

I'm with octopus and don't have smart meters, but I can give meter readings any time I want and I get a bill right away. Monitoring the £££ works the best for me.

Incidentally on topic of saving energy (and I think I have mentioned this before), octopus ran this energy efficiency challenge before Christmas and one of the tips to save on gas for people with combi boilers was to reduce the temperature settings on the boiler itself for water and rads. The default radiator temperature on most is set high and it turns out you don't need it to be.

The way they described it was it is like a car: you can put your foot down on the accelerator or just ease off, you still get to your destination but the latter will use less petrol. Same for the heating, ease off on the temperature on the boiler and you'll use less gas.

In my case it saved a noticeable amount, enough to pay for leaving several computers on 24/7 I'd bet. My room thermostat remains the same and I didn't notice the rooms warming up any slower so definately was worth doing for me.

Andy H
8-bit games at www.hewco.uk
Cartoons at awful.ovine.net
Ovine at ovine.net
Tue, 07 Jun 2022, 01:58
I turn off and unplug my lappy every night and put it away in a laptop bag.
Tue, 07 Jun 2022, 02:15
Only stuff left switched on overnight is the fridge freezer, rarely use the main puter now as it uses way more leccy than the laptop does.

I guess the mobile is left on to charge overnight sometimes also.

Web / Game Dev, occasionally finishes off coding games also!
Tue, 07 Jun 2022, 05:05
I use hibernate on my desktop, with the occasional restart. I only power down completely if I'm going to be out for a long time.
Tue, 07 Jun 2022, 05:11
The NAS is on 24/7, but turning it off doesn't impact the number on the little smart-meter doohickey, so .. Guess that's not using "too" much.!?!

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Tue, 07 Jun 2022, 05:15
FTI : This thread was spawned by an email conversation yesterday..

Wait all day for some money to arrive in my account so I can move it to where it’s needed. It finally arrives, after I’ve shutdown my PC.

I read that and my head instantly went "Gosh, I haven't had that issue in a long time. I just pick the laptop up and open it up again!"
It seems such an outdated notion to have to ... wait ... to boot your PC back up again!

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Tue, 07 Jun 2022, 05:29
These things aren't as power hungry as your washing machine or othe big devices, so you won't see much in real time.

The difference at the moment in the uk is cost; your daily standing charge and your unit usage cost.

* You can't do anything about the standing charge, that is obviously taken not matter what you use each day. For electric last year this was 22.48p per day, now it's around 48p per day and will jump up higher later iin the year.

* for usage, its gone from 16.1p /kWh to 27.86p /kWh.

So bills will be more expensive no matter what. The extent is magnified by usage.

In 80's and 90's you would be talking pennies savings for switching off what's not being used. In 2000's its pounds. Today the savings are likely to me more noticeable. We certainly have more devices than we had in the 80's, but at least they tend to be more energy efficient. 🙂

I'm now in the grumpy old man stage of life, so these things are suddenly more important to me... You can ignore my rantings as 'old man shakes fist at cloud' Haha

Andy H
8-bit games at www.hewco.uk
Cartoons at awful.ovine.net
Ovine at ovine.net
Tue, 07 Jun 2022, 05:34

FTI : This thread was spawned by an email conversation yesterday..

Wait all day for some money to arrive in my account so I can move it to where it’s needed. It finally arrives, after I’ve shutdown my PC.

I read that and my head instantly went "Gosh, I haven't had that issue in a long time. I just pick the laptop up and open it up again!"
It seems such an outdated notion to have to ... wait ... to boot your PC back up again!

Interesting. Not had that problem for a long time. Phones and tablets are always on, my laptop take about 25 seconds to be running full speed at the desktop from a cold boot.

Andy H
8-bit games at www.hewco.uk
Cartoons at awful.ovine.net
Ovine at ovine.net
Tue, 07 Jun 2022, 06:25
The European Union wants to increase the minimum wages by 40% Here it is 10 a hour. Aimed to go to 14 a hour.
With that in mind I think there wil be some home heating possible again. This without going into debt. There wil be a purchasing power minimum.
Tue, 07 Jun 2022, 07:11
Just what I didn't want to hear, the more you increase the minimum wage the lower the spread there can be between jobs, this, in turn cuts out a section of the job market as just not being worth peoples while. I've thought for a while that the minimum wage should be abolished to help set the natural order of companies that are considered desirable to work for, more power to the market in general.

Web / Game Dev, occasionally finishes off coding games also!
Tue, 07 Jun 2022, 07:53
I think the minimum wage is probably important for folk stuck in a dead end shitty convenience store job, whose boss would happily pay them peanuts if they were allowed to..


Money is the cause of a billion problems. The sooner we get to a Star Trek "No Money" utopia, the better.

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Tue, 07 Jun 2022, 08:13
Meanwhile. Elon Musk mentioned his simple labor robot wil be ready in September. It can fasten screws and go get groceries I wonder how that is going to shape the world.
Tue, 07 Jun 2022, 08:27
There will never be that utopia through ,so long as there exists beach front property and other rare, valued items.

But, if they stayed at that job then more fool them for letting their employer get away with that, you'd find the better staff would migrate to higher paying companies that value quality more, thus making the jobs market more robust overall. It would essentially establish a natural balance as opposed to being forced by the hand of a governing body.

Conversely, putting up the minimum wage really reduces peoples want to work for higher paying, more stressful jobs when the difference between them and the minimum wage is lessened.

I wish Elon would get back to making Cat Girls

Web / Game Dev, occasionally finishes off coding games also!
Tue, 07 Jun 2022, 08:34
I put the pc in the sleep mode (win 10) when i'm going afk for a longer period of time.
Over night, while sleeping i'm listening to some sounds and the mpc-be is activating the stand-by mode.
I'm having a sandboxie and a ram disk running, and sometime i leave some of the files in there, so i try to avoid the shutdowns/restarts.

The pc gets restarted only by the windows updates.