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Socoder -> Sony Gaming -> Getting My Play (stati) On

Mon, 19 Aug 2013, 07:22

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Mon, 19 Aug 2013, 09:28

Wed, 21 Aug 2013, 09:13

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Wed, 21 Aug 2013, 09:27
With little big planet, my main problem is using an analog stick to play a damned platformer. This can be overcom however, by plugging in a generic usb gamepad that enables you to turn off the analog sticks and use the dpad in their place!! The stupid little sackboy still tends to jump back and forth between the layers whenever he feels like it though. And yes, way, way, way too floaty.

Check out my excellent homepage!
Wed, 21 Aug 2013, 10:27
I just couldn't get into LBP at all. Dull.

PS3 is awful for updates. And they are all terribly slooooooooooooow.

The worst example of total shit was Disgaea 3 (IIRC), which when putting in a brand new, just released game - took 3+ HOURS to install and update. 3+ FUCKING HOURS!!!! Waiting for Sultan's Maze to load on the CPC was hell at 17mins, but 3+ fucking hours? Unbelievable. Even pc games don't take that long.

I was well pissed that day. When you see "Approx. 3 hours wait" on any loading bar, you think - yeah, that's going to go down soon, you know, like Microsoft update bars. It didn't.

But not only do you have to wait for the update download, afterwards it then installs it. Another long wait. XBox360 has the same number of updates for games, but they never take an age to load and then install quickly/seemlessly.

I really hope PS4 fixes that.
Wed, 21 Aug 2013, 13:15
The only way to fix that is have studios actually finish a game BEFORE selling it. Not going to happen. I miss the old days of gaming.

Check out my excellent homepage!
Wed, 21 Aug 2013, 13:56
I actually really enjoyed LBP. Admittedly the tutorial section isn't super exciting, but once you get into the main game things become a bit more challenging.

A mushroom a day keeps the doctor away...

Keep It Simple, Shroom!
Wed, 21 Aug 2013, 14:15
I find it challenging enough floating about all over the place and hardly controlling the little guy.

Check out my excellent homepage!
Thu, 22 Aug 2013, 05:06
Downloaded the demo.
Garish background colours, vs slightly darker lemming sprites = practically fucking unplayable mess.

Bad, bad, bad...

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Thu, 22 Aug 2013, 05:48
Had my second play of Battle Royale. It's not bad, but it's no SmashBros!

I found N2O in the PSOne store, so I might dump my debit card's details on here, later, and grab that. It's a cracking shooter, and it's nice and cheap, too!!

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Thu, 22 Aug 2013, 09:06
PS3 originally launched with PS2 compatibility, but they eventually stripped it out, to keep things cheaper.
I knew that...

What I didn't know, was that it was also PS1 compatible.. And they left that bit in!!!

My Playstation collection got a play, today.
In fact, so far, I've played much more of my PS1 collection, and had much more fun out of it, than my PS3 collection.

\O/yeay\o/ for Parappa!! And Um Jammer Lammy!! And Vib Ribbon!!!
All, finally, playable fully without emulator slowdown, or anything.

Kick ass!!!!

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Thu, 22 Aug 2013, 12:11
Yeah, I've played many a PS1 game on my PS3. The original Worms game gets a dusting off and play every so often.

I really wish that PS2 compatibility had been left in - I've still got some unused PS2 games to play (although I do still have a PS2, it's in my son's room, who's on his XBox360 25 hours of the day).

One of these days I'll get around to Rogue Planet, Breath Of Fire IV, Final Fantasy 10 etc. etc. etc.
Sun, 25 Aug 2013, 06:37

Had to delete a bunch of files, this morning.
Seems that, with all these multi-gig updates, the PS3-12Gb's small amount of free space is even smaller.
I was down to 6856Mb, which is nowhere near enough for GTAV's 8Gb Mandatory Install..

After deleting both the Little Big Planet update, and the Playstation All-Stars one, I got it back up to 9Gb. Should suffice.
Kind of annoying to have to do that, but.. Whatever..
Guess I might end up buying one of those new-fangled "Hard Drive!" things, after all..
.. we'll wait and see how much use it gets, first, though.

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Sun, 25 Aug 2013, 11:28
can't you just upgrade the HD with a decent sized one? The older PS3s all use standard HDs which can easily be swapped in/out (although not tried this myself).
Sun, 25 Aug 2013, 11:38
Checked online the other day, and the slim requires a 2.5 incher.. I'm currently leaving it until I find myself actually playing the thing.. If I find I'm only ever either playing ps1 games, or just GTAV, then there's really no point in faffing about with it.
We'll see how it goes.

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Sun, 25 Aug 2013, 17:12
I haven't seen anyone tell you to get Journey, so get Journey. It's on the PSN store.
Sun, 25 Aug 2013, 17:25
People have told me to get Journey!
Currently saving every ounce of space for GTAV.

I have a list for post GTAV. If I find that I'm actually playing the thing, I'll upgrade it, and start throwing money at it, but I'm reluctant to do that straight away, given the fact that I've already grown bored with both Playstation All Stars and Little Big Planet.
.. I'm really not a good player!!

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