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SoCoder -> Blogs Home -> Blogs

Created : 08 February 2010
System : Windows

Dogs and Why You Shouldn't Own One

An encyclopœdic database of everything you didn't want to know about dogs

This actually has nothing to do with dogs. I don't like them, but it's unrelated.

I've been rather busy lately, mainly with homework (or rather, I've got homework to do, and in my effort to do things efficiently, I have managed to do close to nothing at all, as usual), which means I haven't had a lot of time to do much of any coding. No time to spend on the code to handle by-ref methods in ooc, no time to fiddle with Snow, no time to work on the really cool things that nobody else thinks are cool but they're wrong because I think they're cool. So what is this blog post? It is a celebration.

What am I celebrating, you ask? No, actually, you didn't ask that, but you read it and that counts as an indirect injection of questionitis. You've asked it by virtue of having read it as a question. That aside, I am celebrating the cleaning of my desk. You see, it used to look like this:

I know what you're thinking, it's horrible. But I can explain. That wasn't my fault. It's Afr0's. I don't know how it is Afr0's fault, but I will find a way to blame him, and it will make sense. More on that later. What it now looks like is something I actually haven't taken a picture of, but I can assure you a trash bag was involved and somewhere along the way I did my maths homework, some linguistics homework, did some reading for symbolic logic, neglected my single-credit English class, and tried to motivate myself to read more poetry for literature class. Not that reading poetry takes much motivation, it just happens to be far less interesting than trying to write your own browser.

So hurrah, I actually did something today. Good for me, I deserve a pat on the back. And Afr0 deserves scolding for messing up my desk like that. Should be ashamed of himself. Nevertheless, I prevailed, and my schedule is better off for it.



Monday, 08 February 2010, 01:23
Come on Afr0!
Monday, 08 February 2010, 01:39
Productive without an untidy desk? Nonsense. I don't believe you.
Monday, 08 February 2010, 04:23
It wasn't me.
I know this simple fact because if it was me, that wouldn't be Pepsi and Mountain Dew on your desk, but Vodka and Red Bull.
Monday, 08 February 2010, 10:46
Drunk blog post. ^
Monday, 08 February 2010, 22:00
Its good to know you've accomplished something. Sometimes I get lots of stuff done, but at the end of the day I still have important things to do, and I wonder what I did all day that killed my time. I forget about all the things that I did get done, like cleaning my room, doing dishes, fixing another project that needed more attention. But all those other things ar important too.

At one time I started making a list, of everything I got done each day, just to know that I got stuff done. Some days had more done than others, but I could tell that I was getting things done each day.