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SoCoder -> Blogs Home -> Blogs

Created : 04 March 2010
System : Linux

Periplum Mockup

Browser for Android OS

Periplum is an idea I've had for a browser for Android since looking at a few different mobile browsers. Most of them don't really handle tabs the way I'd like, so this is kind of an attempt to come up with what I want to see, and partly as a goal for what I'm going to be working on in my spare time.

Right now I'm still familiarizing myself with the Android SDK, and most of it seems to be done in such a way that what I'm doing now should be easy enough. The real trouble is working with Java, which is up there as one of the worst languages I've ever had the pleasure of using. I've never seen a language where you had to have 120 lines of code just to import the classes you want to use, but Java has shown me this is quite possible. The degree to which the language assumes you're mentally ill, lobotomized, and retarded is just astounding. Perl is still worse, but Java is pretty close on the scale of "fuck yes" to "fuck no" (Perl and Java being at the far end of "fuck no").

Anyhow, that up there is the mock-up and there's not much else to say for now.



Thursday, 04 March 2010, 02:37
Looks neat enough. A nice idea having the thumbnail list onscreen alongside the browser, too.
Good luck with Java!
Thursday, 04 March 2010, 02:50
Looks nice, but are most mobile phone screens high-enough resolution to be able to make out tiny thumbnails?
Thursday, 04 March 2010, 03:52
If you're just browsing a site like that, no, not really.. But if you've Socoder on one page, Retro Remakes on another, BBC News on a third, and Google on the fourth.. you can see those!!
Thursday, 04 March 2010, 08:24
The Droid and Nexus One are both 854x480 (and for some reason the mockup pictures are 848x480, even though the source files are 854x480), so they're high-res enough. Seeing as how they make up the majority of Android users, it's not that big of a deal. I don't have any plans to support lower-end models with very small screen resolutions (240x320, 240x400— I might try to support 320x480, but I don't know). It'll require Android 2.0 in the first place, so that stops most Android phones running worse screens from being on the list of things to support in the first place.

Considering I've already tested stuff like thumbnails (they need not all be tiny, they could be a portion of what's visible) to see how well they work, I'm pretty confident that unless you're blind, you'll be able to identify a tab from its thumbnail and nail.