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SoCoder -> Blogs Home -> Blogs

Created : 09 July 2007

Taking up guitar again

and i already forget just about everything...

I played classical acoustic guitar for a good 4 years of my life, and I decided I'd try and take it up again. So, I pulled out the old guitar, worked on tuning it for a good time, yet I can't find any of my old music. Which is unfortunate because I also had a lot of the stuff for learning which note is where on the guitar, and a lot of basic sheet music but also some more complicated music. From memory, I've successfully been able to play Ode to Joy, but that's about it. I have a bit of My Country Tis of Thee (though sketchy at some points) from memory as well.

I remember I used to love playing Greensleeves, but I can't remember it, and when i found the music online I stared at the sheet music for about a half an hour trying to remember what goes where.

So, I suppose its back to basics for me and really learning how to read music again and then I'll get around to playing it .



Monday, 09 July 2007, 15:00
Good luck taking it back up, I really admire people who can play musical instruments - I never really found one I enjoyed playing, guess it's just not for me
Monday, 09 July 2007, 15:01
Oh cool, good luck with it

I've got my dad's old guitar decomposing in a cupboard somewhere, but I'm so musically inept that I'm doing the world a favour by leaving it there!

Hey, have fun.
Monday, 09 July 2007, 15:07
Good luck getting back to where you were. And be sure to grab us a few MP3's along the way
Monday, 09 July 2007, 20:52
Haha, if I get the sound clean again I'll record something for ya'll, but don't expect anything in the near future
Tuesday, 10 July 2007, 19:28
Trooper David
I hear ya. I gave up mine 2 years ago. I gave it up, because somebody called my stuff old. Van Halen old? I originally started playing at the age of 6, and was playing it, till 2 years ago.

I never had a teacher, but nobody ever knew the difference. I used to do my own version of the Star Spangel Banner- Eddie Van Halen style. The song started out by hiting strings like a war air siren, and ended it by taking wammy bar and sinking it. Then finger tapping the rest(well most of it) everybody thought Van halen wrote it, and I was doing a copy of it LOL. I had so much fun till somebody called me old.
Wednesday, 11 July 2007, 08:41
power mousey
um excuse me...does the accordion count?

I used to play the accordion.
Other 'normal' kids were playing outside and
with such games as baseball, cops and robbers,
kick the can, hide and go seek.
But I was in the family room for about 3 hours a day
getting down and polka playin the Poodle Stomp song
on my accordion.

I was the Polka Meister of the family.
Although, I like to play poker a lot afterwards too.
Wednesday, 11 July 2007, 08:54
My mum's got an accordion, but she's not yet bothered to learn how to play it..

Seems a waste.

Maybe I should give it a go, and we can get together for a Polka Party
Wednesday, 11 July 2007, 09:00
power mousey
true, you got it.

We'd be the new Schmenge brothers.
A la John Candy and Eugene Levy from SCTV.

hey, yeah lets Party Polka and with lots
of Pringles, Poker and Beer too.
Wednesday, 11 July 2007, 17:33
Hey, no music is ever old! If I'm playing stuff from centuries ago I think you have the right to play Van Halen! If someone can't have an appreciation for music more than a few years old then they are very narrow-minded individuals. I say, keep it up and play it up, expand your horizons even!

Even polka! I might not have a great appreciation for it, but that doesn't mean its bad music, keep it up all!
Thursday, 12 July 2007, 05:03
power mousey
that is so true, Instinct.
and Van Halen......Jump dude!!

I even love the Peter,Paul, Mary song
of 'I Dig Rock n Roll Music' and especially love
the California Dreaming Song by the Mamas and Papas too.
I even like the Beach Boys version too.
Although, the author or contributor to Wikipeia got it wrong about the song.


the song was not written in 1963 by John and Michelle
Phillips. Its an old jazz song from the 1920's.
Perhaps the Phillips modified and innnovated the song.
But they did not write it originally. It was written and sung by a jazz musician from the 1920. Singing and talking about fame and fortune in California.
My mom even has the song. She got it from buying this
cd pack of 75 Sentimental love songs thru the years of the 1920s up to the 1960s. I have heard it a couple of times.
I wish I can remember the name of the musician.

You should hera it...he snaps his fingers and stomps his foot and sings/says "Cal-i-for-nia Dreamin
I say Cal-i-for-nia Dreaminn
and then sings his version strumming a banjo.
Its a slower version of the song.

power mousey