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SoCoder -> Newsletter Home -> Newsletter

Created : 12 March 2020
Edited : 12 March 2020

#458 - Newsdream

Weekly Newsletter

; Newsdream

#458 - Thursday 12th March, 2020

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Every Thursday, Washing my hands


; Hello World

Bit of a quiet week, this week.
I can only assume that everyone's just desperately trying to get on with their lives, even though we're all pretty much fucked at this point.
Giant Fires, tons of flooding, plagues of insects, and now .. pretty much the actual plague!!
We're all well and truly screwed!!

And so... The coding continues


; Complicated Flapping

Rychan's Flap Happy game gets a few steps closer. From printing methods, to a surprising development as he attempt to write his own chips, to go inside his own NES carts!
I honestly thought he was going to be getting them made, like he did his previous Gameboy games.
Crazy stuff!!

; Melody Maker

Pakz buys a lovely little Bluetooth Keyboard (of the piano variety) for his iPad.
I look forward to hearing the output!


; Bloodred

This week, the site seems to have picked "Bloodred" as a word. I'm not 100% sure it is all one word, myself, but I know that if I dare to argue, it'll probably ban my IP again like it did earlier on in the week.
Have to be nice to the site.
The site is lovely.
Sidebars are awesome.


; Don't Go Outside

As the coronavirus takes control, the world's rapidly closing its doors, country by country.
Italy's already in lockdown, schools shut down, shops closed, people asked to self-isolate.
Scary shit..
In generations to come, the survivors will study the lessons we learn, today, and try their best never to repeat the stupid moronic decisions that the UK and US governments are making.

.. Either that, or they'll carry on eating each other's brains and not really be all that worried about how things have turned out.


; Dwarfiness

A trailer for Red Dwarf's 13th outing has been launched, alongside the reveal of the title.
"The Promised Land" harkens back to the very early episodes.

; Titler Tweaking

Jay fixed up a couple of bits and pieces in his Javascript based Titler, this week, mostly to do with randomisation.
Today he started work on the Gradient feature, but it's strangely glitchy when it tries to do things. Silly Jay. Can't ever seem to get things working the way he wants.
He should probably plan ahead a little more often.


; Sontendo

The Sony/Nintendo SNES/PlayStation prototype console went on sale, and .. sold.. well enough..
If I suddenly had that much money, I certainly wouldn't grumble!

; Well Wishes

@MaggieLou87 has been undergoing her first week of Cancer treatment, this week, and her first Chemo was this morning.
Send Well-wishes, and happy thoughts.

Blood Red Tube

Thought I'd try something a bit different, this week, and try popping the Word of the Week into Youtube, to see what pops up..

; Music

View on YouTube

; Fruit


; Relaxing

Look at the sunset, and dream about an island getaway..

; vs Snowball



; An Old Friend

How're you doing, Buster?

View on YouTube

; Epic Kitty Action


; Water

Tom discusses Dasani Water.
(Wonderful single take video, btw!)

And then he and Ashens try it.
(Also in one take)


; Toaster

An exceeding expensive toaster

View on YouTube

; Janeway, She Wrote

Pushing Up Roses enjoys a Voyage of the Damned

; Poker

Adam makes a table

60s Cover Corner

View on YouTube



TVCover Corner

View on YouTube




VGRemix Corner

View on YouTube



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