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Socoder -> In-Development -> NOT Inferno (WIP title)

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Sun, 20 Aug 2017, 14:27
Might be! At this stage it's about cramming in as much flexibility as possible. Some enemies will be easy pickings, others will be deadly. And the cool part is they're all powered by the same code, just with different parameters fed to it.
Sun, 20 Aug 2017, 14:37
That's the best way to do baddies.
All the same, but with different "brains".

Be sure to get your menus working with controllers, so it's easier when you have to inevitably have to port it to the awaiting Consoles!!!

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Sun, 20 Aug 2017, 14:39
Got to add gamepad support anyway, even for the PC brigade. Not sure how at this stage as I'm trying to avoid Unity's Input Manager as it doesn't let you remap key bindings at runtime. Thus far there doesn't seem to be a way of handling joystick input without it.
Sun, 20 Aug 2017, 14:43
At least we've got more-or-less standardised controllers, nowadays. Even the Switch's individual joycons have at least an analogue stick, two shoulder buttons and four face buttons.
If you could aim for that, but with bonus buttons when available, that should suffice for most systems.

(Be sure to add invert-Y options for the bloody X360 controller!)

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Sun, 20 Aug 2017, 14:45
I'm sure the Unity people have already thought of most of this, to be honest. It's just that.... I dunno... without having tried adding any gamepad support as yet, the solution isn't exactly presenting itself very well. Given that the helicopter controls are done, it's probably something I should tackle before much longer, and hopefully it'll all become clear. :/
Sun, 20 Aug 2017, 14:59
Yeah, best to get that stuff working as well as possible. You don't want it feeling like a cobbled together add-on!!

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Mon, 21 Aug 2017, 02:29
With the weapon payloads you keep saying your going to rename them, just wondering why? Copyright or something?
Mon, 21 Aug 2017, 02:53
Copyright or something?

That's a good start, but I'd also mention anal retentives - they're the ones that know everything about everything and if you get something wrong - eg the "blast radius is too small" or "bomb crater would be deeper" - then they'll happily tell the world that "THIS GAME SUXXORZ R3AL B4D."
Mon, 21 Aug 2017, 03:22
Well... the helicopter isn't an AH-64 - it's more of a hybrid RAH-66 with AH-64 weapons config, but neither the AH-64 or the RAH-66 has retractable landing gear. In short it isn't a helicopter that exists in the real world so it wouldn't make sense to have real world weapons.

Also, it wont be taking place in any specific theatre which gives me freedom to base enemy tanks on anything I want - not specifically Iraqi, Russian, Afghan etc. The tanks so far are modeled from real ones but I'll call them something else.

Plus... yeah I don't want to go down the road of arguing about mundane things like the elevation rate of a Topol missile launcher. If it ain't called Topol, there's no case to argue.
Mon, 21 Aug 2017, 09:51
They are fighting back. REPEAT.... THEY ARE FIGHTING BACK!!

This bad bastard carries eight SA-19 SAMs as well as a 30mm dual-barreled cannon - employing the multiple-weapons-per-vehicle I was on about before.

Question tho... should it fire the eight missiles it's got, then that's it? Or should it have unlimited ones? It's cannons are unlimited but I'm not sure on the missiles. Makes it more deadly if they're unlimited, but on the other hand if it has limited missiles, you can get it to fire them all before going in for the kill.

The missiles are contained in launch tubes so it wouldn't look massively odd if they were unlimited.
Mon, 21 Aug 2017, 10:00
Interesting dilemma. The logic of realism, vs the difficulty of the game.

I'd say go for game mechanics, and have unlimited ammo.
But, maybe have a realism option in the option screen...?

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Mon, 21 Aug 2017, 15:12
I'm for the limited ammo option - it always pisses me off when a game limits your ammo/fuel etc. but not the enemy's. You can get them to refill at a (unlimited) supply depot then re-deploy. Then you get the best of both worlds.
Mon, 21 Aug 2017, 15:36
Animate little army dudes running about, carrying extra missiles, trying to resupply it!!!

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Mon, 21 Aug 2017, 16:01
Sand worms... that's all I'm sayin
Mon, 21 Aug 2017, 16:07
Animate little army dudes running about, carrying extra missiles, trying to resupply it!!!
I'm all for suspension of reality, but I'm pretty sure that little army dudes running around mid-battle, carrying eight 30KG rockets with an armed vicious bastard helicopter swooping down overhead, might be a step too far.

Sand worms... that's all I'm sayin
You can get cream for that.
Fri, 25 Aug 2017, 06:24
Fucking EEK!

Decided that before I go much further, as it's all getting rather complicated, I should go over what I've done so far and make notes of every parameter etc I need to set up per vehicle within Unity. Vehicles are generally made of three components; a chassis, at least one turret, and at least one barrel per turret. In addition, each 'barrel' can be either a cannon, or represent some sort of missile launcher. There can be multiple turrets per chassis, and multiple barrels per turret.

This is page one. There's a few on page two, as well. Still need to add in support for making the left/right wheels rotate/turn but since I'm currently working with the 2K22 Tunguska, which doesn't have a proper texture so you can't see the wheels rotating, and they don't turn as they run on tracks, I'll get to that later.

Fri, 25 Aug 2017, 07:06
Good lord, that's a lot of parameters!!!!
Fri, 25 Aug 2017, 08:40
Spent two fucking hours wondering why the tank refuses to shoot the player when the helicopter is above the tank. Gun barrel was being reported as 20° away from it's target, when it only fires within 5°. Yet it was visibly pointing directly at the target. WTAF??

Took me all that time to realise that on a dual-barrel cannon like the 2K22 has, the barrel offset from the turret makes a MASSIVE difference - big enough to make the difference between firing and NOT firing, and this becomes more pronounced when there isn't a lot of planar difference between the position of the player and the tank. Once I realised what the problem was, ten-second fix.

Tue, 05 Sep 2017, 03:40
Lil update.... physics!

Basically, when you blow stuff up, rigidbodies are enabled and Unity's physics engine takes over with an explosion force applied from below. On lighter vehicles (this is a 6 metric tonne Ural), they can go flying upside down, whereas a 40-tonne tank will barely rock on it's wheels.
Tue, 05 Sep 2017, 03:45
Oooh, fizzicks! Lovely stuff.

Hopefully you'll be including some kind of sandbox mode, where you just fly around blowing shit up and causing chain reaction explosions and stuff!?

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Tue, 05 Sep 2017, 07:44


I've done that to myself today... Plugged the HDMI cable into the back of the PC, "No signal" showing up on the tele... Thought "Shite", give everything a wiggle, nowt, put HDMI cable out, then in, then out, shaked it all about... Still nowt... Check my HDMI splitter, then the tele, check the source... All that bollocks!

Scratching my head looking down, it dawned on me, I never actually plugged the HDMI cable on the graphics card, I shoved it in the onboard one... D'oh!!!

Anyway, game looks lovely... Hurry up and finish it, me wanna play!


Intel Core i5 6400 2.7GHz, NVIDIA GeForce GTX 1070 (8GB), 8Gig DDR4 RAM, 256GB SSD, 1TB HDD, Windows 10 64bit
Sun, 10 Sep 2017, 09:31
New vid! \o/

Obvs the soldier is a placeholder for now, but... well... have a look.

Sun, 10 Sep 2017, 09:51

Such a good looking game!
Hurry up

''Load, Next List!''
Sun, 10 Sep 2017, 10:31

Such a good looking game!
Hurry up


Looks brill, cannot wait to chuck the whirly bird about!


Intel Core i5 6400 2.7GHz, NVIDIA GeForce GTX 1070 (8GB), 8Gig DDR4 RAM, 256GB SSD, 1TB HDD, Windows 10 64bit
Tue, 03 Oct 2017, 14:39
Lil update - I am absolute dogshit at modelling people, so opted to buy in a soldier model. I can fanny on with the textures etc to make more soldiers from this base version.

He's running about like a good 'un! Was pretty easy in Unity to get separate upper and lower body blended animation going, so I have have the soldier running, or running and taking aim, or running while throwing a grenade etc, just by modifying the animation from the waist up.

(Zoomed in 2x as he's pretty small, as intended).

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