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Socoder -> Off Topic -> DevCrunch compo

Sat, 16 Dec 2006, 13:12
Considering whether to enter the DevCrunch x-mas compo.

I reckon I could finish in time, although I haven't started, but in a bit of a rush. The art is nearly done, and the concepts are all there...

But I do have another week of exams, even if there is study leave. I want to at least revise French a little, because I don't want to be taking the foundation(basic) French exams for the final GCSEs.

Then again, the prizes, if I make something good, look nice and I personally don't expect little more than five or so serious entries to contend with, assuming that any other entries are rushed "aiming for a runners up prize" entries.

So, a dilemma. I want to code... but don't want to rush, and deadlines become like barriers to me doing anything... And also a five second DevCrunch logo on my game doesn't sound that fun... A button/bit of text, yeah, but the advert feels a bit cold.

I dunno... what should I do... Go for an "aiming for a runners up prize" Christmas pong game? Forget about it all completely and do a small proper christmas game in my own time - maybe as a really amazing Workshop entry?

Anyone else entering from here?

blog | work | code | more code
Sat, 16 Dec 2006, 13:33
I had an idea for a Christmas Cracker RPG. Basically you pull open christmas crackers which hold novelty items like platic rings. Some items are rarer than others and you got to try and collect them all. Some crackers would be faulty and expolde in your face so you have to rest until you get better before opening more crackers.

I dont think i'll get round to it so youre welcome to steal my great idea if you want
Sat, 16 Dec 2006, 15:26
I thin you should enter, make a basic little platformer thing or a shoot-um-up. i agree with you about the spash screen, its annoying, but, whatever. i also agree with you that not many serious entrys will be made, but you never know, there could be people hiding that are making some amazing stuff. I myself am entering, infact, when i get done typeing this im going to go work on it!

Stuff... Yeah...