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Socoder -> Off Topic -> Cross Compilation

Sat, 21 Sep 2013, 04:04
Hey Jay, if I buy monkey do I need an apple developer membership to publish my app or does monkey take care of that? Same for android, etc?

Lava Monkey
Sat, 21 Sep 2013, 04:04
Monkey doesn't natively compile things itself. Instead, monkey takes your code, and translates it into code for the target.

Where most language would have a compiler embedded, monkey is just the middle man between you and the actual compiler.
In the case of Windows exes, it converts your monkey code to c code, then runs it through either VisualC or MinGW to do the actual compiling.
For Android, you need to install the "bloody Java" SDK, which it then uses to compile converted code through.
HTML target simply converts the monkey code into JavaScript.

For iOS and Mac, you will indeed need a Mac, with XCode installed.
Monkey converts your monkey code into obj-C, then pipes it through XCode for compilation.
To test your iOS code on a device, or to sell it in the AppStore, you need a dev-license.
For Mac, you can still currently get away with popping the exe onto your website, but Apple's starting to kill that off. Not a fan of that trend...

So, yeah, if you use monkey and want to target those, you'll also need a Mac do it with.
GLBasic does things differently, though. Although it's been a good couple of years since I last tried it, and it may have changed inbetween, the last I tested it, it cross compiled directly from a Windows system. Might be worth checking that out.

''Load, Next List!''
Sat, 21 Sep 2013, 06:56
...though you still can't get your app on iPpleStore unless you compile it with a Mac. Not entirely sure how they know, but they have a system.

All the raw, animal magnetism of a rutabaga.
Sat, 21 Sep 2013, 07:41
Erg thanks for the write up Jay.

Sadly, it looks like it can get pretty expensive just to startup..

Monkey = $99
Apple dev license = $99/year
Mac = :/ lol

I'm thinking the best way to get my feet wet is to start with Monkey and Android so I don't need to buy a whole new system. That will keep costs at a minimum while I see if I can actually finish a game.

I looked at GLBasic, kind of like getting in a time machine at looking at my old QBasic code. I like the look of Monkey a lot more as it is from Mark.

Lava Monkey
Sat, 21 Sep 2013, 08:41
Yeah, the HTML5 edition is entirely free, so it's a great starting point. With a bit of work, anything you code for one target should happily work with others, so you can plod along and work on a project, then upgrade to Proper iOS Dev when you feel you're ready.

FWIW, as far as "cheap Macs" go, a MacMini is more than enough for compiling with. I know it's still quite a cost, but my current MacMini is a bottom-of-the-range cheapest model from 3 years ago, and it still works a treat.

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Sat, 21 Sep 2013, 08:55
Can you post your specs? It needs to run Xcode is that it?

Lava Monkey
Sat, 21 Sep 2013, 08:58
XCode, and be able to run the most modern edition of XCode, which also requires it can run the latest version of the OS, too..
But anything fairly recent should be able to cope well enough. Probably best to check the OS's requirements, rather than the system's..

As for specs, I'll post 'em later.. I'm still not quite capable of running up and down the stairs for these sorts of minor things

''Load, Next List!''
Tue, 24 Sep 2013, 10:24
Thanks Jay
Tue, 24 Sep 2013, 11:50
Sorry, forgot I was supposed to be posting stats!!

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